Getting an inheritance soon

>getting an inheritance soon
>could be $50,000 or more

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what you gonna do with it?
i have some too, just dont have a clue on what to do.

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you know how everyone says you'll just blow free lottery or dead family dollars? yeah, you're probably gonna lose at least 48k of that on stupid shit, but good luck

Put it in zrx

>buy a nice swiss watch
>put ~50% in high interest cash account
>invest the rest in boomer etfs
>probably put a small amount in a few coins

imagine being so worthless and incapable that you think $50k inheritance is something worth thinking about

spend it all on fake internet money user

imagine being such a consumerist cuck that $50k isn't a massive windfall that you could live off of for years

blow it all on non-liquid internet meme money

people who live with their parents need not apply

A friend of mine inherited 100k$ when his mom died from cancer (his father alrdy an hero'd few years prior).
He wasted it (almost) all in stupid shit :
>muh travel
>muh bars and nightclub
>muh rich brands' clothes
>muh chic restaurant
>muh steam vydia
Now, 2 year later, he just have 8k$. I tried to warn him but he refused to listen. Now he invested whats remain in a stupid project and will also lose it, but at least its an investment. He is a nice guy and i love him but fuck he is so stupid with money it almost hurt. Worth mentioning he don't have a job nor worked the past 2 years.

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How's the weather on your planet you spoiled brat?
>hurrdurr imma be a millionaire one day
>im smarter im better than the rest i got something they dont have!
>10 yrs from now cucking in some office for mediocre pay
So sad, many such cases.

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I work in the field, I build nuclear power plants
>hurr office wage cuck im so much better being a worthless piece of shit
>wow im so much better eating rice and lentils twice a day, those spoiled consumerist cucks are so wasteful

neither do people that rent

>deranged and arrogant
>works at nuclear power plants
I'm sorry your brain and body is toast bro, good luck with everything.

He should've bought bitcoin with those $100k

same here.
$100,000 - $150,000. never had that kind of money.

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One of our common friends unironically proposed him to invest in it in 2014 but he refused. He could have been millionaire by now, but instead he is in poorfag mode.
He always have been like thi with money, but i thought 100k would change his approach... it was the opposite, he went even more full consumerist NPC. Like 300$ shirts he wear 1 time in a nightclub then trash it away.

Gold or VIX

don't blow it user.

i'll probably have another one even bigger than that (probably 250k+) as well in some years but I hope it's not for a long time yet desu. the person is infinitely more important to me than the money, but it is inevitable of course.

So much this.
It's like the sipping boomers. They waste 2x3$ in redbull shit on a daily basis while wagecucking for low payroll and wonder why they can't save money.
If it was only energy drink i guess it would be ok, but it's the same with food, weed, vydia etc... The milleniums and zoomers really live above their means.
They think they will have it just like their predecessors during the 60-70's. How naive they can be, at this rythmn they will have saved nothing 20 years from now. I recently read an article saying 7/10 americans have less than 1000$ saved on their bank account. Even the ones with nice pays. Any unexpected event happening and they are forced to take a loan... The banksters really won didn't they?

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>>buy a nice swiss watch
>>put ~50% in high interest cash account
>>invest the rest in boomer etfs
>>probably put a small amount in a few coins

Do this:
>>don't buy a nice swiss watch
>>don't put ~50% in high interest cash account
>>don't invest the rest in boomer etfs
>>go all in a few coins

Use inheritance to buy a cheap house in the midwest in a city that still has jobs like Columbus or something. Rent out the other bedrooms to your friends. Now you can trade full time and not worry about money because all your living expenses are taken care of from rent and you have no debt. Become crypto millionaire next bull market in 3 years.