What a surprise. They crashed the market again yesterday. What was it this time? Medical bill...

What a surprise. They crashed the market again yesterday. What was it this time? Medical bill? Taking the kids out to Dennys?

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kek, europoors don't even have enough money to move the market in either direction

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Europe and America is not white. Eliminate your jew problem you fucktards.

In my experience it's the people who care the most about being white that aren't.

all you can eat spaghetti night at the strip club

You regurgitate tired memes and call it "your experience". You're an NPC.

In my experience you are a massive faggot and also not white

Attached: mutt usa.png (768x960, 885K)

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Attached: 56th president mutt.png (1200x902, 1.17M)

>muh currency
>stop using money as money

Hayyy chihuahua! El presidente!

Famous European newscaster

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What did Germany mean by this?

Attached: you just KNOW.jpg (673x579, 75K)

Had to pay for my wife’s son’s basketball tournaments

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>be american
>get shot

Attached: mutt roll.jpg (1841x2977, 2.32M)

Fucking mutts.

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well you asked for volatility. that's fine. lower eth means better price enter to swap to an ico coin

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Haha that nigga tyler1 my boi nigga

OP is low iq russian
>only total tatarshit imbecile would fail to understand reason for drop yesterday

Goblinos ruining everything.

Attached: Goblin Slayer - 01 - Large 17.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Go fuck yourself. You aren't white, you aren't even human with your unfounded hatred.

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it's the same reason as yesterday: cat bonds