Attached: yourmoney.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

Just buy BCH you'll be fine.

How expensive are puts going to be? I have 120 dollars

is this a meme?

buy bitcoin or enjoy your hyperinflated paper QE-dollar buying a 10 dollar gallon of milk in 5 years.

>IMF says another recession is looming
>people take profits and deleverage
>Deleveraging works, the profits cause a nice big dip for the government to buy up with QE money and the economy is saved

Realest shit

These stock market dumps have little effect on crypto prices, if anything they also tank.

checked and confirmed

dump ett

me and my friends are ready. Finally our time will come.

Attached: powerful.jpg (3000x2000, 1.01M)

Did they name that thing Thursday?

How are my shitcoins going to do tomorrow?

>NPC forgets btc requires huge fixed cost and capital to work.

bitcoin will take a hit down too, just not as bad as the SPY

Attached: yup.jpg (789x551, 132K)

XDDDDDDD what the fuck is this HAHAHA

This is why my grandparents built death camps.

your grandparents got btfo then

Here comes the snow

Attached: IMG_1231.png (500x392, 88K)

probably dump by mere ignorant inertia but will do well soon

I really hope that's a man

They survived the war, but obviously they were unable to finish what they started.

Fellow murican here, fucks these infiltrating japs indeed!

>t. Zimbabwe 2.0

>NPC thinks btc requires huge fixed cost and capital to work.

This is how I know there is no god.

>He spends less than 10 dollars for a gallon of milk
Pick related is a 1/2 gallon and it cost me 5.29

Attached: IMG_20180218_212832526.jpg (1536x2048, 338K)

Reading comprehension.

so, what you're saying is, i dun good buying spxu earlier today?

Yeah famlam, I'm ready to buy buy buy. Money is on sale this week, nigga.

*Crack* The Man Who Was Thursday, now that's a great work of Christian apologetics.

Attached: [OZC]Mobile Suit Gundam F91 [2011 Release].mkv_snapshot_00.54.27.jpg (1920x1040, 231K)

if you made a sepia-toned version of this in photoshop and exchanged the background, it would literally be an old-timey circus freak show.
"the human freight train"
"the bearded lady"
"the human monkey"