Admit it. He's right

Admit it. He's right.

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He's right about his criticism of current system, wrong about bitcoin.

>can be wrong

choose one

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GDX up 3.3% and rising lmao zoomers BTFO

I bought a pile of gold in August thanks to my man Schiff. I guess you could say I'm doing alright

Followed him for years. He understands the system but how is fuck can he look at gold as the solution but not bitcoin also which literaly has all the practical characteristics of gold and some extra positive ones. He is too into his gold business to accept bitcoin is legit otherwise half his business collapses maybe. Smart people can have blind spots.

Look at gold charts right now and compare them to bitcoin. Gold is an established safehaven. It just is because everyone knows it is. It's easy to trade and doesn't require a leap of faith like crypto. Again, just look at the charts.

pop quiz hotshot: what distinguishes btc from bch, eth, or any other shitcoin?

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Gold is up because it can be because theres institutional infrastructure for every trader, manager, fund, to fluidly move billions in and out of it whenever they want.

Bitcoin has and is manipulated to shit. The charts mean nothing for hedge or safe haven purposes in the foreseeable future.


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based schiff the gold merchant

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Gold is nuts right now. I've been monitoring it all year and have never seen anything like this

He's right about gold being a safe haven but we are also right about crypto being another safe haven.

Crypto and gold can co exist in a fiat world.

Schiff is based and right about everything. Jow Forums often says he's wrong about Bitcoin, but secretely they wish they listened to his advice in December.

If crypto is a safehaven why is it floundering right now? The btc chart looks like it's desperately trying to stay relevant but failing hard

because we are playing out a bear cycle right now. Gold only just finished theirs so we have to have some time as well to finish ours.

>not buying barrick gold
Wtf what a faggot

based linky gets the meme magic

Just a hypothetical here. But what would happen if telecom stopped working? If the power grid failed? You’d have no access to your money. Blockchain would be useless. It’d be completely fucked. Even paper dollars would fare better than crypto.

There wouldn’t be a society at that point. It would just turn into a barter system society if a society could even form. That scenario you are thinking of is a nightmare. If the power went out people would chimp the fuck out and kill each other for food and water. Currency wouldn’t fucking matter at that point.

>If the power went out people would chimp the fuck out and kill each other for food and water. Currency wouldn’t fucking matter at that point.
What the heck kind of place youre living in man. You need to get out of there.

the absolute state of big city living with niggers and spics

in my all white town, we would work together to fix things, help out on the local farms, make diesel fuel out of corn, pig fat, and other sources, and figure out other ways to improve our situation. ethnic homogeneity ftw.

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he has always been wrong and he is wrong now too.

>this time it's le happening I swear

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It isss!

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ABX up 9%

>mfw i only own this stock because he told us 20 days or so to buy it

Schiff has the right idea about fiat currencies and general markets but he has bad timing. People who invested on his investments funds since 2010 are actually losing money and he is saying to stay away from BTC since 2013....

imagine the average boomer normie out there losing trust in the dollar.
will they put the result of decades of work into gold, silver etc. or into numbers on a hard drive they don't understand?
there is your answer what will happen during a full-blown recession.
the clear correlation between crypto and stock prices should tell you where its headed.

>and he is saying to stay away from BTC since 2013
because hes smart

Gold is actually used in things as something other than money, so just from that its far more useful than bitcoin

bitcoin is useful to no one, seeing no one uses it as a currency.