What will your diet be like when you can afford any food you want Jow Forums?

What will your diet be like when you can afford any food you want Jow Forums?

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I'm gonna eat literal human shit because I am a masochist

I'm gonna eat the shit out of all those fuckwit foods that I can't afford but are supposedly really good for you. Like everything organic, activated nuts, grass fed steaks, sustainably sourced wild salmon, all that shit.

the same as it is now, cans and cans of sardines and beer

Whole foods hot bar every day

what i normally eat cause im not gonna convert myself and be like everyone else in LA and fall for the organic memes driving

I'd hire a qt fit chick to take care of it and fuck her also

I can afford any food I want right now. Are there any non poor pieces of shit on here?

literally still rice and beans so i can reinvest the maximum amount from my dividends

you realize that the hot food melts the estrogen out the plastic and turns you into fag, fag.

Fucking marmalade

Why are the bean sprouts only on half the salads?

I'm getting really nervous and anxious about this. Please delete this picture, I can't stop thinking about it.

people dont meal prep this much, do they?

my gf likes bean sprouts, I don't

Strictly onions. Stay poor, fags.

That green mixer is tight as shit

i keto and dont eat



Same shit I always eat. You must be some third world nigger to think that we want to make it to eat fancy food.

Who doesn't like bean sprouts??? They are flavorless.

yall fuckin pussys with your weak mouths
ill straight eat the back half of a goat

that looks disgusting

i remember i ate a diet like that for years when i was obsessed with the gym and now i cant even eat chicken breast anymore. after the second day of eating the same pver and over again you feel disgusting

bodybuilding diets are putrid. you're better off just counting calories and earing whatever you want or doing ififym. now days i dont even care about macros though (within reason). i just count calories and eat whatever the fuck i want