ZRX on Coinbase now

ZRX on Coinbase now.

Attached: 350px-0xcoin.jpg (350x197, 8K)


What does this shitcoin even do?

OMGLMAO its 2018 and you don't know the difference between a coin and a token!

If I have 100k ZRX (not a meme, legit bought during ICO and post-ICO), will I make it?

Okay, but what does it do? You don't know, do you?

There's a good chance you will make it.

Coinbase is losing any credibility listing these craps.

Hodling since January. We're gonna make it guys. What's the price you'll cash out at, if you could name a reasonable price?

it goes up

You are an idiot. I bet you've been using zrx without knowing it.

Zrx bagholders tryna shill kek

No, I don't trade in those decentralized worthless exchanges

oh yeah! A coindump/base listing! oh boy what will happen next? Im sure my ETC's are doing great since the listing and oh man, my BCH is skyrocketing. Im sure my freshly purchased 0x's will do great!

K good :)

who remembers my post ~2 weeks ago where I called coinbase listing mid october and "said screenshot this you think this is a game"

I member fren. Good call!

This os literally coinbase token. Expect it to have the dame use as bnb plus voting rights

Most people knew it was coming.

To the dumb ass anons that called my pic fake y'all can eat a dick!

Attached: confirmed.png (492x752, 39K)

we shall see, BTC = bearish, so no more insane price jumps... don't become a bagholder, user. Just sell at some point

buy the cheapest token on Coinbase as normies will be flocking to it

yeah this worked with ETC.....oh wait no the Coinbase volume is pathetic

Yeah. That ETC pump made so many people rich and all. Oh wait, it actually fell and created even more ETC bagholders.

Nobody is buying crypto now who doesn’t already have an interest in the space, “muh cheapest shitcoin out of 6” doesn’t mean shit. A Coinbase listing isn’t worth much anymore.

So we dumping ZRX now, correct?

If I have then what's the point of the token
Seems to be working well without it

Bingo, the run up to over 80 cents is already falling. No one will buy these pumps anymore, It'll get listed and fall back down to the 70 cent range. Everyone is already in.