Frens trust me buy tron


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LMAO rip

they are fucked

Link is shit

Hows that short working out for you op

How are they gonna shut down the chinks


Tron is located in San Fransisco

Okay, if they are in san fran, they will be prosecuted. They need to move out of the U.S. asap. should also be concerned.

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im so bullish on tron right now, last time an influx of fud on biz was REQ and then it went up 20% the following week

Should've already moved to somewhere the US can't fuck with them. Suppose that will happen soon.

its one guy making all these threads. he shorted tron at ATL

yeah im the guy that said id 50x trx at 330, my order never hit so i had to settle for something slightly worse and no more 50x feelsbadman

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So what... they expected to be Megaupload where someone pays you for stealing? Wtf kind of China shit is this. Do they not expect a kimdotcom level of ops? I want to short justin.

long justin, he's the asian zuckerberg

just remember the 1broker shutdown was caused by an special agent able to use the website without kyc measures in 2016!!!!!

you guys have some good years ahead

Also Shanghai faggots.

Also they will probably partner with a distribution service idiots.

But it doesnt matter because once the cats out of the bag...

tron is fukd

Hey norman, good to see you back here, how did that tron investment go?

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please happen. If there's any justice in this world TRX and XRP will go to 0

based and redpilled






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throw XLM in too, because its run by the same scammer that caused mtgox

I'll never hold any TRX, but they're taking a step in the right direction.
You can warn with fines and prison as much as you want, but if you're smart about it, you simply can not get caught.
This is what blockchain is all about - participation in a truly free market while undermining any authority.
Governments announcing these retarded warnings are an inevitable step and also very bullish for crypto.

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