My First Chainlink Contract

This is small but shows the power of Chainlink if you can imagine the possibilities. Most of it is the contract code examples provided on Chainlink's site

>What does the contract do?
It gets price data from the CoinMarketCap adapter ( that chainlink provides, and stores the price in the contract for all to view.

>What do I need to check it out?
Switch metamask to ropsten test network and get some free ETH from a faucet:

Once you have the test ETH, head to and make sure to switch it to the "Ropsten network (myetherwallet)" (top right corner drop down box).
1. Click on Contracts page
2. Input contract address: 0x92c9ae02b962c7a1da9c1ec3f3c0569edb9ba725
3. Paste the ABI/JSON interface from here:
4. Click Access

Now you can select the different functions from the drop down box. If you select "latest_price" this will show you the price of whichever currency pairing that was saved since the last request (it was ETH/USD when making this post).

I have loaded up the contract with 30 test LINK's so now to get the contract to download the price you do this:

1. Choose "requestCoinMarketCapPrice" from drop down box.
2. Put "ETH" (without quotes) into the _coin box and "USD" into the _market box
3. Click Write and finish the transaction using MetaMask
4. Once it is complete, go back to the "latest_price" and it should have the new price

You can use any currency that CMC lists (try BTC and KRW for example).

OK THANKS guys this was my first time learning Solidity and this Chainlink is really impressing me so far.

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Link is shit and you don't even know the basics of solidity. I bet there isn't a single linker here who is capable of designing an even semi complex contract.


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Oh look, another racist nazi cultist comes out of the woodworks. There's a reason why silicon valley is run by left-wing intellectuals who can program circles around you fools while you're basically taking weeks to learn babby's first "hello world" and pretending you know anything about smartcontract design. Pathetic.

>(((left wing intellectuals)))

Go build something faggot.

Hi Steve. I'm glad you finally managed to set up an oracle contract all by your own :)
Don't forget to tell Thomas how to do it, too.

Oh fuck, is chainlink actually ready to develop on? Where do I get started?

Can't wait for a 'Bloomberg' Chainlink. This, with SGX, would actually destroy my whole department at a big financial institution.
Can't wait to make my former collogues obsolete with automation.

The singularity is coming.

>he thinks he's special because he can program

code something for me boy. your only task for being here is to entertain me.

I’m one of the best ChainLink researchers and Bloomberg pops up everywhere


wow it's basically ETH, and link is just a shitcoin on ETH's platfrom to raise money. Who could've seen that one coming lads?

Bump again

Op why couldn't I just go and look the coin up on coinmarketcap and see the price myself, please explain.
Asking for my normie beta brainlet fren

where, teach me senpai

Because you wouldn't ask a smart contract to "just go to cmc and see the price" itself would you fren?

Can you trust cmc to give you the correct data? Their coins circulating data is fucked up all the time.

this is just an example. for serious applications you would pull price data from many different sources as well as using many oracles to make sure the data is legit.

Why didn't you use bravenewcoin?

Aside from that nice work man. We need people like you who discover all usecases from smartcontracts

just testing my dude

i notice someone tried to use the contract but had failed transactions. not sure what they were trying to do...

>There's a reason why silicon valley is run by left-wing intellectuals

Attached: b92.png (532x557, 46K)

wow you have to pay to get price data? such tech. wow.

... but wait! There's more!

This infomercial is brought to you by shilly mcshilly wagon postpurchase rationale so with every purchase synchronized with migrational checksums you receive one imagine the possibilities of the end of every beginning is a new beginning

left wing intellectual is a pretty good oxymoron

Then why are all the professors at universities left wing? :^)

It doesn't matter how they got there. What matters is their plan

Who is curtis yarvin

it will come to light in time for you my fren.

>he thinks professors are smart
professors come in 3 categories
A) A students who are retarded outside of academics and decided to get a PHD after failing to find a job
B) diversity hires
C) old guys who decided they'd like to teach the youth after retiring from successful careers

guess which one of those 3 is actually smart, and which one is the most likely to be conservative

kys sweetie

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I'm one of the best Bloomberg researchers and ChainLink pops up everywhere

You guys sure do have excuses for everything don’t ya

All you showed was the power of json parser. The ONLY thing link was supposed to solve was reputation because everything else is trivial. They didn't, they offloaded the problem to 'third party reputation providers'. Utterly worthless.


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