>tfw ride a bicycle everywhere >tfw sold my car >tfw saving tons of money that now I invest >tfw poorfags look down on me because I won't man up and pay Mr. Steinberg his monthly dues for the privilege to go to work
Feels good man. Love knowing i'll be retired by 30, pounding broads around the world as a washed up hippie living on dividends
Yep, i'm from the USA. Gotta pay for petrol and insurance. Also, gotta pay off loan if you're a dumb fuck.
Luke Perry
also gotta pay for shit that gets broken, and maintenance.
Ayden Moore
>”petrol” I see you England.
Jeremiah Allen
can confirm that OP is BASED and REDPILLED and will make it
I don't have a car, but can literally buy ALL of my coworker's cars in cash brand new 3 times over. PRIDE is a sin that gives all of your money to the Shekelsteins.
I don't give a fuck about status, and ride the bus everyday at 24 year old, living with my grandmother, all while making 26 an hour as a telecom electrician. My net worth is over 200k and I plan to start looking into properties after I reach 300k which will be sometime next year.
stay poor loancucks!
Anthony Brooks
ask me how I know you don't live in Montana
Mason Bennett
>Gotta pay for petrol and insurance. Also, gotta pay off loan if you're a dumb fuck >also gotta pay for shit that gets broken, and maintenance. Wait, what does this have to do with Jewish bosses?
Dominic Bell
Was phoneposting while I was at lunch. I got a chipotle bowl: brown rice, pinto beans, chicken, red salsa. Got a water cup, too many brainlets spend $2 every time they go out to buy a cup.
Now I'm shitposting on the job from my work laptop.
I'm from the Phoenix Area, in Arizona. I bike in the heat m8. I've been through Montana; (Drove through it to get to North Dakota when I was building a bison fence for NPS at Teddy Roosevelt National Park). Unless you need a car to get to get work (I.E. you don't live in a fucking city), then you're shelling out shekels for nothing. I get it m8, you gotta buy a big truck for $40k and pay it out the ass for that loan. Honestly, you're fucking up if you haven't made it while living up there.
Eli Mitchell
>I've been through Montana; come again with your bike in the winter, I dare you
Owen Wilson
I know it gets fucked up bruhv. Still my point stands. Shelling out shekels for the privilege to go to work. The whole world isn't Montana/Wyoming/Idaho/Dakotas
Charles Turner
tips on riding a bike in the winter? especially during snowfall?
Cooper Scott
>not realizing riding a bike in the snow is fun
Brayden Mitchell
falling on your face is not fun
Christian Anderson
Keep trying to make excuses buddy. Ride the bus then. LMAO at these NPCs trying to justify their car payments.
Justin Phillips
Hahah that’s me laughing at you in my SWEEET pick up with lift to make me like a big boy, i run over bike riders like you op!
Kayden Wood
>tfw parents loved me and got me my first car for free