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kek someone just cleared the orderbooks. absolute shitcoin tho. dev got arrested in lebanon for arms smuggling and hasnt been heard from since

Kek, source?

Keep telling me that when it hits $2 in a few weeks despite BTC dropping towards $4k.

>lets just ignore this very fundamental flaw and all just hold on tight and hope to get rich

its censored on their discord etc. but there are lots of threads with proof on bitcointalk


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Why should I care about fake news on a random shitty forum?

sold my stack at the bottom days before it started pumping

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>buy high, sell low
The same old song, it never ends.

> Meanwhile in china

Attached: volume.png (718x649, 47K)

what is DERO?

Initially a breakout/fork of monero, later recoded from scratch in go, now a working directed acyclic graph of PoW blocks, smart contracts announced

All this has made monero shit itself and begun a race to catch up

>All this has made monero shit itself and begun a race to catch up
XMR is still the number one privacy coin and is not trying to catch up to anybody. If any privacy coin has the potential to reach the same heights as Monero, it's Masari.

based DOGE (the real bitcoin)

> XMR... is not trying to catch up to anybody ...


Attached: Monero_LAB_BlockDAG.png (965x897, 108K)

holy shit. lmao i was just troll fudding in this thread but that pic is fucking lol

>further bulletproof optimisations
Dero already has bulletproofs that are over 1000% more efficient than the originally proposed ones
Dero has literally had a blockDag running for months now

desu if anything i would say there is a good chance Sarang Noether is actually Captain... either that or he is straight up copying what dero is doing.

Sarang Noether isn't Captain.

Attached: Monero_LAB_no-clue-how-to-blockDAG.png (765x316, 17K)

Kek, these guys have nothing on Dero. NOTHING.

what about premine?

Things like DERO are the reason I will never listen to Jow Forums. Boards just a bunch of teenagers and autists in love with theor coins who think they can backstab their way to the top. If I had listen to anyone on the board I would have skipped on Dero and missed these sweet ass gains.

Coins like this make all of crypto look scammy.
This shit was CLOSED SOURCE for a long time.
Nobody knows what happend in this timeframe.
I would not buy it even if it surpasses Monero.
Stay true to the idea of crypto guys. Dont buy coins like this!

muh closed source for 2 months. literally brainlet tier fud. name one specific attack that the devs could have done while it was closed source, that wouldnt already have been detected by now. ill wait

How can you be invested in crypto if you can't come up with an anwer yourself?
Looks like you are the brainlet.

Everyone with enough skill in scripting language can check the Dero supply anytime.

Attached: dero-supply.png (1171x820, 110K)


I think his point was that there doesn't exist an answer, friend.

because there isn't one you fucking tard. jes fucking christ. the absolute state.
look at how arrogant you are as well lmao.
why the fuck are there so many dunning krugers in crypto fml

Attached: DERO.jpg (774x866, 141K)

I love Jow Forums, if someone ever tries to give legitimate advice, they are absolutely NEVER believed

oh look it's falling again

what a surprise, it'll just keep falling because it's a scam oh well...


>closed source for 2 months
>brainlet tier fud

Jesus, look at the state of those bagholders. Poor believers...

Attached: 3Q7iXtQ.png (645x729, 51K)

>calling a recode in other language "rewrite from scratch"

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>implementing unaudited cryptography

It gets worse each day...

Attached: 1516730010656.png (680x1046, 181K)

>didnt name a possible attack
literally kys

He could have done literally anything, fucking brainlet.

Let us know when you find something champ.

That's the point. Nobody will ever be able to know.

Well that certainly hasn't stopped the project, get back to me when you've got some fud that isn't months old and seeping with fake concern.

No, it doesn't stoped it. But it will be a permanent flaw. Nobody serious with a minimal knowledge will ever trust or adopt this.

>He could have done literally anything
no he couldnt you fucking retard. name one thing he could have done

Yes, he could. By saying he couldn't, you just prove you don't know a single thing about what are you talking (like the blind cattle that follows and believe this). He could have inserted a secret premine, set to get part of the block rewards (or literally the entire blocks), anything in the machines hosting the nodes.

>He could have inserted a secret premine, set to get part of the block rewards (or literally the entire blocks), anything in the machines hosting the nodes.
no he couldnt, are you fucking retarded?
the blockchain was open the whole time. literally every output can be audited. now that the bulletproofs (the only thing that was closed source) are released, you can use them to verify all of the range proofs in the chain to make sure nothing shady was done. fucking kys. think your so smart when actually your just another retard that wouldnt even be explain how a ecc multiplication works to save his life.

>no he couldnt, are you fucking retarded?
Yeas, he could. Don't be blind. I know it's hard to accept, but it's the truth.

>the blockchain was open the whole time. literally every output can be audited. now that the bulletproofs (the only thing that was closed source) are released, you can use them to verify all of the range proofs in the chain to make sure nothing shady was done. fucking kys. think your so smart when actually your just another retard that wouldnt even be explain how a ecc multiplication works to save his life.
If all the nodes once used the same binary, he could have hid literally anything. That's why a CryptoNote code must be open source ALL THE TIME. It doesn't matter anymore if he openned the code, because it was once closed. Believe me, brainlet, that flaw is the main reason of why this will never be trusted or taken seriously. Dev's only chance is to restart the blockchain from genesis, and never commit such mistake again.

absolute fucking retard lmao.
show me right fucking now (giva a mathmetacial proof) of how the current bulletproofs would be able to be exploited in order to give a valid range proof for an invalid input. unless you have somehow managed to find an exploit in pedersen commitments, MLSAG signatures, or the bulletproofs that have been implemented, there is nothing that could have been done.

again, your just another retard that thinks he knows what hes talking about when in reality you are a stupid fuck that is just repeating what someone else has said.

>Believe me, brainlet
the fucking irony

give me an example of "anything that could have been done" and post your bitcoin address. If you give a valid example i'll send you 1 bitcoin right fucking now.

he doesn't have to show you anything dero is a scam deal with it

>The proof is the lack of evidence!

>show me right fucking now (giva a mathmetacial proof) of how the current bulletproofs would be able to be exploited in order to give a valid range proof for an invalid input
Once again, you derofag don't got the point. IF it has a flaw, it could be exploited because your dev implemented it before the audits. Didn't happened, but what if it had a vulnerability? Dero would be screwed by now. By not knowing this, you possibly are just a brainlet amateur.

>give me an example of "anything that could have been done" and post your bitcoin address
I already said. Here ()
Also, Imperdin has showed in discord, technicaly better explained and with more examples.

I'm waiting. But I know you'll not send, because you certainly have no balls to keep promises.

>secret premine
no he fucking couldnt are you retarded or what. i already showed you that he couldnt because if he did, none of the current bulletproof verifications would work.

>implemented it before the audits
literally what. you can verify the current bulletproofs now like i said.

you didnt prove anything btw but the offer still stands. copy and paste imperdin's supposed found flaw.

>copy and paste imperdin's supposed found flaw

This sounds juicy, post it!


Captain deleted all Imperdin chats.
He was the guy who asked the most legit questions ever. Not any team member was able to properly answer them. He probably deleted to not embarass himself.

Jesus, it's fucking ridiculous.
That's the dev you derofags trust. He's still deleting and censoring legit questions and statements.

Captain deleted ALL Imperdin's conversations.

He waited few months, thinking that no one would notice or try to search them again.
This dev is ridiculous. He wants to keep control of everything that people say about it. Only blind followers are allowed there. That's why he wanted to lock the bitcointalk announcement thread.
Nobody will EVER take him seriously. The project and dev are a complete joke. I'm no sorry for who still believe this shit.

You can try to search for @Imperdin.
There's nothing more left. The dev deleted absolutely EVERY conversation from him.

Attached: 1518816967943.jpg (362x259, 18K)

how do you know it was captain that deleted them and not serena or mojo... imperdin was only around when serena and mojo where still the faggot mods

also your argument is shit
>the only proof of a vulnerability i have, has been deleted

What a letdown. Fuck you.

No. They where still there when both Serena and Mojo quit raged from the project. It was Captain who deleted all the conversations. What a joke. This whole project is a joke.


look hereThis is what Jow Forums has become.

>name one specific attack that the devs could have done while it was closed source
They can have every single private key that was used with the closed source daemon during those months it was run. Kek.

This is worthless. Derofags can't assimilate true statements and legit questions. They only believe Captain, their only true god.

Who the fuck is Imperdin? Why should we give an user who hasn't left a trace of his arguments about a potential flaw in Dero any credence?

I'm still awaiting for my bitcoin.

You huge fucking faggot, you've been sitting in this thread for literally hours propagating weak FUD that has debunked again and again.

>He was the guy who asked the most legit questions ever
r/user/Imperdin is an XMR hanger-on and faggot redditor. He showed up in Dero's AMA three months ago saying it was impossible to verify Dero's PoW confirmation and Capt told him off to go re-read the cryptonote white paper and understand the easy process of verifying Dero's PoW.

Now go back to sucking off Fluffy Pony's chode, please.

Captain didn't answered him, and deleted the AMA thread.
Nothing was debunked. You derofags can't refute anything.
Kill yourselves.

You only make people in Dero look better just by measure of them not being as huge a faggot as you are. I mean holy shit, you are one of the most childish posters in Jow Forums I have ever seen.

>people in Dero look better
There's a picture of all the derofags following and believing Captain.

Attached: derofags.jpg (645x400, 82K)

>No u
Pathetic. You didn't have to fall in love with your coin user, nobody made you do it but you choose to suck it's cock and attack anything that you view as a threat. I mean 16 posts lmao talk about obsessed.

> muh Impredin...

Did have you check his github before talking ? Because beside working on fixing typo and some tiny PoW optimization (CryptoNight is not CryptoNote) this guy have no clue about how Bulletproofs works or any cryptography stuff.

Can somebody here explain why the Chinese are so much into Dero?

They aren't.

still here, fucker?

lol never expected monerofags to have this much cope in them

Attached: Captain.jpg (640x640, 20K)

he's like a little FUD monkey. He'll dance when we tell him too. That's a good monkey. Now DANCE!

Can you already buy stuff with that shit? I know that question sounds like a joke but I think it's interesting to see when people do interesting stuff with cryptocurrencies that aren't widely used yet.

Attached: image.png (397x595, 64K)

Because Chinese have the highest average IQ of any nation, and they can see Dero's potential far better than all the Americucks and Europoors who love nothing more than to complain about muh binaries, muh closed source, muh pre-mined scam. And these same people wonder why the West is going down the toilet drain...

>believing those fake volumes

...aaand he's dancing again.