Bidgets are a Scam

Do you faggots really expect me to believe that a little sprinkle of water is enough to get your shitty ass clean? Shit isn't just some tiny surface particle, it's a greasy mess that gets smashed between the folds of your sphincter. A little water fountain is not enough to clean the mud from your asshole. The ONLY way to clean the feces from your flesh scrunchy is to wash with soap and water using your fingers followed by a thorough scrubbing with a wash cloth or other implement. Europeans are disgusting.

So, Jow Forums, how can I capitalize on this knowledge?

Attached: bidet.jpg (700x420, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I have one. It works 100% of the time.

Attached: 1538162839521.jpg (512x288, 17K)

Short bidets Long India

>So, Jow Forums, how can I capitalize on this knowledge?

Attached: ChainLink.jpg (600x600, 20K)

It actually does work. Try it faggot.

I eat my gf’s ass all the time and I’ve never gotten sick. A little shit isn’t going to kill you you child.

I guarantee that if you stick a white cloth up your butt after using a bidet, you will still see feces smeared on it when you remove it. The only way to properly clean your anus is to take a shower and to relax your sphincter while washing thoroughly. Anything else leaves feces between the folds of your anus.

>shit eater

Wet wipes work fine

Lobotomize yourself you absolutely disgusting degenerate

Attached: C5FD671F-3B12-4806-9B39-8CE3C4BFEE77.gif (245x176, 589K)

>using your fingers

>he doesn't wipe with paper before using fingers.
never gonna make it

Poo in the loo. It's not hard.

Fucking Jow Forums
>my 2nd favorite cesspool

Attached: 1506286240996.jpg (859x737, 75K)

>Not waiting till you get home till you have a shit and shower after
a lot of people here are unironicallly not gonna make it


Also, mutt here, my friend had one of these at home and I tried it out once. I commenced ass-spraying and yeah it was clean, but I suddenly had a soaking wet bunghole and nothing to dry it with. Wat do here typically?

I followed through on the extreme lifehacking thread a year ago and converted from dry wiping with expensive tree tissues to quality cotton rags cut from old towels that I use as wet wipes.

After I fill a bucket of these juicy gems they get run through the washer with hot water and bleach.

I have a roll of toilet paper for girls and some minor wipes but thats it

My hairy bunghole used to be full of shit and my wallet emptied periodically for the paper jew but no more

Thanks biz

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In this topic: only neckbeards who never been to japan but only post frogs and anime all day ---> get fucked

A TOTO washlet water jet is oscilating/pulsating and you can adjust the water pressure. On max pressure it physically hurts my ass, so get the fuck out you knob you dont know what you are talkig about. It will clean 100%

T. Somebody who has been to japan and who is going to install a washlet because they are god tier

toilet paper to dry; it should not have any fecal matter if you used the bidet correctly

Unless you relax your sphincter while doing this, you are not properly cleaning your anus, regardless of the water pressure. Because it's an unintuitive physical motion, most people simply do not clean their ass properly, even with a bidet. Bidets are a scam for brainlets with unclean anuses.

>The only way to properly clean your anus is to take a shower and to relax your sphincter while washing thoroughly. Anything else leaves feces between the folds of your anus.

Not true my fren. Let some damp cloth wipe away the shit and restore your smile and optimism. Fold and wipe again. Fold and wipe again (a fourth fold and wipe is not recommended nor required for competent wet wipers)

>he doesnt eat ass

user i...

>Not relaxing the sphincter and using your finger, covered by the wet cloth, to swirl the cloth in a circular motion around the interior of your anus
Never going to make it.

I use the hose in my backyard to clean my ass. It's powerful enough to wipe it all away. Never tried bidets but they seem weak relative to a hose.

OP has clearly never been to glorious Nippon

Do nipponese girls have squeaky clean buttholes?

Curious here too.

Achmed I think your practices are backwards and in a lot of cases subhuman.

Allah was a paedophile.

>jews tricked him into eating shit
wew lad

this is something only niggers and mentally unstable deviants do. Might aswell make her squat and shit in your mouth

There's only one reason anyone would want to keep their anus constantly clean and that's to have gay anal sex. Having a dirty anus is a symbol of hetrosexuality.

>you only clean it because you are expecting visitor to your anus
this user knows it

Once u start using a proper electronic bidet u wont ever want to go back to dry wiping. Truely disgusting

My bidet basically gives u a mini colonic. So good.

Fucking barbarians in this thread, they only way to truly have a clean ass is to use baby wipes, toilet paper just smears shit around till the shit layer is thin enough that you dont see it on the paper and a bidet is just fucking retarded like OP pointed out, it does nothing, you haven't truly lived until you've cleaned your ass with baby wipes.

Attached: 106311_0101_babywipes_80s_tub_front.jpg (800x732, 69K)


it's a sign that you are overweight, filthy and probably fap to anime

get a proper bidet like this, not some shitstained sprinkler like in OPs pic

Attached: 1200px-Bidet_weiss.jpg (1200x925, 156K)

why would you use the clogger to clog it?? a poo bath?

no idea desu clogger is retarded

Ain't nothing wrong with fapping to anime. More ethical than porn. No risk of revenge porn, no issues about being forced/drugged, no risk of being actual CP.

If you're not doing this you're never gonna make it.

>The ONLY way to clean the feces from your flesh scrunchy is to wash with soap and water using your fingers
t.Pajeet incels

>he actually eats ass
lmao kys faggot
just go start sucking niggers dicks on the corner it's the same thing

wasted trips
go eat shit you mentally ill faggot

Asians in general are obsessive about cleanliness and there's a bidet in every fucking toilet in the country. I was there a couple months and only came across one standard toilet in a cafe. Even Subway stops and airports have em there

when im rich im going to buy that toilet. no more pee pee poo poo hands for mee

doesn't that splash poo everywhere? doesn't poo get on the bidet?

No, it has a tiny jet that hits you right in the asshole, the Japanese have perfected clean assholes

Based and red pilled

I could see that getting large chunks off, but it won't get all of it. Think about getting poop on your hand—does a rinse of the faucet get it adequately clean? Of course not, you need soap and scrubbing.

>What is toilet paper
>What are the seashells?

Not gonna make it.

Attached: ghj7jj.jpg (480x360, 22K)

They do work. It needs to be a strong stream, then you just give it one wipe and dab to make sure all the shit is off. My 100 yr old GPA has one, it works like a charm.

eat more salad you fat fuck

you have never tried it so stfu you low iq idiot

yes it does completely clean your shit, better than smearing shit all over your skin with paper

fucking inbred

People like you have killed the fun of this site

>muh muh muh degeneracy

jesus, fuck off

Kek and you threw a set of trips in his face

Checked, why don't these "conservative" fuckers get off this fucking site?

Pathetic double standard pieces or shit.

>not mutilating your asshole for maximum euphoria every time you shit
Not gonna make it

BASED eating ass is patrician don't let these virgin neckbeard fags tell you otherwise

>t. fat neckbeard with severe BO