Fucking help I am dying

Its me. I am russian guy that lives in LA. I amde mistake by moving into NPC shithole and now can't get out by working as a lyft driver. This job pays so low. I have to deal with LA people. My gf is working in italian restaurant and manager is black guy that I suspect she may like but I am not sure cuz muh bbc is a joke apparently . She is Russia as well. I am fucked guys. I am one of you and support pol. How the fuck can I get out from this situation? What kind of jobs make me quick bucks to move out ? Please help brothers

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hmm.... nice bait.

No. I am seriously. Its not bait.

You know what the answer is comrade
www 8ch net/leftypol/

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sup bro

fk commiefornia

too many disgusting things

what part you from ?

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Let me see

Head to the oil patch in north dakota

South bay. Not the worst area tho. But still shit i love lake tahoe area tho. But wanna move to Colorado

start dealing cocalina?

im also looking $$$$

everything is too expensive

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Take the Commiepill m8, at least give it a try

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grow weed

SO MANY do it

try again mf


lets see

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fuck man i want a 80s-90s sports car now

Become FBI informant. Rat out fellow Russian you don’t like for phat stacks. If you can’t do that just help them translate recordings they get of Russian monsters. Russian speakers are almost nonexistent in the CIA and FBI. You’ll get thousands USD a month for life.

Mobsters* fucking autocorrect

you should unironically move to the valley and get in contact with some armenians... they hang with russians and can get you connections. russians love to hire their own ppl out here
ordo as this user said

>russian girl
>in america
I am sorry to say shes is gonna be a nigger dick addict soon enough. How about moving back to russia. Western society in general is on the verge of a bubble collapse and i am considering going there and learning the language. I see more opportunities there than here as i cant afford shit here. Russia is comparable to bitcoin at $2500 where the post soviet collapse was the local low at $200. I am 23 though.

I am sorry but most of russians are lying to each other and mexican tier people. Oil patch would be better than living in LA 100%

I am partly agree but still I wanna get out from depression first and see what can I do in america. Just because I like some parts of your country man. Like I said natural parts like Yosemite or lake tahoe are amazing and I would love to live there.

Only things that sucks so much in burgerland are women,food,npcs. But I think I can escape by moving to the better place. You can try Russia as well man. You can travel first to see if you like it. Its not expensive for you! Good luck man

fucking slavaboos, if anything you should move to a country with proper social security and regulated healthcare

t. ukranian living in switzerland,

good luck getting in here though, iceland, denmark and norway works too though

Good to hear ukrabro! Swizerland seems nice. But I heard hard to get there

How does it feel to be a traitor?

Is it hard to move in Eu for ukrainians? Ukrainian myself finishing medical university. 250$/month perspective doesnt feel good.

My friend. 250$ is shit tier salary if u wanna buy things like iPhone and anything foreign. But ts ok salary just to live in Ukraine. For example 250$ in Ukraine its like 2500$ in LA. Just saying that don't compare raw numbers like most dumb fucks do from our countries.

Yosemite and lake tahoe are unfortunately Californian npc hot spots. Try going to non meme locations and states throughout the US if you can find them. The southern Sierras are pretty empty or the deserts. However, California is definitely its past its prime after the 90's and its only going to get worse and i want out as much as other states hates Californians.

Fix your broken pseudo-country, then you can earn a proper wage at home. That's why ukraine is slowing turning into a failed state, because no one wants to take responsibility and instead just flees and assumes it's not their problem.

Dude you're in LA. Audition for some movies. You can make a ton fo money like that. Also try to be a pro surfer.

Russian women are so awesome. Lucky you.

Seriously - I would look into cross country semi driving. You can also make bank on delivering water to well fracking sites with little experience like in the Dakotas.
I can't imagine trying to live in LA as an Uber driver. That's been a race to the bottom for taxi drivers

I understand it. I have apartment here (thanks to my parents) but still, its more like surviving than living life. Best of luck for you, user.

100% true. And u know what is sad. People that moving out are unhappy. Most of them. They live like tajiks ans work on shit tier jobs like me. I have made many mistakes thinking I am gonna make it easy. But basically you are losing your identity. You are not in your country and you are outsider in other country. No matter how you are trying be as same as other native ppl. There is no happy immigration. Especially when you have to manage to connect with npcs.

Thanks for advice

Go back to Jow Forums big brain. Good luck fixing country with corrupted government scamming their own people.

What other languages are in demand?

All western countries have been through that at some point of time and guess what? They fixed themselves eventually because the citizens didn’t just up and leave.

>Good luck fixing country with corrupted government scamming their own people.

And who elected and supports this government? The ethiopians? Yeah, people need to take matters into their own hands and stop blaming corrupt government officials, because if they don't then no one will and you will keep sliding further into chaos until there is nothing left.

True. Lots of modern first world countries were fcuked.

People don't want to hear that their country is their responsibility.

Yes. People like to blame everything but not themselves. Like an immigrant I was mistakenly think like this too. In the end ppl that were fucked in their countries still gettiing fucked in other BETTER country.

I will prolly die faster than things got fixed.
There's no such thing like "my country". I will gladly move anywhere to live comfy. Thats easy to say "fix your country". Youre delusional if you think its just so easy and I dont wanna spend half of my life struggling trying to fix my country because its "my country".

only way you're getting in here is

shut the fuck up, my grandfather moved here as a guest worker and decided to stay because he liked the country, fucking ask my family and all the money I'm sending them or the swiss tax and social system if they think I'm a traitor, I got lucky to be in such a wealthy country, but I know where I'm from and yes I'm going back there to try and make it better

you don't know ANYTHING about ukraine and the history if you think we were the ones who broke this country, spoiler alert: it was NAFTA, EU and USSR/lster Russia for the most part, it's easy to say "FIX IT URSELF" but how can we with all the russian oligarchs buying up all our soil, inflating the prices and our past governments letting it happen? those are the real traitors not some random guy like me who just happened to be born here

>who elected this government
oh gee it's like a corrupt government can't dupe votes, remind me who got almost elected in 2016 last year even though she is a massive fraud and has broken law after law?

fucking go back go posting frogs on Jow Forums


eu lets in anybody who's not white for free gibs if you're roma then you can try, other than that you'll have to try to get into a european university or find a company to work for, just watch out to not get booted out after like 5 years or something because, there are temporary permits

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I can see that you never tried to live abroad slav brat. When u move you will understand what is "my country" means.

>Into niggers
You're supposed to avoid Americanized women

sorry I got too caught up with that sperg,

anyway only way you can get into switzerland with your status either working for a company here with a highly specialized skill (programming most of the time) or a university degree (probably STEM) I don't know how your education is but these are the only options I'm afraid unless you're dark-skinned enough to burn your passports and say you're syrian

I don't know about the other european countries though, desu if you can you should move to any first world european country that isn't in the EU, but I don't know how you could and even if you could you'd still need to find work again which is going to be alot harder especially if you don't speak the local language, maybe look into slovenia but I'm not sure at all

Got it. Thanks for info slav bro. Enjoy swizerlife!


get some minign rigs and find a cheap place

many exist

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Gotcha. By eu I meant basically any western country. Heard its ez for ukrainian doctors to move in Czech Republic.

I thought I am too late for this

you know what

funny thing


I have some juicy info that could help

seriously get at me



proton mail

I have a dude working on local electricity station that can provide electricity for free, but is it worth it currently? I feel like gpu's gonna die faster before it even cover expenses.

>russian in la with gf sucking bbc

dude I can't relate with you in any way. I don't give a shit what happens to you.

Yeas... But maybe someone can... Cmon many western biys have gfs that suck bbc. Mamy can relate

Sign up as an oil rig worker. It's gonna destory your body and your gf may leave you since youll be gone a few years but you'll make enough captial to get out

Fuck you get out of my country communist scum

Holy fucking shit this hits close to home.

Buy link

LA is


welcome to Venezuela aka America

you will hear FROM me user

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Кeк дaлбaёб гoни oбpaтнo в paшкy

Cryptocurrency speculator is the only viable job in 2018 while we wait for the Singularity and abolition of wage slavery.

Moжнo к тeбe в гocти?

you know OP if you really want to get out you could join the military, get your citizenship if you don't have it, save up those tax payer bucks the 4 years of your contract and then move to somewhere less shit in the US

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How did you enp up in LA? illegal migrant or green card?

get your CDL and start going OTR a lot of your Russkie bros are out there on the road loving it

Green card. I am not from mexico to be illegal. And Its not worth it to be an illegal since it equals to be slave for life.

Join the Zoomers. We have video games you can be degenerate with.

I thought LA is a cool place with cool ppl and views. Before I was completely unaware of american real life. LA was the biggest mistake I have made

To join zoomers I need to have some passive income to survive tho. Since I do not have anyone here

Lyft is ok as a side thing but really dont count on that kind of shit as your primary income. Not only are you paying for your own gas with bites into the profit you are also putting mileage on your personal car which means more money sooner in maintenance and shit

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Based and redpilled

LA is a meme shithole with retarded traffic

Move to based Idaho or something

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Is your GF in the same mental state as you? Does she hate her job and LA?

Yes. She even cry sometimes. She hates so much. And i feel even worse because of that because I don't have money to move out

Holy shit! I'm almost 40, this meme makes me happy.

You have a job you can literally do anywhere and you're bitching about being bogged down

Fuck man. This is very similar to my gf, she’s from Russia and I’m American. Getting an education here is what Gave her light. She knows that by getting a few prestigious degrees here translates to an slave office job, but if she/we move to Russia, she knows she can have a comfy job

I wish I had real advice, but it ended up being a blog post. Look for seasonal jobs in national parks. They’re Always hiring. Cheap pay but you get roomnandnboard paid for as you 2 make new plans and think things through

Check out Xanterra If you’re interested with your gf to move at or near a national park. It will be a good pressure to leave La and be back in nature. I say that as I’m from LA and it can negatively turn people, especially non ncp types..

Fucking thanks man! I am checking right now!

Yeah no worries. and there are other companies like Xanterra that have government contracts with national parks, when you call Xanterra to ask, ask them what are the other companies similar to Xanterra. They’re a good number of them in different states

you can teach russian to rich kids; become a tutor. put ads on craigslist. moonlight as a mover with your car.

>careful not to get too drunk to avoid ruining normie friendships with redpills
I feel attacked

>dump gf
>move to a proper state

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LA is hell in a nice gift box with a box.

Only problem is that I have to complete with russian qts that doing that. And there is a lot of them.

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would they give up that pow-pow griecka?

I'm getting tired of so much Beggars.
We should change from Jow Forums to /halp/

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>poo poo pee pee

easy bait... Russians don't like the blacks. If you're Russian and your gf is Russian you know this.

I did not say she likes. I had suspected. But it maybe my brain fucked by blacked.com

I think your brain is just fucked a bit

Why can't you move vlad? Can't you and your gf just pack your stuff, get in your car and go? The expenses of living in California are insane, just go to a different state and drive your lyft there. I assume your girl is a waitress, just move to another major city in a state that isn't in Shitifornia and try your luck there. Utah is a nice place.
I think about this idea all the time, if I wasn't in such a nice situation with my family I might just get up and leave. You can just drive to a whole new place in a day vlad, it will be rough to transition at first but once you get through it you won't be around fucking Californians anymore. Utah is a nice place, even if it is filled with crazy mormons.

California will fuck anyone's brain.

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I think I just have to get some balls. You are right. Just LA made me weaker mentally I think. I could move to another country before but now I feel weak. Cuz no friends and fags yelling in my car about russian hackers and gay rights...

>>California will fuck anyone's brain
ain't that the truth

yo faggot, im also russian with exact same meme. nice meme by the way. sell drugs is good money, also fame. but im done with that shit. invest in btc and wait for the world economic collapse. meanwhile continue with the self improvement and just try to find little things in life for happiness

Thanks comrade. I am trying. Life is about self improvement

Пиздишь кaк дышишь, шaкaл

Girls fall in love with their managers and supervisors usually.

bitcoin isn't a hedge against deflationary economic crash, it's a hedge against fiat