Dont miss this boat anons

Pleas do some research.. it might be possible that Ripple and Swift working together.

dont miss this boat anons...

Attached: ripple swift.jpg (1500x1000, 587K)

Ripple and SWIFT representatives were in the same room of 200 meters square (among with other 500 representatives of other coins and projects but never mind that) so it can only mean one thing - muh world currency.
>XRP delusion ath

but what i find most amusing about this whole muh xrp thing is that Ripple actually literally and unironically publicly DISTANCED themselves from XRP, the token.

What ? I have missed something ?

they have to allow it to grow naturally and without their direct involvement to avoid it being classed as a security

keep up

ripple and xrp together are the future of money

get in or don't profit

pick one

why would Ripple distance themselve from xrp? that does not make any sense.
they hodl 7% xrp themselve...

they only talk about digital assets.. wich people only call XRP.

>the future of money
literally a fiat digital asset "printed" without any regulations by a private for-profit company.
XRP delusion grows

XRP was an afterthought. It’s not even needed in the panoply of softwares ripple lab are running.

watch as it shows you how meaningless it is to be in your bedroom on the internet thinking you know what you're talking about

business and government don't need your approval

Its decentralized anyway so what does it matter? Aslong as they develop kick-ass software.

>not even needed

except to increase savings from 40% on xcurrent to 70% on xrapid

90% savings for some companies

you need to eat a shit sandwich if you don't think companies are going to lining up for that kind of service


nigga fuck XRP. shit goes to 70 cent back down to 40 cents fucking pump n dump scam. filing a complaint to sec.

Forex is pretty volatile


>blocks your path

Attached: 1538964664745.jpg (750x901, 266K)

Ripple labs created their own digital payment asset to crowdfund their company riding the 2017 cryptocurrency hype. cashed in billions of dollars and after facing multiple lawsuits they publicly distanced themselves from the digital asset. Majority of XRP investors have unironically zero technical knowledge about blockchain and their delusion is at maximum - literally everyone is certain that XRP is going to make them millionaires. Connect the dots if IQ above 80. What could go possibly wrong here?

Lets settle this in the only reliable way.

>If singles XRP and Swift have nothing to do with each other
>If dubs XRP and Swift are working together
>If trips Swift is betting it all on crypto to stay relevant in the future and Swift is heavily invested in XRP
>If quads Swift is working with chainlink and pulling the wool over ripples eyes

Attached: 0042 - ebG9Wz6.jpg (1593x1080, 530K)

checked 5$ EOY

more like $50 if ripple and swift are actually operating a new system between them

ripple will instantly have access to 11,000 banks and xcurrent can still settle with xrp

5 trillion dollars a day of volume

haters who didn't do their research are going to shit bricks soon

you're leaving out why they're distancing themselves...

details are important

they're making it easier for the SEC to make the beneficial decision

it takes a special kind of stupid to fail to see what's going on

XRP has been around since 2013.