Invest in China they say.
Invest in China they say
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Its quite funny that burgers get eaten by the chinese.
Chinese food >>>>> American
>let's just build all our critical infrastructure in chink country to make it cheaper. What could possibly go wrong?
And everyone I know wonders why I am afraid of China
How Intel got into anyones computer with their content management engine laid under the processor acting as a hypervisor.
but that's okay bicuz amerikka fuk yeah
VeChain BTFO
I told you guys so many times that chinks are not to be trusted. This goes beyond standard integrated circuit counterfeiting to straight up espionage. You really want to entrust our supply chains to these chinamen? Fucking retards.
This is indeed a consequence of outsourcing. It's also interesting to me that a PCB assembled by chinks made its way into military equipment. Someone either fucked up or turned a blind eye to that.
The chinks have been hoodwinking people for millennia, no surprises here. Next case
Amazon’s security team conducted its own investigation into AWS’s Beijing facilities and found altered motherboards there as well, including more sophisticated designs than they’d previously encountered. In one case, the malicious chips were thin enough that they’d been embedded between the layers of fiberglass onto which the other components were attached
I'm glued to this article. What a time to be alive!
chinks gonna chink, whatchu gonna do
>Mindful of the Elemental findings, Amazon’s security team conducted its own investigation into AWS’s Beijing facilities and found altered motherboards there as well, including more sophisticated designs than they’d previously encountered. In one case, the malicious chips were thin enough that they’d been embedded between the layers of fiberglass onto which the other components were attached, according to one person who saw pictures of the chips.
>In the three years since the briefing in McLean, no commercially viable way to detect attacks like the one on Supermicro’s motherboards has emerged—or has looked likely to emerge. Few companies have the resources of Apple and Amazon, and it took some luck even for them to spot the problem.
Thank god America woke up in time. I was one step away from murder suicide my wife and kids . No way I'd let them be slaves and pimped out to greasy chinks with there totalitarian social credit slavery
Boomers are fucking retarded for thinking that it was a good idea to outsource all our manufacturing to a communist country that wants to take over the world. Literal retards. How could they not see this coming? Even when I was 10 years old reading the news I could connect the dots that relying on China for basic goods would make us vulnerable in the future
Yes . If they can fuck over that many Ameritards. I'll invest EVERYTHING in that commie country.
go eat some sand
Where the fuck is the government of Canada
How can they be complicit with allowing our country to be taken over.
Trump, someone, fuck ANYONE needs to step in and stop this.
> Be Bill Clinton
> Let's give China most favored nation trading status
> Let's transfer ICBM missile tech to China in exchange for Clinton Global Initiative donations
The Chinese intelligence apparatus is vast and touches all areas of American industry and takes any intellectual property they can get their hands on. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.
Someone needs to save both countries.
fake news.
>>It’s untrue that AWS knew about a supply chain compromise, an issue with malicious chips, or hardware modifications when acquiring Elemental. It’s also untrue that AWS knew about servers containing malicious chips or modifications in data centers based in China, or that AWS worked with the FBI to investigate or provide data about malicious hardware.
>>We’ve re-reviewed our records relating to the Elemental acquisition for any issues related to SuperMicro, including re-examining a third-party security audit that we conducted in 2015 as part of our due diligence prior to the acquisition. We’ve found no evidence to support claims of malicious chips or hardware modifications.
>Be capitalist united states
>Get rid of all the Made in America manufacturing
>Send it all to Communist China for manufacture for a cheap price
>Act surprised
Very long article. More like a short story. I made it halfway before my eyes glazed and I collapsed from Siggadiggy.
Thanks for the review user
Boomers sold us out
Hahaha lmao
Obama and Hillary specifically
Growing China economically into the manufacturing center of the world was a good idea.
t. Boomer establishment
I can't believe the fucking tards in the 80's and 90's didn't see this coming. They're ideologically opposed to us in every single way and you've decided to just give them the keys to our kingdom. The number of reasons to hate boomers just goes on and on. Empowering China with outsourcing was probably more treasonous than when the communist spies helped the soviets get the bomb
You can thank Walmart for a very large portion of this.
Onions boy
Apple too
Chinese hacking American companies to steal trade secrets happen before.
What are you going to do? Work for pennies making dragon dildos in a sweat shop? Can you really imagine Amerisharts doing this? Imagine if the boomers had bought everything from Mexico. The news now would be mexicans taking over.
Anyway the Chinese have taken over by mass technology transfer from the Taiwanese, Foxconn, TSMC. All the technology transfer in the 90s was from taiwanese manufacturers. The Taiwanese have been showing these animals how to fuck America over
The Mexicans aren't nuclear armed communists who secretly want to dominate the world
>Taiwan helping the mainland
Nah dawg
Not the government. The companies and people that moved there in the 90s
>doesn't know about Intel's backdoor that is in its chips for a decade
Yes goyim. Buy Intel stocks. hehehehe
That's why the student exchange/foreign student program is a terrible idea. (((They))) made it happens. :^)
I can image that Nazi would keep everything in Reich while others can be the shitholes forever.
how the fuck does anyone go about finding these shits. i get that they're amazon but the idea of taking down an entire data center - talk about a modern twist on the old saying of a needle in the haystack
lol beaners arent that sophisticated.
American and European enterprises are going to trust their data on Chinese blockchain with 101 anonymous nodes
Better chinese than americans and jews. I wish they would actually build those concentration camps so america can fuck off from our european governments
>Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control.
You should be asking yourself why you think it was a mistake
There's only one man who can turn the tide now...