MGTOW is the best investment and retirement advice

>Level 0 – Situational awareness: This is the lowest level of MGTOW. At this level, a man is viewed as having swallowed the "red pill" and thereby, MGTOW advocates claim men at this level "embrace the idea that gender equality is a lie and propaganda."

>Level 1 – Rejection of long-term relationships: At this stage, a man "...rejects long-term relationships but will still partake in short-term relationships and sexual encounters."

>Level 2 – Rejection of short-term relationships: In level 2, a man does not meet women for "...hook-ups or any form of short-term or sexual relationships."

>Level 3 – Economic disengagement: a member at this stage "...refuses to earn more money than is necessary for sustaining life. He views the government as tyrannical and is trying to actively drain money from the bureaucrats."

>Level 4 – Societal disengagement: "Here the man refuses to interact with society any more than ever", such as by living "off the grid" (e.g. in a cabin)

I am Level 2.
Living on the cheap for the past 10 years.
Currently making average 90 grand a year as Union Electrician.
Will travel for work if things get slow at my local.

> No House, No Wife, No Kids, No Pets.

I am 34. My plan is to hoard for 10 more years. I estimate I will have $700,000 in dividend paying assets at age 45 and another $250,000 in cryptos.

At that point I will reach Level 3.

My plan is to retire at 45 in Thailand. At age 58 my Union Pension begins paying out. At late 60s I will start collecting SS.

MGTOW gentlemen. Protect yourselves and get out of this rat race. Get yourself a plan.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>virgin cope
The fuck outta here with this reddit tier lifestyle faggotry.

The lifestyle for pathetic losers gj OP

>Removing yourself from society because women were mean to you


Youre just ugly, i swing in pussy cuz im chad, keep coping.

I am Level 2. I am too strong for your shaming tactics.

You are not getting me back on the plantation.

Take women rights away FFS

shaming tactics don't work on Level 2.

"Men Going Their Own Way" - as if ANY way for a man to go besides voluntary celibacy isn't his own way, that any interaction with women is enslaving himself by definition.

Your movement is an embarrassment down to its very title. Really think about the optics of it - how truly weak it is.

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most minimalist Men are MGTOW and don't realize it.

And you haven't even thought about what I said. You're the same weak man you always were, and the title you've chosen for yourself advertises that.

Lmao this sounds like an even gayer version of scientology

Most MGTOW don't care much for the political side.

Most MGTOW are interested in the economic ramification of getting involved in modern relationships.

Its not about being celibit. Its about self preservation. Society (you) don't want me to opt out and fend only for myself.

I'm out. I have seen way to many guys set back 10 to 20 years because they got wrapped up in modern relationships. You just hate the fact that men are opting out and not wage cucking until they are 65.

You could be level 89 but your thread is still shit

Literally the only role you see for yourself and any other man is cuckolded betabux provider. You see the very concept of society as betabux cuckoldry. Your brain can't conjure anything else.

You are the crab in the bucket that drags the other crabs down with it.

>not having kids
Literally as beta as it gets. It shows you have no legacy to leave behind. No knowledge to give to your kids so they can have a better start and accomplish even greater things.

Absolutely pathetic.

doesn't matter, I am out.

Think about it. If I go fends for himself and he can manage to invest $25,000 a year for 20 years. He will probably have near $600,000 in assets at 45. A single guy with no kids and no past divorces can live the good life on that.

All I am saying is that the working system we have in place treats men like they are nothing but cash cows. Relationships are expensive. The gender political climate is turning into shit. The family unit has essentially been destroyed and its a mine field for men to walk into it.

Sounds like OP needs to get laid

I know plenty of guys who have kids. They work all the time. They hardly get to see their kids. And they are paying child support for their kid.

Also making the Jews happy for reducing the white population and leaving all your stuff to the government or donating them to (((charity)))

>the working system we have in place

The working system YOU have in place; the system of beta males and the cunts they orbit. Other men live differently.

sounds like OP has enlightened himself beyond human instinct and societal expectations.

Level 5 is coming full circle and realizing that the ultimate goal of a man is to obtain influence, not money, sex, or power which is what MGTOW sets you up for. To achieve true influence you need a loving wife and children and to be the patriarch of a big family to pass on your knowledge and contribute to the improvement of the human race instead of fucking disgusting Thai hookers and falling for the travel meme like most MGTOWs


>improvement of the human race

He wants extinction for the human race. Such is his resentment.

Then he should kill himself and as many others as possible. No joke, anyone that believes that is a hypocrite if they don't go school shooter route, therefore OP is a fraud

Level 1 but dream of level 4 alone cabin in the woods type deal

No, you're just a loser who lacks the discipline to go to the gym, not eat shit, and to develop your own personality that would make women attracted to you. You can deflect, say you're above criticism and shaming, but the matter of fact is your actions have caused you to be in the situation you're in now. Instead of being honest with yourself and doing what's necessary to be the best version of yourself, you gave up and you'll have to live with that the rest of your life. Grow the fuck up OP.

>t.former fatass who's now an in shape Chad with a qt3.14 conservative, wholesome gf.

>conservative gf
I'm sorry

Will you virgin losers kys already?

Sounds like OP CANT get laid because hes ugly and a beta, so he and his resentment of being neglected and rejected resorts to joining a feelgood cult born out of a low iq echo chamber on an anonymous anime forum.

Not very enlightening, lift weights, fix shit personality get off Jow Forums if you agree with him,. Fucking fat loser

>Inb4 ive had sex with many women
No you havent.

Listen to yourself. You are assuming that a man attracting a woman is what he is suppose to do.

What I am trying to say is that the time and money put into modern relationships is simply not fucking worth it. Men are putting themselves back 20 years and subjecting themselves to years of additional work for something they simply don't enjoy.

Wake up you fools.

>Listen to yourself.
>What I am trying to say is
>Men are putting themselves back 20 years
>Wake up you fools.

You all talk in the exact same narcissistic manner. That's one funny thing I've noticed.

here is black pill for ya all
Women are a source of resource
Economics are to be exploted
Goberment is to be serve you

mate you're just hopelessly bluepilled and you don't see it
i'm a 33 years old boomer neet, never wagecucked never will. you pretend to go your own way while you're obsessed with pussy - no sane man would want to retire in thailand
meanwhile i'm enjoying life with my wife and my kids. "muh mean society" is reddit-tier cope for losers slaves to their own mindset. there's a million way to become a millionaire in just a few years, provided you put intellectual effort. the extreme frugality types redirect their wagecuck laziness to passively saving instead of passively going to work - congratulations champ, you traded the chains of society for bondage of your own making

pretty good to see we have right-thinking anons ITT

This. The reality is that every single time you meet some single bachelor in their 40s they are always give off a pathetic vibe. Everyone you meet will act nice to you in person but secretly will think you are weird. You won't ever get ahead in your career, and all your friends will be superficial.
The only way to age with any dignity as a man is through fatherhood, period. The MGTOW life is basically a rejection of aging and refusal to pass the baton to the next generation which is inherently pathetic

back to plebit cuck

>you traded the chains of society for bondage of your own making
Based. Buy chainlink like this fine gentleman.

attracting women (mates) so we can spread our seed is literally what we're supposed to do on a biological level

*owning women is what we are supposed to do you cuck
speeding your seed to just become the next crop of slaves makes you a nigger

Name a single old bachelor you've ever looked up to as a role model

Jesus Christ

>/angry, ugly and self-pity general/
Yeah go ahead, build yourself a nice cuckshed in Thailand.

>always give off a pathetic vibe

that's only in your head because you are so blinded into thinking people are suppose to live their lives a particular way

>You won't ever get ahead in your career

I've been working as a foreman over many senior journeyman. But the facts are, I simply don't need to.

>The only way to age with any dignity as a man is through fatherhood

Men wagecucking until they are 65 and paying years in child support is pathetic. I see it all the time.

that's what you are expected to do, with massive financial ramifications

I subscribe to the whole MGTOW idea but really not to the whole communal bullshit.
I go my own way, why do I need levels to rank myself by. That's not going my own way.
That's some stupid tribal / frat shit.

>That's some stupid tribal / frat shit.

Not even frat; it's like a cargo cult of frat.

Same here lad, although I do enjoy vagin and making bitches pay for things instead of the other way around.

Levels and all that shabang is not really going your own way, and it contradicts the "going your own way part".
Just disregard bitches(still fuck em if you feel like it tho) and do your own shit.

because u only see the trash families that consist of people who failed at being adult, being parents, being decent humans in modern society. its not easy to act properly, but there are hundreds of thousands of people who succeed every day.
whats more, u might see them because u are actually of one them. shit is attracted to shit. going this MGTOW kiddo bullshit wont make u any better lmao.

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That's called being a retarded father.

OP is right but of course we are on Jow Forums, everyone here is an 8+ Chad with 140IQ who effortlessly makes 6 figures and bangs hoes left and right.

The reality is that relationships do cost a lot of money, let alone raising kids, now try to calculate how many years of addtitional wageslavery would your wife and each kid cost your, then have fun waging till 65 like a miserable bastard. Kids give you moments of happiness and eternity of wageslavery.

Going full minimalism is the only way to go in todays society with fucked up economy, raging inflation, divorce laws, etc. Not worth it at all, but like I said, I understand that this is Jow Forums and everyone is an absolute winner at every aspect of life

Wahaha. It sucks not being an 8+ chad, 140 IQ and making 6 figures. How do you even cope?

Pic related. It's me you pathetic loser. I made 32 million dollars selling oracles.

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>ITT: retarded faggots arguing about what someone else should or should not do with their own life.

We do have the White race to think about here.

my point still stands

level 3 here
dated plenty of chicks in my 20s the white ones were all worthless. the only waifu material I ever had was a hong-kong chinese and I refuse to have hapa offspring
then I went for hookers for a whie but thats just soul destroying
now a 33 year old boomer and pretty much volcel since 2017.
with the way things are going I will probably, unironically join a monastery within the next 10 years. I hate the modern world and it has nothing to offer me at this point. all I dream about is living in a religious community, living a stressfree life, doing honest work and having high quality food/water. that is pretty much impossible unless you own your own land so Im gonna take the monastery pill at some point.

>what individuals choose to do with their lives
>said individuals collectively make the individual decision to die childless, all within particular race and class boundaries of individuals
>all due to the influence of certain other (((individuals)))

>all that effort wasted on "getting women"

Level 7 here. I only masturbate to my anime pillow

Cringe and bluepilled

you willingly enslave yourself but i dont place blame you, its the biological urge in you


*opens console*

Remove_NPC pBygQuqc

You're a feminist. You just don't realize it.

lost my virginity and wondered why it was worth losing half my shit, then I woke up

Fuck you, faggot. You’re a quitter and a bitch. Kill yourself.

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MGTOW is like running a network with 1 node.

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I'll stick with Level 1.

Bunch of feminist men here. A divorce and losing a house will wake you up

Level 3 here.

I get you OP.

I have an ex that looked like Úrsula Corberó (from la casa de papel), without the big nose
I have exes that was training to be a nurse, and was probably the most altruistic girl on this planet
I have had all sorts of long term relationships, and in the end they all sucked

People who think relationships are great probably have never been in one for more than 18 months. Or maybe other people have a stronger ability to constantly adjust and cope with a whiny ass girlfriend around. As far as I am concerned though, having had 3 (3year+ relationships) and a bunch of shorter ones, I know life is much better on my own.

>a million ways

Can you please share some books or articles?

I really feel bad for white cucks, 98% your women are useless whores.

what's the point of hoarding money when you're about to disengage from society and live in a cabin?

>monastery pill at some point.

Monastery pill is hard work but very fulfilling. You will likely get in touch with the natural way of life our ancestors lived.

The few guys opposed to MGTOW probably got cucked into having kids and they need wagecuck men to take care of their needy daughters

The point is to generate enough passive income to live cheaply for the last forty years of life. That takes sizable investment savings

OP's plan sounds a lot like an Early Retirement guy crossed with a Volcel guy. So, whatever, but no need to be preachy about it.

For me I like a steady woman to live with but see no need to marry. That's a little potential benefit mixed with a terrible potential cost.

Is this how much work it takes to rationalize not getting a prom date? That's a fucking deep lifelong commitment just to compensate for something that happened in high school dude.

T f
B a c k
T o

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