ITT we report losses in USD

ITT we report losses in USD

>tfw lost $13,000 over night

Attached: D29D3EEF-B7E1-4AD9-80FC-8BB7BD7B0489.gif (320x226, 3.37M)

Nice try, IRS

Had 77k in June, down to 45k T_T

Down 5k from initial since December. Roughly a fifth of my net worth

i've lost about $39,000 since january, and lost about $1100 today alone

about $4m.. and this is after gaining about 80 btc since the ath

I lost 13.4 million... considering suicide. I wish this was a joke. Banking on yomlrtlw recovery before I decide to end it all. 14 years down the drain. I was gonna check out on new years for a retirement.

I made $10K shorting this ponzi checkmate

"muh big losses in USD but bigtime gain in BTC" meme


it hurts...

are we talking crypto market or stock market?

Nice larps guys


$25k in crypto
$25k in stocks
From initial investment ofc.

What is an anonymous message board?

Lost 60k last month. Down 200k last 12 months. Wish it was a larp, but it's not. It fucking hurts, but I'm still ok financially..

This is Anonymous. The operation is almost complete. Soon the social media empire will fall under self destruction by the fall out. Zuckerberg will pay for his greed. Be ready yourself. Do not forget.

Attached: anonymous.jpg (1800x1200, 103K)

I lost it all
i invested nothing

Put in $650
Lost $50

Who else poorfag

kill yourself fucking faggot

but how?

Started with 60k, was at around 350k and now down to maybe close to 50k hopefully, deep underwater

Hurts but at least something still left

Biggest loss I’ve ever suffered over a day was $300

should of bought that AG.

Yeah... No one is believing this.

>Thinking that Jow Forums is actually anonymous


Poorfag reporting in.
Lost 200$ in shitcoins. Can't really say i lost my money since it was neetbux, but the taxpayer lost 200$ under my jurisdiction.

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Oh. I'm a student and I earned all that money by saving up.
Whatever. It's money I can afford to lose desu


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I've lost 60 thousand dollars since janurary and lost 5 thousand on today's retarded dip

+$1500, since i sold at the ~20k top. but since BTC is a log-asset, I'll be bying back in soon

I lost $1.5k in this stupid crypto shit, but whatever. Could be worse.

why wouldn't you? 10-20k invested in the market in 2015-16 could have easily become that much

lost 10k worth of gains in an instant

Attached: 1538892427868.png (719x853, 1.2M)

4k today, ~100k since jan

Ive probably lost about 2-3k in stocks so far. Parents gave me a bunch of insurance company shares they have been bagholding since the dawn of time, and the month or so after they transfer ownership they drop 40%. Just my luck huh

It's just a correction, r-right?

I went from 400 to 8k in a week on max leverage on December/ January. Was about to cash out to get an old Honda accord, got rekt hardcore when it all went down. Down to 160 . Climbed back to 600. And that's it.

$50,000,000. Almost 5% down in the past 24 hours. Going to neck brb.