Uhh why the fuck is nobody buying/selling bitcoin? Where did all the volatility go...

Uhh why the fuck is nobody buying/selling bitcoin? Where did all the volatility go? I've never seen this before - wtf is going on?

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the market has decided the price of btc to be this.

I will explain: lot of people is holding and the other part is not buying

Is it more clear for you user ?

The entire market has already bought back in. Noone who would buy hasn't bought. Once everyone realizes this they'll start selling. Then we capitulate.

Ur dumb

The biggest dump of the year is coming soon

>yeah, the people that didn't sell after a 90% crash will sell now
You morons make me laugh.

They will

There is some triangle if you have not seen it. Everyone is scared if we go down or up now. Market is really nervous before the breakout begins.

They're gonna need the money sooner or later. Poorfags thinking btc will moon, looolooooloooooolooooooool

Because mega whales cause massive dumps when the price goes anywhere

Months of sideways is ahead, BORING

Everyone's waiting for the ETF

Whales not going full retard with the Barts is actually a sign of recovery. It's still early to tell though. I personally think that there will be one final Bart towards EOY.


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This whale thing is exaggerated....
>Someone sells a amount to move the market
>bots/autist see a moment to make profit
>market moves in a large way (think how small this market is...)

My meme triangle shows us pretty definitively breaking to the upside on the daily and 4 hour, etc time frames

Bitcoin already had like 10 descending triangles and all had a up breakout. This time could be different though, half of the BTC daily volume is locked on margin trading.

Bitmex got spooked by other shutdown this month. Theyre out of the manipulation game for a while if not forever. That means no more fake volume or fake price moves. But uptrend started.

>They're gonna need the money
>everyone is as stupid as I am to invest what I can't afford to lose

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Wow. Economic literacy! Kek.

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