2 Paying partnerships, 3 more to come by eom.

Live mainnet

Best team in crypto including the legendary Vlad Trifa

Based in a non chink country ie not a scam

More than $3 per month payouts for nodes unlike TE-FOOD


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Other urls found in this thread:


But I have bought

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I have 500, am I going to make it?

If $7500 is making it to you.

I have a good guess who op is....

At $100 Eoy every one makes it

>seafood commons

>Nongshim, Premium goods
> 3 more to come
>my face when your buying AMB at $100 EOY

Nick is a retard cumbucket

Spread knawledge

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Although the token will increase in price, it is important to run a node if you plan to hold it long term, e.g. many years. AMB inflates(albeit slowly) as a token. Your node doesn't devalue because it receives the inflation as a reward + whatever you get paid for running it. If you owned 1% of supply and run nodes, you will always gain in % of total supply you hold, if you aren't overselling. Your 10000 AMB could become 100000 or so on, if the token supply inflated to an insane degree. But you can't really lose, you will just receive more AMB to compensate for the decreased value of the token. However, if you bought 500 AMB and just hodled it without a node, then in the future say, there were half a billion AMB tokens, you would hold a lower percentage of total supply because you would not be getting AMB to compensate inflation. Even though the price would likely have increased regardless by that time, I encourage you to buy a node for more reliable gains. They said there are plans to allow people to stake even lower amounts on other people's nodes however, so even 500 now could be immune to this inflation. But there is not much info on that yet. For now, they have made a system that encourages running a node.

It sounds nasty because inflation usually makes you think of some asshole printing more tokens to dump on bagholders, however the system is actually quite clever. It is designed to reward people actually doing work and helping companies, instead of just flipping the token. $50 eoy btw.

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Bumped for knawledge

Samuel lim aka managothic. Fussed Amb and a moonboy even Aneesh got impatient

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Tnx ambbro.
But I'm poor, will see.

Realistically 500 AMB won't go near a hundred thousand dollars ever. Consider GVT if you are outside the US. It's a moonshot but a new investment platform. Launching EOM so you could make some gains and try and put them in AMB and such. AMB is eoy launch anyway so if you accumulate you could get enough for a node maybe. GVT tokens are fixed supply and a good hodl option at the moment imo.

500 AMB at current price would equal about 6.7 GVT. It would cost 80 $. You're not going to make hundreds of thousands with that either.

That being said why not hold both?

This is such a solid investment. No chink gookgook China fu

I have AMB, GVT, and HOLO. Am I going to make back my lost gains?

AMB seems legit but the reason I'm not buying is because news like this: zdnet.com/article/walmart-implements-ibms-blockchain-for-food-traceability/
>IBM creates pseudo-decentralized blockchain
>partners with Walmart and other faggots
>Walmart forces all of its suppliers to use IBM's blockchain and not something else
>99% of supplychain logistics will be taken by jews like IBM with their shitty centralized blockchains
>truly decentralized projects fight like animals for the other 1%

Nothing personal against AMB, but the reality is that these bullshit centralized blockchains developed by IBM will take over everything. Even Australia paid IBM almost 1 billion to develop muh national blockchain. Fuck this gay world.

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They already have this amazing invention. It’s called a database you fucking ape.

fatsettie pls go

Definite maybe

This is unironically bullish for AMB. It shows companies are actually interested in implementing blockchain into their supply chain systems. AMB could steal some clients if they offer a better solution. On the other hand it's foolish to think a startup will be used by big names like Walmart when they can go with an already established company like IBM. As we have seen with these recent partners however, it turns out the market is huge and there are tons of opportunities for AMB to get adoption.

+1200 AMB right here anom. We are ready to launch

>+1200 AMB right here anom. We are ready to launc
>I have 500, am I going to make it?

Jesus you guys are poor

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Realistic bundle predictions eoy?

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FUCK I sold my stock two weeks ago, only got a token suicide insurance stack of 1k left. No more fiat available until November...


Typo bro, chill

Sell whatever your holding ASAP and jump all in on this shit until at least the end of the month.

wow, what a fucking retard you are. Read again what I've wrote and what you wrote, you mongrel. Fucking kill yourself.

Your the idiot who thinks was-mart is still relevant.

Amb doesn’t need Walmart or its shit tier pajeet suppliers.

You're right. Don't know why I thought Walmart was relevant. Someday you should teach me how to shit in the street like you so we can talk on an equal level.

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wtf is your problem mate, leave me alone


You think Jerome gives a fuck where the lettice he bought with his wic card comes from?

Amb is more than supply chain, it’s about implimenting IoT tech, IoT gateways, smart cities ect. The supply chain shit is just coming first.

Amb caters more to the Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods crowds where the customer actually cares about be product.


Dude, please just leave me alone

I sold with the intention to buy back in at the beginning of today's pump. It'll go down again, right guys??

Check etherscan, 6+ months bagholders are dumping on this pump. There will be more.

Nope. Gonna go to 90 Sats and bounce around until we see transactions.

>buy high, sell low
6 month bagholders are all from here, kek

We're not selling


Unlike vechain China hustle scammers, amb always goes into exact detail of what the partnership entails and exactly how they will be using the blockchain.

I hear that Migros is one of the remaining partnerships for October. This is fucking huge. Cannot believe this coin is barely in top200

Industry 4.0.
Amb posted a blog about it
Migos spoke of it in a German newspaper.

I’m 99.9% sure migos will be using amb for all of their supply chain.

When I posted this morning I hope you listened user

Bump for wealth

daily reminder that amb is a shitcoin compared to waltonchain.

Retarted and blue pilled

Amb $10eoy

Walton who?


why did i got trac over amb...

AMB = No Bullshit

LOL, AMB is 10 times lower marketcap for much bigger fundamentals and real partnerships

Please Stop!! What do you want?

>for your wealth

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>Bearwolf identity found
>Bourbon partnership released
>NDS (best ramen) partnership released
>3 more to go
I feel bad for the plebs that sold the bottom. We're going up from here.

How likely could we see $15 EOY?

100% chance fren.

This user has a point. AMB is targeting high-quality goods first and foremost and their demographic is people who pay premium for that. Walmart focuses on the random schmuck that doesn't care about whatever artificial processing and fake flavoring/coloring is added to their food. AMB gathering a bunch of million and billion dollar smaller producers will add up over time. Not to mention, I could see them expanding the tech into the pharmaceutical industry after their system has been proven by grocery retailers.

1% and I'm holding 10k.

Waiting for the end of q1 2019 to get all of the nodes running that send their applications. Actually the less AMB is worth the more the nodes will generate.

Niga... wtf

1 bundle=12 usd. Doesn’t matter what the price of amb is.

Did you apply? And yeach, technically that is true if you're betting on the appreciation of AMB further down the road, having it be low before liftoff would let MN owners make a ton of money.

Sorry I ment the more AMB it will generate.

Yeah I did.

Nice buzzword bingo.

Normally I'd agree with you but Trifa is one of the founders of IoT, if anyone can make those distant concepts a reality, it's him.

This is unironically the reason I bought into AMB.

The buzzword bingo winner is vechain with their high tech IoT device..... that looks like a fucking kids claw game from an arcade. Kek

I can’t wait to be financially independently thanks to amb.

The day I choose to sell it fucking pumps. It happens every single time...

Attached: brockmad.png (504x336, 229K)

Why would you sell today? Genuine question

Why the fuck would you sell so low

They are pumping the price slowly because locked tokens are released Mon 22nd of Oct for team, early backers, partners and advisors. Obviously they want to sell with better prices.. really hard dump coming so avoid this until end of month. I guarantee it is 30-50% cheaper by then.

Nah B. They've extended the lock up until April 2019. It was announced via the online news letter today.

Should I hold through the dump

Insider here. Lockup is probably being extended.

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This guy AMBs

Nvm you’re a dumbass

No they haven't. They asked community's opinion but haven't decided anything. Most of the people will vote against locking because they want to get in cheaper.

MAN, Nobody told these are paying partnerships.

Gtfo of here me bearwolf

If they wanted to pump they could have released “partnerships”. Instead they only announce real shit. Amb could be well over 1usd right now and climbing if they simply said who they were “working with” and didn’t fire croncota

Amb 10eoy

Yeah, I got the same email.. and voted against locking. There is also something your image doesn't show and it is this:

"This poll is strictly consultative in nature and is in no way binding on Ambrosus. It serves as a tool to collect sentiment and feedback from the community, in particular from masternode operators. AMB is a utility token and does not give rights to governance or administration of Ambrosus, AMB-NET or otherwise dictate or influence the future development of the project. Ambrosus reserves the right to have the ultimate decision on the token lock-up."

Nah B. You just want to get in cheaper so you're trying to manipulate people on here.

I sold just before the partnership announcement. I was daytrading making some small profits and then I get fucked. Literally holding would have made me more than all the trades I made combined...

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YES or NO?

I already got enough for a few nodes.

Just telling this will dump in end of month. They have a lot of people waiting token release which was already postponed 6 months before this. But it's your money.. I'm not selling all of mine now just in case, but gonna buy a lot more when the dump comes in two weeks.

Wow, I didn't expect AMB to find partners in Korea. Looks like not every supply chain project is a scam. Unless they paid the 3 gooks for the photo.

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God damn I miss this feeling.

Massive arbitrage on kucoin

As with most investments the fear of a potential dump causes it to dump far more than the actual dump was worth. Watch and buy the dip.