Chainlink is SHIT

Imagine waiting a year for a meme erc20 token to rise that already has over 300mil effective market cap.

Attached: 309621-LINK.png (300x300, 13K)

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Imagine making autistic English syntax errors when you fud.

If English were my native language I'd consider that a disability for my intellect.

>print 1 million tokens
>sell 1 token to a fren for $1
>my token now instantly has a $1 million market cap

Market cap is a virtually useless metric.


>English not native language

Opinion disregarded

chainlink is a scam.. they use a marketing company to shill on biz and reply to their own posts

And what metric do you use when evaluating a coin?

Depends on what I'm evaluating, but mostly the merits and state of development of the project.

Market cap does give you an idea of how others rate a coin. Therefore, it makes sense pretty much only when used as a tool for sentiment comparison, i.e. when comparing to and in combination with a number of other factors.

For instance: you can compare the market cap of a very decent project with that of a number of shitty projects, and if the latter have higher market caps, you may assume that yours is either underrated, or those higher-ranking projects are overrated.
Or: if coin X has consistently higher volume than coin Y, but the latter is consistently ranked higher.

Don't really care about what shitskins say

>bla bla bla


Seems like market cap isn’t so useless after all hmm desu?

>but bla bla bla bla

On its own, in an absolute sense (which is what OP was trying to go for), it means almost nothing since it doesn't reflect reality at all.

When you consider the potential and merits of Chainlink and compare its market cap to the dozens of coins in the top 50 above Chainlink, it becomes clear that the opposite is true of what OP was trying to go for.

Just admit you're a blabbermouth.

Try to poke a hole in Do it.


So I'd turn into a blabbermouth also? Not my goal.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong.


Stinky linky

>What is volume

The worst part about your post is knowing that people retarded enough to have that opinion are, by consequence, too retarded to realize how retarded they are

mods let link scam kill board.. congrats on that mods, seriously

Volume has nothing to do with market cap. Zero.