ITT post your Link eoy predictions
ITT post your Link eoy predictions
$5 per XNY end of year. Seriously this is the next binance and they're giving free coins away, this is a fucking gem and a half.
Realistically, $2
i am the only one who thinks it will only pass a dollar after mainnet?
mainnet is irrelevent, what matters is adoption, and LINK will never have any
So that is Sherlock Link?
can you please go fud on reddit instead and theres a couple new youtube vids about link you should go inflitrate...hope you have a vpn service for multiple profile...stop spending your fud energy here its useless..more people are finding out about link outside of biz, thats where you need to be pahjeet
Does anyone have her Instagram??? She's so cute!
$0.50-$1.50 buy the end of October, screencap this.
I only need $6 EOY. That’s literally all I ask for. Please lord, make it so
It's in the op of this thread
Not fud but what does mainnet actually means? IMO it means absolutely nothing. A lot of crypto have already a working product but they aren't Worth shit because of A D O P T I O N
It is actually better if the price dumps on mainnet, it means hosting a node will wield way more linkies.
Where does she live? Is this the aforementioned "Reluctant Kneepad Girl"
please dont sell everything at $6..
It means the value of link will have to rise to support the network
How old is she? Does anyone know where she is from?
Can anyone tell me how US citizens are supposed to handle this? ChainLink ie a security so it's for millionaires only, Binance will tattle on you to the government for buying it and selling it.
its a fucking boy faggot
Whoever that is turned the account private.
She's soooo cute!!! I wanna buy her clothes and expensive lubricants. How old is she? Where she from? Anyone got digits?
California I think
Only $20-25k worth. Planning on traveling for a year.
I’m doing the same. Going to cash out enough to travel, which will be a fun way to wait for the singularity. $25k or thereabouts.
Ok thank you. I'm heading out to CA next week now anyway, might try to meet her. Does she have a boyfriend?
Is this the roastie in yellow from yesterday's presentation?
Which presentation? Does she have a favorite clothing store?
No clue why don't you add her on ig and talk to her
Post results
Can't tell if new here or just a faggot
Best of luck to both of us, stranger. Perhaps one day our paths will cross