We moon tonight boys !


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Other urls found in this thread:


What a Manlet

Attached: Pee pee and poo poo.jpg (1080x1250, 369K)

Excellent pic. Great to see these two geniuses together looking happy


Attached: 1535917845019.jpg (793x892, 304K)

no hover hand to be seen, immense respect for these lads

Where's the shit stain?

look at the buttons on sergey's shirt. yeesh

I need one of those shirts

damn sergey is low test as fuck. No wonder he hired dat thicc gook

Our heroes

His fucking face

why doesnt he smile? he looks so unhappy and unhealthy compared to steve or his past self. we need to all go visit sergey and help him out

Attached: DpMLuSuWsAAU6JL.png (805x783, 859K)

do you realize how many failed projects this faggot has been on?


Why the fuck they have Ari Juels as a participant? He is dead, that's so disrespectful!

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Look at the cup. Chainlink ICX partnership confirmed!!!

steve is 6'8 and played college b-ball

You all just had to fud his hard work, call him fat, and shop his face on obese people. All he ever wanted is to free the wagecucks and keep the neets secure. He does it all for you. This is why the fud needs to stop.

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Don't look at his face bro just look at his thumb

He looks like he's been getting progressively more autistic with every new photo

It could be worse. He could look like this guy

Attached: 3001EA9B-0730-4576-A1E2-60E1924D98DD.jpg (1125x1669, 1.02M)

Attached: 1539221663563.jpg (1028x707, 443K)

He's actually getting fatter. He doesn't give a fuck about the memes.


Attached: 1539221663564.jpg (1028x707, 452K)

>packed workshop

>chainlink annouces partnership with Google, Facebook, oil, medicine, and banking.
>immediatly dumps to 10 cents

Just when I thought Steve couldn't get sexier.


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Sergey sees beyond the mortal realm and is not moved by mundane things. Only when Chainlink ushers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution will he allow himself to smile.


His pants needs to be soiled desu. Brave.

big facts only haters gtfo

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Attached: 1539221663568.jpg (534x407, 135K)


Steve is a Chad

Attached: 1539221663569.jpg (525x649, 236K)

You win this one, Delphi

Steve is based as usual

Christ, Sergey actually is getting fat. I thought that was just a meme, but it's becoming reality

one shirt that will rule them all

rhett and link

He’s a bear daddy. He’s perfect.

Dude's too busy enabling the fourth industrial revolution to find a different shirt, work out, or eat something more nutritious than Big Macs. He'll have all the time in the world soon once he's a billionaire.

Attached: aefcyiwgvfg01.png (800x600, 780K)

Can you imagine how fucking expensive the original shirts will be in 10 years? Priceless.


Attached: ChainLink.png (486x525, 421K)

Any word on the workshop?

Well done marine

Fucking idiotic we still have nothing