Why is it that in modern times we are so strict and accurate when it comes to science and mathematics...

Why is it that in modern times we are so strict and accurate when it comes to science and mathematics, but the second Economics is brought up everything becomes a shitshow?

Take Keynesianism for example, the dominant economic model of our time. To say that by breaking windows and then paying people to repair the windows you are creating economic growth, or by blowign shit up and spending money on military creates economic growth, is literally pic-related tier. How is it that mathematics have strict standards for proofs yet when it comes to economics we blatantly accept bullshit like this as fact?

Is it because of niggers? Since people making the decisions in the realm of economics are more often than not politicians and not economists. So any opportunity to get gibsmedats will overshadow any reasonable and logical study into the field. Yes economics is a "dismal science" but that doesnt mean we just give and up and abandon all reason and become debt salves?

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Because it's political. They went through economists til they found Keynes who told them it was beneficial to rob everyone.

no it's because there is value in being able to control the belief and understanding of economics and money is spent to align economic research with objectives of moneyed interests

so just because it benefits politicians we have to revolve everything and our entire fiscal and monetary policy around that? because of politicians? nice

is this a stealth communist thread?

no its anti communist

Precisely what a stealth communist would say.

Intellectual "authorities" are merely groups of humans that respond to incentives. These humans are incentivised to promote agendas by those who hold power.

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>is it politicians
unironically this. politicians are NEVER the best candidate for the job. They are just the best person at being a snake oil salesman and tricking the general public (whom are retarded).

thankfully, with the advent of crypto, we can now create our own economic systems.

no no no that is not how academia works. Professors are incorruptible

No one knows how it works. It is just assumption and observation. It never seeks to explain or understand why, just what.
Why does war create growth? Because it fucking does. That’s all

Sidebar: what would happen if you plugged in the strip to the wall and run an extension cord from the wall to the strip?

A good example is the CBI, an organisation that receives funding from the European Union. A few years ago they suggested that the UK economy would suffer terribly if they didn't ditch GBP in favour of EUR. This ended up being nonsense.

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Professors were corrupted when they went through the academic system like everyone else

Also it's because the world is ran by psychopaths who want total control.


As time goes by and the political nature of these "experts" becomes more transparent people lose faith in intellectual "authorities". Academics and other intellectuals are no longer revered as the age of "experts" draws to a close and populism rises.

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Because economics isnt science

Micro/classical economics is

The subject of microeconomics is unquantifiable units of behavior, and classical economica dealing with supply and demand still has to deal with whatever demand means. These are abstractions to help with reason, like philosophy, but are not empirically lab testable, or reproducible.

>its unquantifiable!
>therefore we should create a system of infinite interest, and have a currency which is backed by debt!

Greed, it starts with something small, then 5 centuries later you're running the biggest mafia in the world. Shit happens.

You still get called a retard when you question experts. Question the validity climate change research (most which is paid for by the state which of course wouldn't mind introducing new laws to modulate our behavior) and people go ape. We got a long way to go. It's too innate in people to trust those with power.

Countries could test whatever brainlet ideas Jow Forums has, but none wants to get their economy utterly rekt, that is why everyone stays CONSERVATIVE and does not try it out.

They still have a lot of influence but it's only growing weaker. The next 10 years are going to be interesting.

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>Sidebar: what would happen if you plugged in the strip to the wall and run an extension cord from the wall to the strip?
I'm gonna need a turbo brainlet wojak for this.

The experts do not agree at all. It's not a real science. It's just a bunch of Jews with opinions who never suffer consequences when they're fundamentally wrong.

See also: Paul Krugman

>>Literally mentions JM Kayne as founding economic system.

>Is it because of niggers?

It's because of the bureaucratic pedo you let define your economic system you fucking chode

When I took an economics class in college, they started off with the premise that “economics assumes people are rational” red flag that it’s bullshit.

Also some grad students teaching the class struggled to graph y = mx + b. As an engineering undergrad at the time this made me lose all respect for economics. Fuck.