Lost 60% on crypto

>lost 60% on crypto
>put rest into stock market
>lost 33%
>lost job due to mental breakdown
>not eligible for "neetbux"

anyone else here uniornically likely going to anhero soon?

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maybe you shouldnt be gambling with your money you need? this is why the SEC protects us.

>an heroing when you could just become a socialist and put an end to this nonsense once and for all

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Retards deserve to lose their last bucks. Darwin works in mysterious ways.

i look exactly like this pic. Beard, hair, i'm even wearing similar headset. what does this mean?!

are you me?

Probably die early

ur a faget

Ur mum gay

In that club user

>dad died in April from ass cancer
>took care of him for 2 years
>lost my GF and friends due to stress
>gained crippling anxiety
>gained shitloads of bills
>sister is a psychotic cunt
>only person I can talk to is my mom
>mfw her mom died of alzheimers
>mfw watching her start to forget things more frequently

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How old are you man?
Do you have family or friends?

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are you that neodeadlift faggot on reddit? do it

no, I don't know who that is desu

Check Rhonda Patricks podcast on Alzheimers. There is still time to help your mum.

no friends
no gf
small family but dysfunctional

>>dad died in April from ass cancer
>>took care of him for 2 years
same but pancreatic

You should get a new job yeah?
And start investing again after.

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haven't been able to find one

Get a job. Start applying everywhere like crazy. Reality ain't cool but you have no other option than to wage cuck for a while. I'm justed as hard, started applying to jobs every single day a few weeks ago. Had a decent job interview with decent pay and benefits today (entry level). I got at least 2-3 years of this shit ahead of me. I'll save up money invest and try again. Such is life

heroes break adversity, not fall to them

Also if you look like this, for the love of God start taking care of your personal hygiene at the very least and start doing some physical exercise. There is no way back once you surpass the doomer stage.

>small family but dysfunctional
they all are

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also, what does it fucking take
I can't call my lifestyle anyting close to healthy but fuck I look great
how do you do this?
is it literally 10 years of pizza and pepsi or something?
serious question what do you attribute this to?

Dealt with these kinds of shit for 5 years. At least you are young user.

I actually take care of my appearance. I look like that on the inside.

Well stop pitying yourself perhaps. It's just money, not a terminal brain tumor. Go make it back if you're so serious about it. Tons of other rekt people did in the past. Or instead just give up. Up to you goyims.

This ain't the end of the route.


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some are much worse than others

Exactly , thanks OP for giving his money to us OMEGAKEK

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Why dont you Gambling faggots dont buy monthly stock or crypto , regardless of the price having longterm view???
You suck in trading because MUH Money , MUH CRYPTO MUH RICH AZZ MUH DOLLARSSS MUH LOAN.




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Please don't hurt yourself fren. It's okay, perhaps take a break from investing for a while and build yourself back up. It will be alright.

same but sold all my stocks
probably won't hero up
shit sucks man, but I have faith in my shitfolio for some reason

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