Did you all manage to Holo up before it started?
I only have 999,999 HOT will I make it?
Unironically yes, holo is a stable coin remember
i have exactly 1/3rd of this. Want to get to 1M
I can't say that you'll make it, but you'll do alright.
i have begun DCA on this. The more I research it the more I like it, just wish I'd heard about it much sooner when it was like 3 sats.
Better late than never. I missed the ICO but bought this shit right after it hit idex in April. Will start accumulating more after I get my other stacks in order. Gonna be picking up more RHOC and DAG and a couple other coins I can't talk about yet but will soon.
saw it shilled here and disregarded it as typical post-BTC Jow Forums shit. Made a few small but successful trades with it after I noticed how it behaved on ETH dumps, but then I started to actually look into what it was and decided to acquire and long term hold it.
To a large proportion of people at least in the English-speaking crypto world, they still think it's a Jow Forums PnD Holocaust meme shitcoin. They haven't cared to look into it even enough to know the team are SF SJWs. Putting all the fundamentals aside, this alone tells us there's more upside to come.
I really want holo to moon bigger then ever
>unironically long on commie SJWs
>being so short sighted you assume all SJWs are also commies by nature
Don't be fooled. Every attempt at Communism thus far has ended up as a Palace Economy instead. Humans are too willing to either lead or be led for there not to be winners and losers as a result.
>op deliberately interpreting my response as supportive
I just want to make $, IDGAF about their ideals. Bezos, Jobs, and Gates are all on some sliding scale of SJWery.
No they aren't, they are just cynical old fucks that are gonna die anyway so let the world burn.
No, I was 50/50 on you being a time and oxygen waster. Was.
>time and oxygen waster
But OP, i'm a deplorable useless eater also.
May as well shill the new ones friend
I'm 90% in Holo and 10% in ETH. The only reason that ETH is there is because I tried to sell some Holo high and buy a dip later without cutting into my 1mm stack. It hasn't dipped yet, though, so I'm stuck with shitty ETH that's losing its value. Watch it pump by at least 10-20% in the next week.
>gates foundation
>They haven't cared to look into it even enough to know the team are SF SJWs.
inb4 go back to Jow Forums
>"Cryptocurrencies have caused deaths in a fairly direct way."
fuck it, grabbed more before the ETH pair goes out of whack again, 555k now.
You do realize that most of the Gates Foundation work somehow benefits Bill Gates financially in some way, right? He's actually making a profit by pushing certain initiates (which require the purchasing of expensive software and other tech) through under the guise of philanthropy. I've seen it estimated that he gets at least $3 back for every $1 the Gates Foundation "gives."
Wow he's a fucking genius,who knew?
And that's bad why?
Gates foundation is a tax exempt NGO. Back in the day, the super rich hid their money in swiss bank accounts, then in "overseas banking" tax havens. Nowadays it's all about the family foundation.
I can't stop buying this fucking coin. It's literally meant to make me rich. i fucked up on btc and eth but i won't miss hot for the life of me.
So he's created a perpetual gibs machine, god forbid he leaves it on until everyone habs
>Hides his money from taxation in the foundation, makes money off it.
>not a bad thing
Not saying taxation is a good thing per se, but plebs like you are forced to pay at gunpoint. Bill Gates chooses how much he pays, lobbies on his own behalf, and gets fat government contracts as well.
>perpetual gibs machine
>just like Holochain
>Slaves like u are ever gonna hab
You and I would do the same shit
This is actually an interesting false equivalency. The individual human is just a mortal being, all artifice of society was created to help this fragile creature survive. But by the mechanics of traditional human organization, the incentive models governing organizations are fundamentally flawed. Where the responsibility over securing the integrity of socioeconomic policy requires human intervention, there exists a space where those very policies break down and fail to direct the actions of man. Basically, a portal to hell opens up at the top of any traditional organization, allowing the will of nonhuman idols to be represented in a world that was intended for man. These idols have names, google, facebook, monsanto, the IMF, the CIA, and so on. When Bill Gates "does some shit" it is not a human being expressing it's will, it is the full power and authority of the evil god Microsoft, and you are basically an insect.
On a side note, Cryptocurrencies have actual policy ingrained in their protocols, if a functional consensus algorithm is operating, the responsibility over securing the integrity of said policies relies on impassive mechanics that answer to no god or man. Therin lies the true value of cryptocurrency, and sadly, Holochain lacks it.
Kill yourself sophist
The absolute stench of autism from your post is unbearable. May (((god))) have mercy on your soul.