Linklet support group

Post here if you're poor and have

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Other urls found in this thread:

15.15k Link and my angus is hurting.
It isn't fair not to see some pump in October..

t. 0 link
GTFO of this board already. LINK was proven to be an official Pajeet coin

is this data mining?

Imagine being poor and funneling your savings into a russian scam. The absolute state of this board

Yeh. CL team wants the network to be fairly distributed among people and not only in hands of few huge corps, we are being trained.

I only have 1.8k link because I'm a poorfag, not much, but there just in case of a miracle

Yesterday I bought the top again. Always seem to do that.

t. boomer linklet

The only Russian scam is trump getting elected

lol the other comments were made by the person who made this post using vpn's... chainlink and lenecium marketing company have been exposed now... its time for mods to ban these fuckers and make biz great again

Alright let's see some proof. Oh, you can't, because you're a lazy fucking faggot fudder with nothing original to say, you low IQ queer motherfucker.



You're the only one using a VPN Ranjeesh. Your fake website got exposed. How does it feel to know you wasted all that time fabricating shit and no one fell for it? How does it feel to be lower than the shit you take on the street?

8k linklet here. I just don't want to wagecuck. I don,t want a lambo, hookers or a luxury life.

believe me op, you'll feel a lot more poor in the future if you own more link.

10k link and 2.6 Eth in linkpool. I just want steady passive income.

10k link used to be the cutoff point for being a linklet, when did it go up to 20k?

Since Sergey started withdrawing from his stack to pay for the SF hackaton prizes.

Based link whale bro here. Post your ether address and ill get you to the required 10k link

to be fair, anyone with under 100k LINK is a poorfag.

t. 18k

3k :( that's all the money I can put in:(

wasn't that the whole point of them holding them? Let me answer that for you: yes.

You will make it user.

>1 of 186

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This is subtle psyops by delphi fags. The suicide insurance has gone up from 1k to 10k. Now this fucking user is crying about 20k. Fuck off.

It's pretty crazy to me that it's that low. I chucked in the minimum contribution just in case. But only 186? I know that there's only ~10000 wallets, but I thought there must be more holders on exchanges. Here's a exciting opportunity for the link ecosystem and only 186 people decided to invest into the leading pool provider?

If you have over 10k you own already more LINK than the average linklet.

I have 300k LINK and I don't think we're gonna make it. :\\\

I missed the deadline while doing KYC. Now I wanna KYS. My only hope is that dimrok brings out some easy to use full brainlet UI node dapps. If I can pretend to the wife I'm working 'on my node' and generating passive income I'll be happy. Will do this even if I stake with Linkpool. Sitting in my log cabin chilling watching my node UI.

t. third worlder from eastern europe

Unironically my goal too.

I dreamt it once, waking up, sipping my coffee looking at my node rewards, rebalancing the spread of link across nodes and sending a few link through a fiat oracle via smart contract for some play cash (no one cared about BTC still in my dream future)

Delusion, or foresight

We will never make it.
t. 19,999

I have 400 link. Am i gonna make it?

>Buy more
If i could i would.

I've been swing trading my stack of LINK and other shitcoins.
I could go all in and have 125k but I want more.
It's scares me everyday that I won't be able to buy in before the singularity.


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it's for devs only

Burgers weren't allowed.

Dangerous game user. One day you will get left behind swing trading. Ask yourself this...will LINK to up from here? Do yourself a favor and sure up 100k. I'm at 102k. Everytime LINK goes up $.01, I literally make $1,000. Think about that...

>3k Linklet

It's like 3x of monthly wage where I live tho.

Fucking Marxists & socialists.

35,000 linkies here, 2500$ in debt though, worth it becauseI know I will become the new 31337

how is sergey allowed then?

Dreamt some shit also.
Less hardcore than you, but I was selling Link @$1700.
Scary shit.

>tfw have 143k chainlink tokens but still feel like a Linklet

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Link is shit

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rent free
kys faggot you're poor forever

this is what sub 80 IQ looks like

kys pajeet this was debunked with a simple whois lmao try again

i have around 220 LINK

1k as suicide insurance.

It still performs better than 90% of crypto in the bear market. I can't imagine what it will be like when the bull run comes in 2020.

Foresight user.

>brushing up on my log cabin building videos on YouTube.

3k here, I just want apartments not in loan by my 30s

Half there half on binance

$10k in debt and 34k LINKs, take that lol

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You don't make anything unless you sell, you doofus.

I whois'ed and can confirm the site was made less than 1 month ago and looks sketchy, it looks also barely legal to do what they advertise, is basically guerrilla marketing taken to the extreme. This jungle of fake news trown left and right is draining to digest. Time to leave Jow Forums for a while.

>tfw only 40k

6k LINK wager here, plz help me based link whale


Beggars should be shot at sight.

Sold the majority of my stack today the FUD was too much.

....someone who actually thinks this also holds link?
this is the first thing to actually fud me on the project lmao

Thanks faggot!

I just reached 7,500...probably gunna have close to 10,000 EOM...might have to get a job after 10,000

>It still performs better than 90% of crypto in the bear market.
That barely means anything. 90% of crypto inarguably consists of shitcoins anyway. That said, can't wait to see it moon in all my comfyness.

t. 3k LINK holder

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So am I only one who keeps 5k link as suicide insurance??

I lij link but its only 5% of my crypto holdings, I can see how it is big but same time how it is long shot.

Anons here only fap on or fud link.. Anyone?


There are currently 33 link threads on Jow Forums. Congrats on this, seriously.

No fren, same here... retards only shill or fud like it will make or brake LINK.

I think its about "illusion of control" its hard to cope and uying into something which success you can't influence gets you.

4k LINK as suicide prevention marine reporting in!!!

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>tfw 270 linklet

such is life for a broke 3rd worlder

>I just want steady passive income.

5k.. could have bought another 15k in january with other cryptos.. 8D

101k link been a very very very long time since ICO. Getting tired

>falling for the delphi meme

Devs only so what, no stream or recording?

Just managed to get to 37k, and i know i should not post here but the thing is, im a poorfag myself, but i put every penny i had in link since last year so let this be a motivation for you guys, we all gonna make it frens.

37k is a nice stack

I'm a poorfag as well, with 30k

Only 6k link and in 10k debt. Will kms soon if we dont make it.

10k link... will it be enough to get a sizeable ROI on a node?

long term you should be good user.

Only 140 linkies i can afford only 20e a month for link :( i hope link will be success so i can build a house


612, link.

i make 8.55 hr part time.

this is my only hope.

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