How do people work the same job for more than 1 year without becoming depressed?
How do people work the same job for more than 1 year without becoming depressed?
low iq
Cucked by wife and kids most likely I remember I got these job and left after 6 months for a better one and co workers were literally pissed
my job is fucking dope im a contractor drive around all day making hella money and smoking cigs listening to music in a 36k company truck
>my job is fucking dope im a contractor drive around all day making hella money and smoking cigs listening to music in a 36k company truck
you're a delivery boy and make fuck all
Find a better hobby
I swim in the ocean everyday and it helps keep me grounded
Dunno lol
I'm coming up on my 2 year anniversary, and every day I try not to drive into oncoming traffic.
1 year? How do they last more than a month after the "honeymoon" phase wears off
Culture and environment.
I do okay money wise here, wear whatever I want, play on my phone all shift trading crypto and shitposting, and have a lot of perks.
I'm coming up on 2.5 years
Doing what?
it's called commitment
I've been working for 3 years as a customer service agent for the largest delivery company in the world. AMA
How have you not anhero yet?
Also have you gotten any pleads for help before something like a suicide on a call? How far off topic do the customers get?
How fat are you exactly?
I work in education. If you are working in a good school, with decent demographics then it is actually a really fulfilling job. It's not for everyone, but I certainly wouldn't trade it for some office job even if it paid more.
If you're working in a shitty school, with shitty demographics it's pretty much purgatory, though so there's that.
80% of customers are relatively kind and compliant with our procedures and after a while you just get used to the pressure and don't really give in to any demands of customers. While the customer is crying on the other end I would usually put myself on 'mute' and just laugh, exclaim "oh fuuuck oooff already you dumb bitch" or whatever. It usually takes the edge off, you start thinking of yourself as an automatic answer machine, say whatever the customer wants to hear, or explain what you can, can't do based on the company's policy without any deviations. I remember a situation I had last christmas, an elderly lady called and asked where her package is, the package contained urgent medical supplies, insulin. For whatever reason, she was ordering the insulin from the Netherlands, the package was lost in transit, no way to deliver the package to this week, so i calmly told her that we're trying to deliver the package to her today, she should be expecting it. The lady explained that if the package is not delivered, she'll die, thanked me, wished me merry christmas and hung up.
Couldn't really do anything about it
The burgers were for me and my wife, i'm 5'7 perfect ottermode, my wife is 5'5 120lbs
In addition i can pretty easily steal all the credit card details of any customer I interact with, it's all there on the system, i also know things about customers that are extremely personal, without them telling me anything. If i was more criminally minded i could steal 10's of thousands a day, blackmail people, without any immediate repercussions. But after a while, people would catch on.
Because I hate my job
I work a retail wage cuck job, dead end but it is for a private business with 20 employees. It's super comfy. Obviously, the wage cuck hours are always annoying.
If you are gonna wage cuck, may as well either find something comfy, or something that pays A LOT.
Mine pays shit, but i have full autonomy, my colleges are all nice people and it doesn't even feel like work sometimes. That is the trade off for shit money.
Find something like that or make good money.
I work as intern in a hospital
Everyday new things. You always interact with people. Moreover 75% females overall
Studying and being good in school was the best thing ive ever done. Thanks to my parents who always said video games are cancer. All my other friends who play regularly became sore neets
Feels good