At what price are you going to sell?
Jntlemen only
Inshallah, when JNT hits $100 my friend.
cant believe you guys fell for this shitcoin lmao
I said jntlemen only
will market sell @ $5.25 and that will make my stack worth over a million
Hodl to death
100$ minimum
user, I ...
none of you faggots will ever sell it because the ultimate price will end up at a fraction of a cent with 0 liquidity on exchanges lmao, dead shitcoin
I am holding my 1m JNT forever. Getting a cake of the fee shares, allows me to be settled for a few generations.
This post has me a little shaken up about the future of Jibrel.
Is there a need for tokenized assets in a chainlinked world? I think this project has a future in the short term, but in the long term, I think Chainlink might make them obsolete. Good hedge either way but I think tokenized commodities will probably be made obsolete before they ever happen.
Yeah I own 3500 JNT basically as a hedge against the fact that I think tokenization is retarded
Decentralized oracles =/= tokenizing financial assets
Most likely you are one of the Chainlink cult who haven't even downloaded the WP
Honestly I'm starting to give up hope of any returns. Even Yazan admitted that stablecoins will only be viable for a limited amount of time before governments decide to make their own stablecoins. I was pretty excited when the rolled out Jcash, but it's been a few months and they haven't actually tokenized everything, meanwhile the stablecoin space has fucking exploded, with their competitors working much more quickly than they are because of the expanded scope of this project, which might get completed JUST'd by middleware like Chainlink. Originally their DAO was supposed to be live in q4, now it looks like it won't even get done next year.
I was planning on holding for life but I'll probably reduce my exposure at the next pump. The tokenomics are still really great for holders but that does't mean shit if they're never able to tokenize anything.
>because of the expanded scope of this project
running a scam ico with a useless token and then wondering what to do with said token is not "expnaded scope" it's just a joke.
Deep down those scamers know that this shit is never gonna work and every sane projects does simple off chain backing with real money/assets, everything insured etc, meanwhile those arabs have no dignity to come out and admit it openly because they know how much shitstorm that would cause so they keep lying and promising to the bagholders that one day their shitcoin will be used for something. Jscam
>What is an oracle.
Someone should right a oracle for dummies book. 99% of biz alone would buy it.
Isn't the whole purpose of crypto to disruot obsolete middlemen? Why the fuck would i trust random people with off chain backing, when you can utilize a whole enviremont with on-chain backing?
dude, decentralization and traditional assets are an oxymoron. There needs to be all sorts of KYC, AML and insurance for everything, how are you gonna insure 100% solvency when your stable coin is backed by a useless shitcoin?
it's an absolute joke. Banks and institutions will simply issue their own stable coins backed by real usd if they want to "leverage the blockchain technology". No regulatory body will ever approve some meme ponzi to get even close to traditional asstes like fiat/commodities/etc. And for cryto purposes there is already thousands stable coins, some back on chain by other coins, some backed by some shitcoins and some back offchain like tether, guess which ones people trust the most? yes the ones backed off chain because people have more trust in institutions than in ponzis that stop working during a prolonged bear market/bank run
And JNT combines the best of both
Thanks for your essay.
That's why people have time issues with bitfinex and tether.
no, it comebines the worst of both, you still have to trust them + the added risk of a ponzi-like solution, jesus christ, almost a year later and people still hold this trash instead of hlding those scamer accountable LMAO
tether is still the most popular stable coin, it has some shadiness to it but at least it doesn't require any KYC and no kike will take it away from you, and if you want something 100% legit I heard winklevoss brothers and GS released their own too. Literally no need for an arab amateur scam
I can't hear you over here with my 200k stack
>Because most popular means anything
Remember Nokia? It was the most popular mobile phone until a new tech came out.
That's why gemini has the most ridiculous fees after coinbase.
Any other examples of complete and utterly shit?
That will leave me with a cool $20m.
As a token of my appreciation I'll move to dubai and spend my day's shitting on instagram thots
Hope it works out for you user, I will be long gone before 80$
Literally read that as Junglemen only.
The fact that this guy is still around after all this time is probably the most bullish thing about this project.
Ive seen his posts so many times I wanna know the guys name now
>t. magic tokenizing formula faggot
Nope, I'm the "smoke and mirrors" user, you got me worng again, losers lmao! I'll be back in a month or two still laughing at your pathetic joke of an "investment"
keep coping, Sad!
I have a good stack of ChainLink, and you would be a fool not to. However, to suggest that you just need oracles and smartcontracts to tokenize assets is disingenuous.
There still needs to be audits and confirmations. Otherwise, how would one know the assets are real?
c o p e
Screencaping you. We'll see who is right
oooh, doo doo head
wassup man