Is this a bubble?

Is this a bubble?

Attached: 1539203067888.png (2048x1770, 605K)

Are you a bubble?

No, we are early adopter.

Long boats / ships lolol

Can't tell. Need to zoom out. This is like looking at a one second chart.

The retarded thing about climate change denialists is that they think it means they can wipe their hands of any question about environmental management and sustainability.
The thing is, even if anthropogenic climate change is 100% false there are still an absolute fuckton of totally legitimate and terrifying environmental concerns that don't go away just because you've found a blog that says NASA is wrong.
Overfishing is an absolutely massive one. You just track linearly the devastation of oceanic ecosystems and there's no conceivable magical scenario where fish suddenly figure out how to propagate with infinite speed to secure our food supply. Climate change has almost become a strawman for people to stake their ideological flags on either side of, but even if you don't "believe in it" you still need to engage with the fact that our use of resources is not sustainable, and what that actually means.

Based and blackpilled.

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cucks "Fuck borders, everything changes and is arbitrary."

also cucks "Although measured weather is like looking at a one second chart, everything should stay the same forever. In order to keep it that way, white people need to give poor people money."

how the fuck does a satellite measure ocean levels to the mm?

Tell me about any environmentalist protocol that doesn't boil down to "White people need to give poor people money"

So what's the solution then user? How can kill 6.5 billion people and reign in our impact?

this is organic growth nigga

1kmm eoy

yeah it's a thing, I try not to burn to much plastic but then again I'll be dead before all the ice melts so not to concerned


Imagine being this retarded.

Attached: Eat Shit.jpg (600x800, 64K)

>people who dominate international economics and are the leaders of the wealthiest nations should "spend money"
>just happens to be insecure white people

zoom out, newfriend.

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All I see in environentalism is the impulse to bring the West down to the conditions of the Third World, purely out of spite.

signs indicate yes

> I'll be dead before all the ice melts so not to concerned

You're sub human

>purely out of spite.
So the whole "Earth is a closed system with finite resources and susceptible to feedback loops that can make things spiral out of our control in terms of food security, air and water quality, and generally the conditions needed to sustain large scale technological human life" thing kind of goes over your head, huh.


>>how the fuck does a satellite measure ocean levels to the mm?

Its funny when they ask obvious questions that reveal someone totally ignorant, lacking in curiosity, and then you're like, it all makes sense... stupid... selfish... wasteful... ignorant... yep. We all know people like this.

So you don't deny the part about bringing the West back down to the Third World state of bare survival.

>All I see in environmentalism is the impulse to bring the West down to the conditions of the Third World, purely out of spite.

That is absolutely retarded, what environmentalism accomplished is the exact opposite of the third world. Clean water, clean food, clean air, happy people.

Only a self-centered idiot thinks efforts to improve the environment for all are spiteful.

>bringing the West back down to the Third World state of bare survival.

Infowars idiocy here. These people are absolute morons

I think you're literally incapable at a cognitive level of even beginning to think in the sort of terms required to understand this problem, and that you dive back into positions of utterly absurd strawmen just to feel like you're making a point, and not completely out of your depth.

go to to ipcc website and read any of their strategy papers. even the UN itself doesn't deny it.

Bubble confirmed

zoom out
need a million year chart for accuracy.

Attached: 1518829535666.gif (720x775, 2.83M)

I'm wondering what /biz thinks about the Apollo missions ... But I'm too scared to ask

we'll be fine

The Apollo missions were real, but the moon is fake, it was put up there in the 60s by SJWs so that there would be enough light at night time for white genocide.

Pulled this straight from Jow Forums I see

>"haha the world is dying,so funny!XD"

fuck you,/biz

a climate-period takes between 40k years to several millions years. For instance: the current ice age began 2.6 million years ago and you are panicking over data that barely spans more than 100 years and for the most time wasn't even measured with computers or globally.


this is why i dont take climate change seriously and never will. fuck all the groids on this planet who think us White Men are supposed to take care of them

no it just means I'm not going to support your shitty taxes that don't actually address any of the problems you claim to exist or fund unsustainable technologies because you're afraid of nuclear power
besides, the western world will objectively benefit from climate change on its current path, the places that will suffer the most are populated by the worst humans on the planet
this is probably why the elite only pay lip service to the idea of environmentalism while they pass irrelevant bullshit like gas taxes and ignore pollution in the developing world

I love the fact that condescending bugmen like you two faggots will never be taken seriously. I want to see this world go up in smoke if it means faggots like you are going to go through even more misery and suffering. Both of you faggot cucks can get fucked.

We have a very good dev team. Soon to go parabolic with 100% certainty