What is the Jow Forums equivalent of the deep web?
What is the Jow Forums equivalent of the deep web?
Buy Mobius, Sir.
Underground cock fights where you bet with crypto, fiat or precious metals
dark pools
Going LONG on those milkers, BULLISH on that thicc brapper,
How many Chainlink do I need to own to marry her?
Buying and selling on the deep web, duh
what the fuck is that
>he doesn't know about crab-16
delete this you idiot
how chinks and scammers created the bch community. If you ever wonder why they are always so salty, there's your answer.
you fucking idiot delete this or they will find out about SNC
> he didnt lock his btc price @20k
wholey fuck this girl is fat. disgusting.
How much is membership to this? .onion address still the same?
it doesnt get much darker and deeper than it does on Jow Forums
user your username is in this picture, you are gonna get banned for sharing this. I appreciate the tip though. How exclusive is this?
Knowyourmeme and reddit
the address has been changed already, you'll never find us and we don't want you to
but like i said, next coin we're discussing is SNC, this tip is for free
All of them
I wish this girl was my wife.
Thanks user. I have some info too though... I know someone who works alongside a lot of big blockchain devs in SF. Still a pleb compared to you guys though.
You're just shilling SNC aren't you? I have a bunch but is there a way to prove that you're telling the truth?
Even if they could prove it why would they? They have said too much already. So we'll probably never know.
Soo many newfags revealing themselves in their responses to this
Hahahaha you're all so fucking new
Elaborate please
Dude cmon this is Rakish level shilling. You have to see this.
>X is discussed in whale groups
>Ok, proof it
>No, I said too much already
Of course it's probably bs. I'm also never going to buy that shitcoin. All I care about is networking with those guys. I'm still going to try that address when I get home tonight.
you need to go back
Kill yourself, faggot.
>dude delete this he he!!!
you're the one that should kys you disgusting newfag
Is there any evidence that this screenshot is authentic?
I just wanna make it bros.
based degradation meta-game poster