Why do people believe in the inflation hoax?

why do people believe in the inflation hoax?

goods and services cannot increase in demand because that would mean the supply for goods and services to decrease which is theoretically impossible

paper currency is man made and has 0 intrinsic value and was the greatest scam known to man; for man, as a plot for the elite to hoard all natural forms of money such as precious metals.

why do people fall for these gimmicks made by shekelstein himself? are all goyim retarded cattle?

Attached: gold_hoard.jpg (768x716, 97K)

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Do you not see with your own eyes the impact of inflation?

show me.

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Shit, that's easy. Pick any product, say a can of coke. Track it over time, goes up.

How about rent? Goes up, doesn't it? Have you ever seen it go down? I sure as shit haven't.

inflation (rising rates) is THEFT. it's a bullshit hoax to steal more money and drive the price of goods and services up for no good reason

we had many of those threads OP, everyone with half a brain knows that infation is bad and the current state of the housing market shows that, you cannot even peacefully save your money because mr shekelstein makes sure it's gonna be worthless so you have to spend on stupid shit just to make any use of it or take a loan from mr Goldstein so you can "buy" a house.

It's an absolute scam, but this thread will get overrun with kikes defending it like always

>How about rent? Goes up, doesn't it?

artificial shortage because of zoning laws and rent control.

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that is not entirely my point. I am trying to explain to you how they created inflation which is absolutely imaginary and not practical, just to steal our money and drive the prices of good and services up so goyim will always be poor and never own anything of value.

These kikes own all the gold, silver, platinum, land, and pretty much every other natural resource and measure it in fake money that is already in their control to make sure we will never have the REAL stuff I just mentioned. It is all a scary hoax

But it's not bullshit, though. It's a real thing. You can't pay for things using price tags from the 1960's just by handwaving it away.

"May I have this kit-kat bar for 5 cents mr. shopkeeper, because inflation is a hoax?" See how far you'll get, kid.

The reasons are irrelephant, my premise still stands that rents go up.

>Have you ever seen it go down?

BTC went from $20k to $6k.

It's not a real thing goyim. Why do you think Gold & Silver has been used as money for centuries?

Not to mention that the original U.S. Note was backed by Gold itself?

You are a product of the NWO Agenda and you don't even know it

"The world trade center was an inside job"

You: "but the towers fell down! I stand by my argument that the towers fell down"

Literally you

it makes the economy strong as no one can stop working at the expense of the individuals quality of life (can't afford home, wife, children, independence)
It's necessary to do until communist governments die or
we live in a nightmare

Inflation happens because the supply of money gets expanded. This happens with bonds, the goverment gives bonds to banks, who "buy" it, and thus creating money out of thin air. It's needed because else the system is fucked. It's gonna be fucked once though. So there is more money, the money is worth less, inflation happens.

>It's not a real thing goyim.
Ok, I think I'm getting where you're coming from.

What you ACTUALLY mean (and should say so as not to confuse people) is that inflation is ENGINEERED. Saying that it's "not real" means that there is no evidence for it's existence. For Clearly that's not the case with inflation, since evidence of it's existence is all around us.

yea man, and I'm 100% with you, it's not that bad for boomers who already have their piece of land and a house, but for our generation we are forced into rentslavery, wageslavery and all the other shit. Also they report inflation to be aroun 2-3%, my ass. It's at least 6% if not 8%. Why do the kikes hate our generation so much. Will people ever wake up to this scam or will they forever watch some stupid social wars between faggots and nazis, blacks and whites while they are all getting slowly boiled in Mr Goldensteinberg's pot?

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inflation is real, the only hoax is the official inflation figure. anyone who has been an adult for more than 10 years and can look back at education, healthcare, and housing should understand this. consumer goods are the last place it usually trickles out to because that generally requires wage growth. however in the last 25 years especially there has been an epidemic of Ivy League MBAs in dark rooms figuring out how to slowly make the towels thinner without anyone noticing. this can be seen across most products and can be summed up as "everything is becoming shit" or "they don't make them like they used to". of course there are well made items but those experience inflation similar to healthcare education and housing if they don't become shit but that's ok because the rich can afford it. the first destination of pic related was financial assets which have experienced the most inflation, allowing the already wealthy to benefit from inflation. highly necessary things that are commonly financed such as housing, education, and healthcare that have inelastic demand and widely available cheap leverage experience inflation as the most reliable ways for the wealthy to extract rent from peoples' needs. consumer goods inflation requires income growth for the most part.

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>The reasons are irreleVant, my premise still stands that rents go up.

you're right, but doesn't the reason of this particular kind of price inflation change my political demands? suppose I am right about rent and also believing in a hard currency: how would gold backed money help me with my rent?

>why do people believe in the inflation hoax?

Go convince a Venezuelan inflation isn't real

see I wasn't explaining myself with correct connotations

paper money was constructed to collapse if you think about it. an intrinsically worthless form of (((money))) is perfect instrument for control and manipulation

This. We are decaying from the inside by the invisible hand of economic forces. Its a mathematical inevitability that the value of the dollar will return to 0 because it is based on debt/credit/faith and not on any tangible goods or labor.

We're in an era of financialization and securitization. Everyone now participates in the game of finance and time value of money, shifting money to productive avenues to generate a return and escape inflation.

>he doesn't print his own banknotes

I'm actually sympathizIng with the kikes rn

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>Trump is Jewish
Why do people think Trump is a Jew? Just because he thinks you can just print money all the time doesn't make him Jewish.

>t. CAUGHT kike creating fake reply quotes

The supply of goods and services can and does decrease, especially relative to demand. So wtf are you talking about?

Probably the country most far down the rabbit hole of a central bank inflating the currency is the UK. The end game is
>insane amounts of working poor
>only very rich asset holding do well
>wages stagnant
>home prices unaffordable
>both parents must work
>extreme liberalism to make women work
>poor are motivated to not have families and just live on gov handouts
>society of depressed drug addicted plebs who can easily be controlled with the media
>Banks become the real power

Otherwise its pretty good.

We measure inflation in crypto by how much new coins are minted. USD inflation is measured against a changing asset(basket of goods). This should be the first red flag.

just to illustrate your point

Attached: 3948-1509552555842769.jpg (573x483, 26K)

I hope you're just trolling, but here ya go

Attached: Inflation.jpg (617x514, 50K)

thank's, man, but without inflation what do wage cucks do?

Attached: philips-curve.png (365x310, 21K)

Because you have an 8 year old's understanding of economics.
These are extremely macro concepts so they take a macro amount of time to develop. Now is the time to buy gold and 2022 is when it will pay off ~600%. Just accumulate an trade off the peaks for an easy 2% while FAANG turns poorfags into slaves.

Will the US ever pay off itsdebt?

no. the US is the greece of america.

these kinds of threads should be banned for being childish communistic and retarded

Moores law. If technology increases exponentially than there is more “value” in an an economy created over time.

kill yourself

please get beheaded neet

the intrinsic value behind paper currency is taxation.
the state gives away money it prints and expects everyone to pay it back in money it gave away
even if crypto becomes mainstream, people will still need to buy paper from people who received it from the state (for crypto) and pay their taxes in that paper

which give paper money intrinsic value as long as the state collects taxes in it

Changes to migration laws increased the US population by 90 million over what it would have been today according to Pew and divorce and single mothers increased the number of households too. That is what really fucks rent and real estate.

You can't have mass migration, mostly from people too poor to build houses, and expect rent and housing quality not to get fucked.

aww is the commie angry?



Gold is finite, can't be printed (inflated).
You can't print a billion gold bars and dilute the money supply. You can mine it, but that just makes more actual gold, its actual wealth creation

well, you're right: with gold the inherent cost of producing new currency limits the possibility of a bureaucrat going haywire on the money supply, but my point was that depending on the reason for price inflation my political goals might not align with the goals of someone fighting with another kind of price inflation.
I'm sorry for the misunderstand. I'm seriously not the best at english.

>demand cannot increase without supply decreasing immediately
the absolute state of Jow Forumslets

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never forget

Attached: USA stealing gold from all citizens.png (1128x736, 1.03M)

you dont understand money supply, inflation has actually little to do with supply and demand

>pic related
What a shitty balance
How this supposed to work?
Its 6:27 in the morning and i am already fucking pissed