What's happening? I don't understand

Hey Jow Forums. I don't usually browse this board but I was wondering why on fucking /v/ and /a/ of all boards people were hinting towards something along the lines of a financial crisis coming, and that it could be fucking worse than 2008 and the subprimes. I'm afraid I haven't caught up with recent events, so if someone would be nice to give me a quick rundown on the situation thank you very much for your time.

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It's a new shareblue meme being pushed for the midterms. Sage and report.

>What's happening?

It's fucking nothing, just a bunch of poverty zoomers praying and hoping the financial system crashes

>/v/ and /a/
Like pottery.

Protip, money is on sale. Only a retard would sell now. Buy buy buy buy buy buy buy

I can predict with 100% certainty that a stock market crash is coming. I'm not going to say when, though.

correction, probably

People afraid that they can't get cheap money anymore. Buy the dip and dump it in a year or so when the real worries of recession come.

Every thing is fine.



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Jow Forums crossposters trying to spread meme magic because their shitcoins are crashing.

>on /v and /a
People say this literally every time there is a selloff. They have a deathwish, deep down, they grow nervous when things are good and seek to kill them to relieve themselves.
It’s the same reason why people get an urge to push others off of cliffs. They’re afraid they might fall, so they want to expedite it and relieve the fear. Weird shit. People get off on it.

>money on sale
That’s the opposite of what’s happening. Money is more expensive (rates up) this is what’s driving the equity selloff.

Where you got that from?

it relates to NPC's need for certainty in the midst of ambiguity. Death is the ultimate certainty, and liquidation of a position is akin to this.
Also David Brock is a pedophile and a murderer.

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What is more likely, that the longest bull market in history is finally over, or that this is just a normal correction in the most abnormal bull market ever? The fact that so many so-called experts are convinced it's the latter, means that it's far more likely to be the former!

Jow Forums here. sage and ignore crash/recession threads.

>What's happening?

Fuck off.

This user knows

Fuck off, Jow Forums.

Thanks for the answers

I bought the dip I fit in now