Thoughts on Intel Compute Sticks for day to day business use?

Thoughts on Intel Compute Sticks for day to day business use?

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buy chainlink

don't drop your computer, or the thing breaks with all your bitcoins on it.


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I've used one for work before. It's fucking amazing, IF:

You're good enough at computers to deal with major issues without any help. You understand how to minimize unnecessary CPU usage (aka, 100+ browser tab retards). You know for sure that you'll never need to do any heavy tasks like video editing.

It's also like 30% faster if you run linux instead of windows, so hopefully that's an option for you.

link is shit

bump for compute stick love

so for basic shit like excel, powerpoint, emails, etc it's fine?

They're ok. I've had a few shit themselves and never turn on again. If that's something you're ok with, have fun. Intel will replace them for free if it fucks up. I think for up to a year. I don't know though. I can't handle talking to Indians on the phone.

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why are you hoarding compute sticks user

So I buy a computer stick and plug it into... My computer...

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What the fuck is the point of these things

Its a niche product not mean for the mainstream consumer. There a lot of other things that you will find "weird".

The point also isnt that you stick it in a computer.
Put it in any device that has a hdmi interface and you get the wholesome pc experience

>Jow Forumslets
That thing at the end is an hdmi output, you plug that shit into a monitor, that thing your imaginary wife calls computer

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install gentoo

Yes. I did webdev on it.

good for jse mining

How is the roi on those dongles?

this is why Jow Forums is down 90%

sticks are as cheap as 60usd, as high as 300usd. JSE is out of ico this week andvwe will learn it's real price but at the current .006 per coin and mining 100 coins per day, you make 219 usd in a year. You can only mine jse on one device per ip. You can run the miner on anything with a browser or android... so if you have a playstation already, you don't need to buy a computer stick.

add this to the web address for ref erral
/o/ ? a= 32 2 24

start mining here

you can turn any screen into a smart tv or a pc you moron

I've seen these before but didn't think much of it.
Am I right in understanding that it receives all power over the HDMI port?

thanks user
will look into it

Yeah as long as you also have a keyboard and mouse handy.

How many situations will you be in where you need to do some basic computing, have access to a screen, mouse and keyboard, and don't want to use your phone?