What does Jow Forums think about this? Dump incoming?

What does Jow Forums think about this? Dump incoming?

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OP is a faggot
Mods please range bn

Do you have anything intelligent to say or is this the best you can come up with?

BTW, I can tell that you're either a pajeet or retarded NEET by the way you're articulating yourself.

Biz is gonna die if butcoin sdumps again ... Don't want to see more red

You’re the same angry loser that works for Lenocinium. How does it feeel to be a part of a scam? At least you’re getting paid for it.

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History always repeats itself

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How does it feel to fall for obvious fakes you retard?

I'll sell my stack if it dumps again

Dude your post is so bad you don't deserve an intelligent argument. My cognitive resources are scarce and valuable, and I'm not giving them to you stupid hobocumfilled cunt

It works until it doesn’t.. just like the 6th meme, etf meme, and CNBC meme

>My cognitive resources are scarce and valuable


I'm sure they are scarce, but probably not very valuable

Rofl, imagine being one of these retarded cunts.
> 1 day earlier, on the low iq fud discord
> "Uh, sirs. They still don't care about the site we made which was laughed out the door the first time we tried to use it as fud. Chainlink is still doing presentations and revealing things like their sgx enclave mechanisms and working chainlinks on the testnet. What should our next approach be to do the needful?"
> "Uuuhhhh... umm... *huffs street shit*.... uhhhh... we should try to double down on the site thing again."
> "Another great suggestion my partner associate, we will get them this time for hopefully."

>Uuuhhhh... umm... *huffs street shit*.... uhhhh... we should try to double down on the site thing again.


BTC is going to $4500


Doesn't matter as long as LINK is going to 1000 EOY

I doubt it will if BTC decides to shit the bed again

Which brings me back to the question in OP - any opinions?

We've broken longterm trend lines, we are not going down

>implying i take advice from someone who thinks chainlink is a good investment

Anyone who uses the work hodl should be instantly vaporised.

>Chainlink Bull

>Chainlink Bull
Based + red pilled
Btc going to be $3000 eoy, and link will be $1000

>Chainlink Bull

Attached: lmfao.png (447x560, 476K)

That's not how it works tho

There's a first time for everything

One can only hope...

Hmmm OP reposting what he posted on Twitter because it didn't get enough interaction? Just stick to one platform next time please.

Yeah it's been a while since I saw such a big ganggrannybanger as the collosal faggot we know in this thread as op. Pls kys