Why is /lgbt/ shilling Link?
Why is /lgbt/ shilling Link?
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because it's /ourcoin/ now, you fascist bigot!
Sergey is going to become THE international sex symbol of the next decade, but he will be the first international man on man sex symbol
Because OP is a faggot.
Why were you on /lgbt/?
U fascist pig. Racist, sexist transphobic white male. How dare u comment on our existence. U and ur white privilege have no say in this debate. U should be ashamed of even thinking u have a right to dictate our livelihood. ChainLink is the LBGTQXFRGB coin. U should honestly donate your coins to someone underprivileged. U owning any is just continuing the oppression on us by u deplorables! It was Her turn.
Who the fuck cares, lgbt > zionist jewish shape shifting reptilians
why do people that claim to be "redpilled" have such strawman understandings of other groups?
Because you're all flaming faggots
lmao no
also kill all mentally ill fags
Don't act like you don't know. cba to screencap and crop it, anyone's got the pic?
lmao yes
lgbt are unbeknownst to themselves puppets of the jews
They are. The very act of living a life as a viable reproducing male or female that doesn't reproduce is in and of itself the ends.
Whites won't make babies of they're cumming in anuses.
Faggots repent a make a family.
To prep myself before going to /hm/.
Lenocinium branches out to other boards if requested
Why do gloves fit hands?
how do I get a job with them? I could be the dedicated /lgbt/ shill.
pics or never happen
Holy shit lmao
who is behind Lenocinium. what is his address. i will murder them. seriously