All this FUD has really shown me new lows on this board

all this FUD has really shown me new lows on this board
this place is filled with retards

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Sell now fool !
Link is going to 3k sats eow !

Yea I'm talking to one right now

100% agree. Idiots.

Agree. People that still defend this shitcoin after constantly being exposed as a scam are beyond saving. Truly filled with retards, i agree for once with a linkcel

Sir , you are doing the too much , they are catching on. Boss says to report to the discord for instruction sir

FUD Meter
>No fud = shit project
>Lots of fud = good project
>Tons of fud = Great project

All you rabid discord faggots can fuck off, this place is better when it's only 20 or so people posting. We have a good time.

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LINK is the next delist

Its not FUDing... presenting exactly the same presentation than last year to 10 ppl isn real serious FUD and should be discussed

>i enjoy echo chambers of absolute delusion

Why would they need to change their content if their vision is the same? You're just another lazy discord homo

Except fudders contribute nothing to discussion. All their shit has been debunked so they resort to spamming.

What does it mean when discord fudders say "we're sick of link spam" but then spam Jow Forums with twice as many low effort fud shitposts than there are regular link threads?

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lol what's all with these link discord shills?

At least we can have honest and constructive two-way discussion about actual problems with the project, instead of just outright lies distributed via drive-by shotgun approach.

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Oh look, now the fudders are using Alinksy tactics. You guys have stooped low. "Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty."

ok discord shill

>you will never be this retarded
damn, now I can wear my virgincy with pride.

It means they are idiots trying to hold the price down so they can combine the allowance they get from Mom and Dad and buy cheap link.

It’s filled with Jew lenocinium shills like you

But we already found out during their fake website dumpster fire that they don't have any effect on the price.

Is there actually a discord or is that a strawman for people who dont like reading things they dont like? I've never seen any screenshots of this "discord".