>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy? Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.
Not even trolling, but the news does not matter. Price action will always be faster than the news cycle, if you're good at spotting trend, support and resistance you can make profits without needing to know anything about the underlying.
You should always trade with a plan before you buy or sell and not trade the news.
Ian Scott
yes, 40 is guud
>9mm >rattle that shit will go straight through your skull, a 22 rattles
Jose Perry
Just hold guys. Just hold
Aaron Ortiz
this is why long term investing is the only way
Carter Brooks
CHECKED PUNK ASS BEARS buy the dip and get on the golden bull right now
I think we're heading to the 200 sma this week on all the indexes, will be interesting to see if we flip to full on bear. The monthly candles have had a parabolic growth pullback due for some time.
this is a good sign for anyone starting out or long-termers. a daily loss this big won't be followed by automatic rebound. we will slide further and get a juicy buy opportunity. today is a good day :D
Leo Allen
Me too.
Julian Anderson
ahh comfy uvxy holder here, also looks like a nice time to start entry in TRP, get fucked boomer bulls
I like Jow Forums for the lulz but I am looking for economic journalism with deep analysis of the market.
Nasdaq dropped 5% in less than a week. I'm not panicking but I would like to know what caused this. For example, is it market correction or commercial tension in the US.
I understand and I am not talking about following the news to know what/when to buy or sell. But understanding what is happening in the economy is still useful to make decisions.
Thank you, I will take a look
Ethan Lopez
Good plan. Not even going to bother check how much I'm down today. Gonna play nier automata instead.
Justin Jones
Boosette is better, fag.
Anyways, why is my everything red today?
Lincoln Kelly
i bought vxx calls with all of my shekels yesterday, does that mean i won it?
Leo Bailey
key i'm actually up $40 right now in my divvy portfolio. pretty sure my mutual funds are getting rammed tho
Jason Miller
Now that I have bought UVXY calls at the low, lets see me get JUSTed. Dont worry guys golden bull run incoming
Finviz has a good general economic data section for announcements of the various fed shitsposts. If you have td Ameritrade, thinkorswim has a good newsfeed and calendar as well.
Luis Thomas
hi dividend fren, what does analysis look like for someone trying to choose which new div frens get to come visit?
Jaxson Wood
show proof baggy with your weird font bullshit
David Jackson
Not even close yet
Carson Young
Gavin Gutierrez
That’s it lads
Aaron Perez
Any anons here do asml ? It's dipping quite hard is it time to buy ?
Michael Bell
>tfw not getting emotional and still patiently hodling
>Nasdaq dropped 5% in less than a week. I'm not panicking but I would like to know what caused this. For example, is it market correction or commercial tension in the US.
you're overthinking it. stocks go up, stocks go down. when they go down people always want a reason, but none of that shit matters to making money. if you look at the long-term charts of all the major averages, you can draw a straight line up. don't worry about volatility just buy juicy dips because they happen every year or two like clockwork and the reasons don't fucking matter, and will never be explained for you
David Carter
for the people that dont know how to chart. we broke through "support" and are finding a new "bottom" better take a deep breath and be realistic and set your stop losses. im still green from rotating into defensive stocks and cash. just dont want to see any more suffering from my smg family.
I'm about to try out a demo on plus500 There terms and agreements have like 12 PDFs of so many pages. I'm too lazy to read can I trust them? They're established in Israel by Jews. Anything I should know?