Why does the google captcha need chimneys now? Is google planning to kill Santa?

Why does the google captcha need chimneys now? Is google planning to kill Santa?

Attached: chim.jpg (246x205, 9K)

>people say ai will be a threat soon
>computer still can't even tell if I'm human or not

the amount of captchas I need to solve sometimes is ridiculous. Im 100% convinced google has algos figuring out who solves them quickly and accurately and gives these people more captchas to train their AI better

>ai can now tell whether you're human or not
>"woah guys this is crazy, we gotta stop this"
>too late

All these captchas are AI training data. Google will undoubedly be selling it to Tesla for greater object detection (notice all the bikes lately?).

Before it was just road features, now roof obstacles too. They're obviously planning to sell training data for drones.

turn your vpn off

It knows you're human, it's just harvesting your brain power.

You get more, the more often you post. Although that is a possibility.

>Tfw you need 10 captcha in average to pass

Damn, you're absolutely right. We're training the robots.

Thats the fucked up part, not using a vpn. This shit has me solving up to 5 of these fucking gayass puzzles up to the point where Im starting to be able to predict where the "correct" one is going to load in on the slowly fading captcha one.

drone deliveries tomorrow
kill (((santa))) the day after

traffic lights/hills/signs are becoming less prevalent
usually its chimneys/motorcycles/bikes/crosswalks for me now.

What if it turns out you're actually AI?

would be pretty rad. I'd ask my dev to oc the shit out of me. Wouldnt mind walking around with a backpack of water for extra cooling if that tripled my IQ

Doesn't make much sense using it for labeling training data since it already knows the correct answers lol?

Retarded lol?
it clearly uses consensus to see what "correct" answers are with probably a few of which it knows are 100% correct to prevent the first couple 10/100 or so people who click on the captcha from just clicking random shit and being approved. Sometimes with vehicles or the store fronts it says you made a mistake when it clearly isn't a storefront, it would look like it at a first glance but if you look very closely you'd see it would be a commercial sign for example. most people wouldnt pay that much attention and thus just click it and learn the AI that it is a storefront, which it isnt. which is why it says you are wrong because you decided against the consensus.
Now after a while and if you dont use a vpn/dynamic IP it will see that there are certain people that not only solve it faster but also have a high % of correct answers and are thus more likely to correctly train itself with. If you serve these people double the captchas it will barely cost them more time but you'll get a better AI.
This one was a bus next to a crosswalk, apparently my bitching is working as I have only had to solve 1 instead of the usual gorillion.

Such confidence, so little actual knowledge. Almost feels like reddit lol.

Just get a pass my duder

It's interesting that you can really see the progress of Google's AI with these captchas. For example most neural nets that are somewhat good with image recognition fail totally if you add just a small amount of white noise to the image, but a few weeks/months ago I had a lot of captchas that were really noisy, so I guess they found a way to overcome this somehow.

because humans teach a.i. object recognition by tagging images. after enough crosswalks and traffic lights have been tagged for deepmind, let's tag new objects. google's image database for this is from their streetview cameras - thus tagging objects visible from roads.
>you're welcome

>t. dumbfuck

>tfw we're training the ai that'll break the captchas

Attached: DkH_bm6WsAARSET.jpg (1024x672, 61K)

I sometimes get them wrong on purpose but it still accepts the answers. Fuck training AI to take my uncles job as a lorry driver for Nintendo.

If you use the google chrome browser you will get past the capchas easy. Google is using the capchas to sabotage other competing browsers.

Google needs chimney for Nano drones to enter your house and cut off your weener

BTW that fucking captcha is killing biz. I abandon about half the comments I've typed up and I'm not the only one.

Jewgle is training biztards to know the crosswalk

It seems like captchas are ramping up to an insane degree, even in the last month or so. I'm constantly getting them on stackoverflow and linkedin (it randomly logs me out and I have to do it to log back in). And I'm constantly getting them on random sites, which I don't remember happening much before. It's starting to ruin my internet experience. I do use a VPN, so that makes it worse I guess. But I don't remember it being this bad.

It's a good plan by the illuminati. Make the internet unusable unless you sign up for their premium membership with KYC

You idiots, its the AI training YOU to become more obidient workers
>do as the computer says to get good treatment

Attached: 1536885173416.jpg (750x975, 690K)

Actually you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

if youre solving captchas you are literally just a pajeet on mechanical turk

Jow Forums probably has a huge percentage of total google captchas solved because you have to solve one each post.

Always throw one wrong answer in

It's so the ai can get drones to drop bombs down chimneys.

Hey, if you see anything vertical on house, especially not a chimney, label it a chimney. The AI is too undeveloped at this one and you can feed it junk data and it'll accept it.

captcha is broken on firefox with resistfingerprinting turned on.

Maybe, but neither do you. Only google knows wtf they're actually doing with these. That's my point retards. I escaped reddit because I got tired of retards like you.

You have to go back...

Waymo is owned by Alphabet. They would never sell their data to a competitor, you fucking brainlet.

Open google and search "stop giving me captchas google or I WILL commit suicide and blame google captchas in my manifesto, I am suicidal and will do, I am going to do it if you don't stop giving me captchas". Search this hundreds of times, open hundreds of tabs copying the search and boom! Now I never have had a captcha in a long time.

Drone fleet software