Checkmate, Jow Forums.
Checkmate, Jow Forums
>a woman cleaning up around the house a little = a man getting rich
>Becoming rich, literally something everyone in the world is competing to do, is equivalent to cleaning a house.
I wake up at 6.15 AM, go for a run and take a cold shower, I then cook my dinner and take the subway to work, I wagecuck from 9 to 6, get home, tidy, heat my dinner, do the dishes as soon as I'm done, then do laundry while shitposting on Jow Forums, iron all my shirts (including t shirts) for the next morning, then take a book into bed, read it, wake up and repeat.
Saturdays I go out and get drunk, then Sundays I go to church, hoover, mop the floors, and do some light dusting. And I am just one 26 year old man. What the fuck are these cunts complaining about?
>tell her to go work all day
>we still not rich
>I stay home all day
>house is actually clean
Answer to him: because shes a lazy fuck
Answer to her: jews
That dude clearly outkicked his coverage.
He should expect to put up with that the rest of his life. Payment for getting to dick down someone clearly a few full digits up on your rank.
>he can't afford a cleaning every few weeks
Many girls don't cook or clean up after themselves. They waste their energy, attention, and spirit on devoid things, they begin obsessing over unimportant shit.
By the time the day is through, they're barely feminine.
t. NPC
I'd punch that hoe first in the pussay then in that fucking hoe face !
No, u r just boring fuck
Are you implying the woman in OPs picture does vastly more interesting things with her day?
Also can you propose a more efficient way to keep your house clean? Or should I just live in a messy place or waste money on a cleaner?
>I asked why we aren’t rich yet since you work all day
Because your dumbass wants the newest clothes, a new phone every year, a new car every 2 years, a house we can’t afford, vacations we don’t need to take and on top of that you complain when I try to use our money to invest.
That kid is asleep for 60% of the fucking day, and during that time she's watching Netflix in bed and fucking her ex who recently moved back into the area, the one she insists she's only "catching up" with when she heads out for late night "coffee" with him.
>implying npc's can plan their day
Heres what i did. Stay single. Make $100 k a year. Or more im just a little lazy. Have sex when i want with any girl (who consents). Hire cleaning lady twice a month. Dry cleaners. Friends who are girls to do girlfriendy things with like movies and brunch but no obligation. Perfect life desu
he's an underage faggot
Yeah this sounds about right
>tfw subservient asian wife who cooks and cleans.
Thank god I didn't fall for the roastie meme, eh Jow Forums?
This is how entitled and spoiled most women are. Even the ugly ones. They just want a man’s resources and attention and feel entitled to these things because they have a vagina. They will also manipulate and insult you emotionally. Marriage is all about them. This is the price you pay to procreate “properly.”
Jesus look at those dead bug eyes on the right. Actually depressing.
it's easy to clean your house because nobodies making a mess of it. Try having 2 kids under 5 years old and a wife like the one in OP's pic. My house is a fucking wreck.
White women are literally the worst wives & make the worst mothers. The only good thing about white sluts is that they will keep eye contact while they swallow.
Roasties are truly evil.
tfw you have a joyful submissive japanese wife who cooks every day and doesn't even want to own a phone...
Maybe stop expecting women to do all the work around the house. I fucking hate all the sexists here.
The female tries to find a beta-male to care for her and the children, and an alpha-male for reproduction.
Castrating the beta-male is just a genetic imperative.
t. roastie
/ thread
>Castrating the beta-male is just a genetic imperative.
You do get to blow your dick in her with zero consequences so you got that going for you.
I agree that in a man-womam relationship, men should help around the house.
Still, if there is an arrangement where the wife stays at home and the man works, then the woman should primarily take care of the house.
It's in the same vein as if a wife works and a man stays at home. His job should primarily be to take care of the house while she also helps with part of the house.
Jow Forums has a lot of sexism for sure, but having sisters and friends that are girls, I've seen it exists on both ends to varying degrees.
Folks in this thread looking at outrage-inducing pictures, which spread precisely because of that quality, are dumb to believe this as the norm in their worldview
Think about how many times you look at a girl who you think is a roastie and how many times you simply confirm in your mind thereafter that it's true, without any real interaction or verification
>being rich is equivalent to having a clean house
>appreciating others peoples effort
what about the pills?
that one was pretty good lmfao
Both are Jews really. Jews convinced women through the media that house work is oppressive.
I like this logic. Been mad about all the pretties not paying smeagle no attention
OPs pic is sexism against men
>OPs pic is sexism against men
Nobody itt is shitting on this white "man" for standing there taking it.
Its true, you are all beta males
Jesus Christ what a cuck.
Based and redpilled
>meat portals are barely sentient
Who would have though, not them
sure, it's my picture that is floating on the internet
Your fault you have spoilt American kids, none of the kids in my extended family are loud or messy after the age of about 4, because they know when they walk into the house they have to behave themselves. Learn to discipline your kids faggot
>he thinks accomplished something
I'm in the same position. Both my wife and I clean. Every single day. Not counting accidental spills and what not, each of us only has to put in about 30 minutes a day to keep our 2500 square foot home spotless. Once a week we do some weekly cleaning that takes maybe 45 minutes to an hour (including laundry), and every quarter we do the deep cleaning tasks.
Even with kids, it just isn't hard. And if the kids see the parents do it, they are more likely to listen when you tell them to clean as well once they're old enough to do it. If it's kept up with every day, it isn't hard. I vacuum hot spot areas, clean dishes, put away dishes, wipe down bathrooms, put things away, wipe down kitchen counters, every single day and it takes no more than 15 minutes (random spills or accidents probably total 5 minutes a day on average).
So based on my own experience, a stay at home mom definitely has the capacity and time to keep a house clean. They've been doing it for hundreds of years. What's changed in the last 20 years so that women are no longer capable of doing this?
You don't though. Most jap women are very conservative and only marry other jap men even though they are ugly as fuck. They do ot to perserve their race and culture. What makes them so great also makes them unattainable.
I pay for a cleaner man it’s more about how you much is your time worth. If you can’t figure out how to make more money in the time she’s cleaning the house for it to cover the cost and also a profit I think you should just continue dusting.
Stop making me rage Jow Forums.
These people are exactly the reason why Trump win and will win again.
right on my man
waste of time
hoover once every 2 weeks
clean up surfaces from dust every month
unless you have a spill etc
>the proportion of rich VS poor houses is equal to the proportion of clean VS dirty houses
>average house in America is poor as shit, therefore must be equivalently dirty
Nice logic
Imagine how low of test levels and a lack of balls/a spine you would have to have to pose for a picture like that with your girl. Fucking pathetic.
i would date you user :)
I learned this the hard way. When I was single, I was able to keep everything tidy.
was that supposed to be a complement?
Based and yellowpilled
>They've been doing it for hundreds of years. What's changed in the last 20 years so that women are no longer capable of doing this?
If anything, it should be even easier with all the appliances we have now
Zoomer things m8 i guess
You mean millennial.
I have had a cleaner, the issue is either you get one that comes every day, or your house slowly accumulates filth and it encourages laziness. Vs expending 30 minutes a day whilst listening to an audiobook, idk man.
Imagine being this guy's dad and seeing this shit.
so what the fuck does she do all day? and shes only got one kid?
His dad was probably the "yes dear" type of retarded boomer that made his son what he is today
Post war western parenting: not even once
>so what the fuck does she do all day? and shes only got one kid?
She looks like she's into bbc.
they make roastie’s personality change so she no longer wants you
>Payment for getting to dick down someone clearly a few full digits up on your rank.
Seriously? She looks like miss piggy from Sesame Street
Fuck I hate women. My fucking dream would be to be a stay at home dad, honestly it's not even that fucking hard. Get up, dress the kids and have them ready for school or daycare. Get home. Clean the house for a few hours and then have the rest of the day to yourself until you have to go pick the kids up again. And if they are not in school yet still the same shit just they are playing while you do that shit, come lunch time feed the little pucks and put them down for a nap for the afternoon. Fucking women make out like they are working in a fucking coal mine when they talk about being a stay at home mother.
fucking leave faggot le reddit gaia and tumblr are for you
>They've been doing it for hundreds of years. What's changed in the last 20 years so that women are no longer capable of doing this?
It's now so easy that they have enough time to bitch about how hard it is.
can't believe this fucking fag took a picture like this and let this woman upload it
this is what happens when a generation of men were raised by single mothers
role call: how many of you fags are products of single mothers? I bet each and every one of you fucked up retards had a single mom
t. murican
>I asked why we aren't rich since he works all day
Answer: Because you are home all day. My wife and I both work and we're comfy af financially. House is clean too. That girl is a failure.
Other answer: You fucking are rich, you ungrateful fuckwit. You have clean clothes, plenty of food, a house you don't take care of, probably even go out to restaurants where somebody else prepares the food, and I guarantee this couple owns two cars. They still have enough left over for a camera, a computer, and raising a white baby with a bow on her head.
>mfw both gf and I have engineering salaries.
>most days I cook while she helps me prep
> I do the dishes while she cleans the kitchen
> light cleaning everyday
>thorough cleaning every weekend
maybe find yourself someone who isnt a leech and you might not be in ops situation
An ugly baby too. Looks like mum had a few too many daytime glasses of wine when preggo
>Payment for getting to dick down someone clearly a few full digits up on your rank.
With hair like that? lmfao good one.
based, quads, and redpilled
>he let her take the picture
>being a mummy is a full time job
hate this with a passion, it only takes about 2 hours per week to keep a house tidy, extra couple hours to do everything else
lmao they're both like 5-6s. Plus she made him take this photo and got pregnant. She's basically a zero.
>unironically wifing someone that has zero income
absolutely cucked
>unironically wifing someone
only that is enough to be an absolute cuck, the rest of your sentence is irrelevant
This guy is gonna regret later in life, as his estrogen level peaks and starts becoming like a little bitch. Knew this guy that was a tough gangster back in his youth, had a vasec and now likes to gossip about meaningless things.
op is a normie joke photo but you tards think its serious like those "i need feminism because" photos
top fucking lmao
Based and redpilled
Not me user, i had both a mother and father. Honestly as a kid I use to think my father was a piece of shit for the way he treated my mother. As I got older I realised he did his fucking best. Worked 12hrs a day, 6days a week, never took holidays. Never seen my mother work a day in my life. My father use to have to come home to this ungrateful crazy fucking bitch that would blame him for every fuck up in her life. Honestly can not blame him for slapping the silly cow in her mouth every once in awhile when he had enough of listening to her shit.
I moved out of home at 16 because I couldn't put up with her shit, feel sorry for him having to put up with her for over 30 years, sad thing is he probably never left because he didn't want to leave his kids with the psycho mole
I dont give a fuck about that thot nor this guy.
U r this type of NPC that if propposed a nice weekend in mountains or elsewhere say he cant go because he has to clean his house and do shopping for very intense next week. thats why only fun u can get is getting drunk with others loosers at saturday night. I dont blame u but just I want to let u know there is an entire world to discover and the only think u worry about is if ur fuckin kitchen is clean. So yeah, as a person who never sit on a motorbike in his life drove a motorbike thru vietnam I can say u r boring fuck
Fucking banger of a tune
>goes to church
>irons t-shirts
I dont know which one is worse
Watch out for the "stay at home" syndrome I've seen in many house wives who rarely leave their houses. Seems to create a boatload of depression and anxiety.
not totally impossible, but most people don't get rich in a day. you can clean house in a day though.
If you don't work in the relationship, all the income is provided by the partner and the house isn't pristine by lunch, leaving you with laundry and grocery shopping (if needed) for the afternoon. You are a shit partner and a shit house manager.
Pig tails on a grown woman is a universal sign of mental illness.
She's clearly an upper-middle class child of an adult. Pigtails and the theatrical facial expression, or some similar tomfoolery are expected to be frank.