Sergey is the one

Chainlinks presentation at San Francisco Blockchain Week - October 8th 2018

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Zero knowledge proofs as an option for scalability

there's only like 10 fucking people there, fuck...

damn sergey is packin on the pounds. Stress eating McDonalds?

Imagine trying to create UBER without GPS API's, SMS API, and Payment API's. You couldn't.

Imagine trying to create secure smart contracts that businesses will actually use in the real world without decentralized oracles . You couldn't.

>10 ppl in the crowd


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>0 knowledge

how do you know

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We were never suppose to know about Chainlink. AssBlaster was right.


More people filter in to watch, but by the time the room fills up more, Sergey is expounding on SGX TEE rather than the high-level topic of why decentralized oracle networks (and oracles in general) are critical for real-world application of smart contracts.

No new announcements or anything like that.




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Towncrier discussed


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C H E C K ' D

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Mfw I have the same name as this man and everyone makes angry posts about him

Why did this coin become such a massive meme on biz anyway?

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>another stinky linky begins to comprehend just how bad he's been duped.

Chainlink is love. Chainlink is life.



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its called truth, retard


> it's not fud, it's the truth - look, here's 6 of my discord buddies... uh... I mean FELLOW BIZRAELIS who made fud threads with no substance!
Thanks bro just sold 100k.

Based Circuit

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What's up with the odd hybrid of the old and new logo?

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Sergey can't speak interestingly and convincingly

He needs a sixpack of water bottles to stay hydrated for 30 minutes. That's my thicc boi

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he is already 'shopped to look fat here, right?

We're evolving

That's some Hegel level shit

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I enjoy listening to Sergey talk.
He's passionate but in a subtle way, the hype is in the content. All he does is give it to you, clearly and articulately.

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>clearly and articulately
Not a single person was interested in what he was saying. He was rambling despite working with an incredibly interesting topic. He has a talent for being the opposite of a good speker

You are incorrect. He’s a good communicator.

>there are adults on this board right now who believe Sergey actually exists

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Nice statement without justification. There's quite a bit of recorded material to believe the contrary.
Communication requires one to adjust his/her message to the person receiving the message. I assume he's thinking that he's talking to other philosophy majors, with horrid consequences.