How can I short this

How can I short this

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Fuck you, ya fuckin freak!

What the fuck IS that shit you fucking piece of Subhumans shit FUCK YOU OP

I would un-ironically cleave your head open after shoving a pineapple up your rectum for posting this shit

Probably won't sleep for fucking weeks now


that feet

Attached: sadd.jpg (205x246, 4K)

fk pink Floyd

this makes me vote for trump

What THE FUCK is that foot

vote for Bolsonaro

yes please do I will

trump of south america

>Hannah Rose Dalton (22) and Steven Raj Bhaskaran (24) started their Instagram account, @matieresfecales, in 2016 with the intention of promoting critical thinking and challenging every day ideas. And with a handle that directly translates to Fecal Matter in English, everything about them challenges the norm.

worthless hipsters

no, calling him Trump of Spicland is an insult considering how shit drumpf really is

How likely is he to win? Also as a non huehue I've noticed that all the questionable things he said are decades old.

He had 49% of votes, second highest candidate had like 25%, this with a lot of fraud allegations being thrown around. If he doesn't win then it is 100% fraud.
If you get those 25% and add all the other percentages from the rest of the candidates (11%+bunch of 2%s) it still doesn't come close to that 49%

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another salty libtard who has no clue what is happening to America.

Remember idiot, people like you are the problem. Not Trump.

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i bet those lips feel good on dick

its called fashion dummy

Yeah that picture really inspires "Hitler was wrong" on so many levels.

>clearly likes Bolsonaro
>uses the term "spicland"
were you always this stupid or did it happen at a certain age?


Attached: 71VQsQ9ECcL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 33K)

>walk down the street at night
>this thing comes in your direction
wat do?

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Attached: Untitled.png (562x636, 834K)

>Skinny ugly deformed small girl walks towards you at night
Call ambulance



I'm not sleeping tonight

#EleNão means "Not Him" in Portuguese

It's a hashtag against Bolsonaro (Brazilian Trump)

I hoped for Trump, now i am going to vote for Bolsonaro!

How'd we miss the birth of Slaanesh?

based sniff poster

You're having a nice day. You wake up, make breakfast and decide to go to the local store for a newspaper. When suddenly....

Attached: momsdream.jpg (820x602, 84K)

her mom is a tranny too?


fk china

fk the Clinton organization

Shit like this makes me wonder whether Hitler was right.

Mom I’m scared

i remeber the good ole days when people got stomped out for this shit. They could only get away with it in the cesspool citys

>How can I short this
>Buy life insurance policy on degenerate in your name
> give $2000 to degenerate



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guy in the back calling the Five-O


And they say there is no antichrist infiltrating western societies

Really makes you think...guess i will visit church more often from now on

such boring people to be honest

when i look at people like that it seems more conformy to me than just wearing a collared shirt and jeans, because the guy wearing the collared shirt and jeans literally does not give a single fuck, literally could have picked one of 10 random shirts out and does not think he looks better in one than another, the whole point is he does not have to care how he looks. People like this go to all kinds of lengths and trouble to look like this set of everyone else on tumblr or whatever site is the meme of the day like livejornal was. They spend hours and hours of their week dressing up and somehow all look the same in the end

must be tedious knowing someone like that IRL

>You're having a nice day. You wake up, make breakfast and decide to go to the local store for a newspaper. When suddenly....
>i remeber the good ole days when people got stomped out for this shit. They could only get away with it in the cesspool citys
>guy in the back calling the Five-O

Guys seriously do you not get that these kids are doing this just and only to get that reaction out of you? They are just wearing outfits, they are not actually doing anything interesting

really guys


Salty liberal retard. Im dutch and i wish I was american under trump.

Is biz seriously this triggered by some instagram fashion account? Why are you all such betas

I actually became educated when I found out most of the world was filled with idiots like you. It took over a decade and a half to undo what the liberal indoctrination system did to my brain and psyche.

I can't imagine you can even understand what I am talking about. You probably think schools and television are a good thing. I think there might be a nice website out there that will upvote trash like you. I'm sure you have heard of it.

you should begin with knowing anybody IRL

Does your mom pick your collared shirts and jeans for you?

found girl in op's pic
found dark pajeet weirdo friend

>you should begin with knowing anybody IRL
oh i do! lots of people really!

>Does your mom pick your collared shirts and jeans for you?

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>seething tumblrcucks

what has Jow Forums become

>I am scared of pretty livejounralfags

Great idea, thank you.

>Collared shirt
Here's a man who doesn't give a fuck, a man who fucks

Attached: Christian_Weston_Chandler.jpg (300x400, 53K)

>implying wearing a cute outfit and taking a photo of it will significantly shorten a person's life

Thank you based euro poster. I have to watch with such pain and displeasure as this retards screech and cry about our country as they sip their starbucks and post to instagram on their 800 dollar phone...

These idiots have no clue of the history of the last 200 years, much less the last 2000 years. They still believe the democrats arent the KKK because apparently after 2 generations the KKK packed up and switched to the party that freed the slaves.

shit he woulda been kinda handsome if he lost weight

uma delicia...

how people look at this and not instantly think of demon/Satan imagery is beyond me. This really is a glimpse into hell.

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wtf Jow Forums

How do people not look at cryptocurrency and realize it's the mark of the beast is beyond me.

just another set of upper-middle class bored children. Take away their safety nets made out of steel, and look how quickly they'd abandon their drive towards novelty and reinventing everything

no deformed foot in this pic....

douchebags cosplayin zzzzz.

>reinventing everything
by buying the same contact lenses and make up as every other person on tumbler and doing the same shit they all do

That guy is going to break a wrist when he slips wearing those shoes on that hard slick flooring

yes I am old but i can't help be concerned for that young man's safety

Me in the back

I have been studying religion/history for 15 years and looking for the "mark of the beast".

Crypto is definitely not the mark. No simple piece of tech or single idea is the mark. The mark is a way of thinking, or for that matter, a way of NOT thinking. It goes much deeper than this.

Attached: 01-Social-Fecal-Matter.jpg (1120x630, 204K)

>RFID chip
>blockchain technology
>5g network binding everything
>you can't buy or sell without having the mark

Yeah, keep being ignorant and leading Christians astray

Welcome to Liberalism.

what exactly are they trying to achieve

Its would explain a lot...

>what exactly are they trying to achieve
all they are trying to do is get people like you to look at them and be like "why are they doing that"

not even kidding

vote Trump dynasty 2024 and beyond

>Manlet so insecure bout his height, that he has to make his GFs platform shoes half the size as his.

who knows what they do, I doubt they have a thought going on in their head past "lol look at my new contacts im totally going to blow the normies MINDS"


>Johnson Dollar Diversity Dilemma

Unironically this! Watch some of Chuck Johnson's videos and read his articles about this. His theory, understandably so, is that when companies put diversity ahead of the bottom line, they always fall short of their quarterly goals. Short the stock on these companies and it's the closest thing to a sure bet you'll get.

you both sound schizophrenic. Something about Jow Forums that draws in more schizos then any other site.

>implying life-defining mental problems don't shorten a person's life significantly

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niggers face says everything