
The team doesn't want us to see these presentations. Why?

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Adelyn's strategy to prevent more memes being borned

Because you fucking morons ruin everything. You don’t fit in with the real world, have zero tact, and aren’t funny... and somehow think this company works for you.

Same reason they pay Delphi, to keep you retards busy.

tis true

I'd really love to know the teams actual perception and opinion on biz' relationship to chainlink.
And although I have some confidence in the people there, I find the shilling a bit over the top - surprising, actually. There are other good smaller projects out there who don't get the attention

kek. brutal but its true.

The oracle problem is the only problem that matters

this. pure onchain solutions can be usable only after old systems are integrated onchain

Tiger mommy? Is that you?

Sergey = good natured wife trying her best to raise the kids as best she can
Jow Forums = raging alcoholic father wrecking the house daily

BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING SCAM..LINK: "oh we havent presented or said anything in months, we should probably hide the speech at all the comferences we are doing" AWESOME GREAT JUST WHAT WE NEED

>San Francisco IT startup culture
>real world
upper middle class bubble dweller detected

Honestly, I think they like part of biz alot, but the erratic part they probably don't like. Alot of smart people here who promote the project, deeply understand it, and will run nodes. But then you have a small amount of spaz kids who make over the top memes and complain all the time

shut up rory

shouldn't of married an idiot then stupid bitch

Not in SF. stay mad you shunned fat retard. Make no mistake. You all are 2018’s version of the shunned nerd. Sure, you probably have guns, love trump, and feel tough “unlike those other nerds...”. But make no mistake you are the very same fragile losers that, were you not ham planets, would be stuffed into lockers and the butt of every joke. At least the traditional definition of a nerd was some one who was at least intelligent with awkward social skills. You lot are so fucking stupid that you don’t realize that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can make it much further in life than you ever will. Society doesn’t want you, you only want each other on an ancient waifu pillow collecting board. Keep telling yourself “it’ll all work out soon,” and “they won’t laugh at me when I’m rich.” Jesus Christ it’s like a poorly written villain origin story.

buy they ... they ... started to pool funds ...
I explicitly said I wanted Chad institutional investors

wow someone is angry
you shouldnt be ashamed of where you dwell
no one should

chainlink is love

Nice digits fren

Based. Hurts a little but still true.

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tfw some bearded guy from Nazareth offers to buy something worth 33 cents a piece

all this projection isn't good for your health

words of wisdom. it's so fucking hard to be a link owner when the rest are complete fucking retards with no touch to the outside world


>falling for the delphi meme

Agreed. People here are worse than my retarded 15 year old cousin. Keep Jow Forums to Jow Forums you faggots.

And step out of you're basement.

>t. 1k linklet

For me as a non native speaker it is really hard to comprehend why native speakers seem to have so much trouble with "your" and "you're". Is it the autocorrection on the phone or is there another reason ?
Not bitching about spelling, just honestly interested.

think what you want retard. Not everyone here is a neckbeard do nothing. People are paid to keep your cancer at bay. It is unironically crucial to the success of chainlink and it business development.

You spam ther twitter and their partners with nazi memes... what do you expect idiots ??? You are ruining your own chance to become rich you stuid faggots...

This. It was too good to happen.

Those were false flags by nolinkers tired of link threads shitting up biz

>falling for the delphi is only a meme meme

People on 4ch deliberately mistype it because it triggers the more autistic userbase. Or they're phoneposters and don't care to correct the mistake autocorrect can make


BIZ is literally the ONLY FUCKING REASON the world knows about LINK so stfu


U fascist pig. Racist, sexist transphobic white male. How dare u comment on our existence. U and ur white privilege have no say in this debate. U should be ashamed of even thinking u have a right to dictate our livelihood. ChainLink is the LBGTQXFRGB coin. U should honestly donate your coins to someone underprivileged. U owning any is just continuing the oppression on us by u deplorables! It was Her turn.

some people are stupid

The truth, why can't biz sit quietly and hold until they're rich?

I bet 99% of anons will sell too soon because they watch LINK like a hawk

You are right, but chill out Dan. Not all of us can go build something.


And what has been that exposure? Fat Sergeys and Nazi memes. Well done user.

>thinks he will make it spamming shitty memes from a Bolivian textile Meetup forum.

i miss the old days of textile talk...

Perfectly stated.

The hardcore neet autists and incels need to be put in a coma for about a year.


I am a linguist. The reason is that native speakers are pretty much always correct, or capable of being so. they do not need to be grammatical nazis. it isn't even productive for them to do so, and if anything (for most educated people) it is a pedantic thing to do and highlights a lack of graps on the actually subcontext of language and ability to understand words and information in their own native language on blocks, which is what words are for. Context.

The only people that really need to pay attention to grammar and ALWAYS be on the lookout for it are foreign language learners. In fact, most grammar nazis on the internet are second language speakers, and that is totally normal and they should be.

The only thing that makes me consider selling link is biz