IMF predicts another Great Depression.

>Even some market bears were taken aback. “Why,” asks Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog would the IMF use this phrase “in a report that they know the entire world will read?”

>Italy’s debt woes are an obvious weak link. One reason: just as with US officials after 2008, Europe did more to treat the symptoms of its woes than address underlying causes.

Things are gonna get bad everyone.

You need to make sure you have everything in order.

Attached: ronny.gif (312x213, 973K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>hedge with a highly speculative asset that will be liquidated to buy low on the commodity market
Jow Forumslets

Value of fiat down -> value of crypto up

Just that the USD will skyrocket with Trump, while every other currency is going to the shitter, meme money included. Never bet against the energy and biggest military currency

except Dai, Tether, or any other stable coin tied to the dollar.

Buy Digix now for the perfect stable coin.

>Gold backed

BTC $1,000,000 confirmed

the 10/10/18 prophecy was real guys

Soon but not yet, dow jones going to explode with massive gains over the next few years.
After that we have the biggest depression for 300 years

maybe one million gayro
which will be equal to maybe 1 dollar

Hyperinflation says it is true

nocoiner cope

Attached: imagine.png (639x505, 280K)

I remember reading predictions for the next big crash being imminent as far back as 2012, is this one in particular more to be taken more seriously for some reason?

Corrections are inevitable but are hard to predict because their motions are generally affected behind the scenes.
There's no sense trying to predict unpredictable but inevitable events, all smaller players can do is try to ride the wave.

yall are dum there will be no crash, no depression, its just fud


Attached: valuedaddies.jpg (1910x1000, 216K)

They keep predicting a crysis and one day it will happen.
There are a lot of metalbugs out there and metal baghodlers.

Anyone got the stock market against fib levels graph?

1mil per btc won't be that impressive if it only buys a loaf of bread

>[unintelligible noises]
>the phoenix has risen
>[unintelligible noises]
>yes, yes
>the cold storage is ready
>yes, one million bitcoin
>[unintelligible noises]
>start the short dollar vortex
>[unintelligible noises]
>get the jeeps ready
>bunker location is sent
>[unintelligible noises]
>dump all altcoins and stocks
>[unintelligible noises]

Attached: anonymous man with a phone.png (851x479, 66K)

If srhtf, a frozen loaf of bread will have a higher roi than crypto over its whole existence

Thanks just bought 100,000 bread. When moon?

Soon brother, soon

Attached: 83B193E1-5556-4C38-9BEA-121312CEC4EE.jpg (876x655, 422K)

What's the best investment pre depression? Bonds right?

Don't fucking touch bonds right now.

not when states have 1000% more real debt than their average GDP

jesus....we are so fucked

You had 10 years to stock up on canned food, guns and ammo, including a last economic sperge out to get more of the assets that will get you everything when nobody will be able to pay security force wages, let alone pensions

Attached: BernieBurning.gif (600x400, 715K)

we're not fucked
this is literally why crypto exists
did you think that the phoenix was a meme?
crypto will replace the old system.
prepare for the ride.

Link recession depression proof? Perhaps, banks want to save as much as possible so using DLT would be a great option. But businesses would be I a hurry to implement smart contracts to shave off money from lawyers. I think we’ll be okay.

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Attached: munger buffett.jpg (600x400, 57K)

I "invested" 20k into facebook and lost almost all my money. I'm sick of this jew facade that you can make money on the market. I hope everyone loses their hard earned cash, so that a jew thief can send his little shit to Harvard.
Sincerely, I want it all to burn. I want to relish in the heartache of you absolute stooges. I want chaos.

Why do the lizards always look the same? Pale white skin, fat as fuck, old as fuck, glasses, modern cooky wooky haircut.

Oh right theyre lizard.

Fuck off Warren

Yeah, I should totally hold Gold....which has been atrocious and a massive slump. Well, actually I probably will get some Gold as well, or at least some DGX tokens on Ethereum. Bottom should be close.

Someone needs to clean up their room

You are correct, but the IMF always does their best to give a rosy outlook, or at the least to assure investors that there is a plan, any downturn is just part of the process, etc. This is blunt.

Unironically gold

if europe falls, the US stock market is going to SOAR, its where rich people move their money when there are issues in other economies

The fact gold has been performing atrociously is exactly why you should be buying it hand over fist you fucking idiot


Attached: sogood.gif (333x194, 1.78M)

back in my alex jones they where saying it then too. This was like 2004. This is probably fud either way im ready. Ive had 10 plus years to accumulate ammo

We need smthg new, fren.
Gold is old.

too late, Warren.

Attached: BTCfuture.png (1453x9999, 3.8M)

>t. desperate marketing faggot
You can't just get rid of ancient memes, probably genetically embed ones.

Buy signal if i ever saw one

checked. i've been waiting all year for this month. we made it, lads.

Unironically. They love a crashing market

Boomer stocks. Not even once.

pls be true
dont let me down
misery be on the horizon

Attached: 1526706606142.jpg (546x558, 192K)

this guy gets it

you literal retards, forst gold will go to 5k and gold is shitty af and will drop below 1100

Attached: petersond.jpg (600x679, 57K)

Sorry tim, your bags will not pump.

Attached: altcorns.png (768x768, 311K)

Need dem trafficked baby brains

>he fell for the gold meme

Because its the fucking IMF saying - yeah its fucked and we have no way to fix it.

Thats different than some peter shill, harping alone.

go to sleep bears. i'm buying more

It's in a bubble.

Attached: 1538976049462.jpg (592x1024, 284K)

>Asia Times
Pick one

This means open long positions

Fucking brilliant. Post modern philosophy btfo

>believing Jews

Attached: NyF49L.gif (320x240, 1.34M)

>peterson is a post modernist
You are one interesting kind of retard

>the economic collapse blog

Lol a totally unbiased source?

Yes please sell everything and buy canned food you normie poorfags. Please do

Small bets on Black Swan events hedge big bets on incremental sure things.

Taleb told you fucks what to do a long time ago...

>tfw you were born just in time to see the collapse of the united states


Popcorn.gif boys

Global financial panic soon. Wouldn't be surprised if other shit starts hitting the fan at the same time, like Ebola outbreak, superbolcano eruption, etc...

Joke’s on you, he’s not even a philosopher.

That's exactly who I learned it from.

>depression mean reduced cost, crypto has high costs to maintain invest in a security with high maintance costs

>I can’t speak English

Man I need to get cash so I can buy cheap shit

TAS of this board

Attached: fool.jpg (339x339, 30K)

plz tell me this is real

Literally fine with me. I planned on moving to Eastern Europe and working remotely remotely for a company in the US soon anyway

Should I go all in on SQQQ right now?

don’t you worry about indebted countries
take me, I am Italian, and I just close my bank account: disinvested 50.000€ plus all the liquidity in it (10.000€). Gonna keep it in cash in various places.

you should not worry lol

>except Dai, Tether, or any other stable coin tied to the dollar.
Except that the dollar peg for DAI is completely optional, and the long term goal is to peg it to a basket of commodities. Literally Nash's "ideal money".