Thanks for shilling antshares to me last year biz

thanks for shilling antshares to me last year biz

Attached: rRpBv06.jpg (3024x4032, 638K)

nice. im currently trying my luck on bitmex. ill have one of those in a few months as well. feelsgoodman

You will only make it if you have 1M HOT

>he fell for the patek phillipe meme
It takes more than money to wear the Royal Oak

Attached: 17-29_09-16-18.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

>make money
>buy a hunk of metal
Materialists are such degenerates

>buying things is bad
fuck off poorfag

These watches look so bad why are they expensive

it aint a hunk of metal, its a highly engineered luxury watch. might as well call a car a "hunk of metal" with that logic.

They're the culmination of hundreds of years of hand built Western perfection and excellence. People buy luxury watches for the same reason people buy original artwork or collect 2500 year old Greek sculptures. It's not something that can be explained to you.

Swiss watches are still overpriced though. With mid tier timepieces people are still paying 20-30k extra just for the brand. High end though they are absolutely the best but way out of most peoples price range

PP Nautilus is the pinnacle of SS sport watches.

AP doesn't come close in exclusivity.

yeah, thanks guys. picked up this puppy last week.

Attached: 1537918955961.jpg (480x640, 42K)

Yes and there are much nicer looking mechanical watches
These designs are objectively ugly. They look like battery powered watches you'd see on a kid

>It's not something that can be explained to you.
Not an argument.

Imagine actually spending that much on luxury watches and not 1:1 replicas which no one can ever tell apart kek never gonna make it

Also PP is a fucking shitty design and overpriced
Plain Jane royal oaks win every time

Patek and AP make some really nice watches but the royal oak and nautilus were the original ‘make it super expensive so rich people buy it’ meme

These watches were expensive for the sake of being expensive, so rich people could flaunt their wealth


ALS and FCJ both make better watches. There are also much nicer watches from PP and AP as well

Also shave those disgusting arms you ape

>Next chink pump

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>thinking he can cheat luxury watches

There is no cheap substitute for luxury. You will never make it

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Your hand looks like a pigs trotter

this nigger is broke. he also doesn't know shit about watches. fake it until you make it i guess

FUCK ME DEAD what were you smoking when you wrote this

to be honest that is the ugliest watch I've ever seen

you must be some kind of trailer trash

I've seen a few videos and each fucking time he was begging for donation for legal fees kek. He's a fucking nobody and so are you

FUCK ME DEAD who the FUCK are you, you’re not fucking THIERRY STERN

Stop buying shitters, the watch has to FUCKING hurt. Fucking dogshit ok

Holy fuck please kys before obesity does

Just got this today

Attached: IMG_3533.jpg (750x921, 102K)

gladly taking that bait

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Based piggy

Patek is cool. Vacheron is cooler.

>comparing that shit to a nautilus

Attached: life support.jpg (298x169, 6K)

This, PP and AP are the "I just buy the most expensive and known watch" watches, great history but are the prime examples of overpricing watches to adapat ever since the quartz watches nearly killed machanical watch industry.
ALS, Grand Seiko, H. Moser, jaeger amonh others for me are a better puck for luxury watches

overrated boring as fuck design
royal oak is the true patricians choice
stands out both bezel and bracelet wise

PP is superior to JLC

anyone that buys royal oaks offshores should kill themself, they're pure filth

Any brand that niggers are tangentially aware of or reference in their music videos is objectively shit tier.

Step aside pleblets

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It's only my personal taste, i understand the craftmanship that goes to PP watches

such brainlet thinking, you sound like a fucking hipster

hublot is pathetic, too lazy to even get the screws even, literal gaudy nigger tier watches

>caring about what stands out

you wouldn't know good design if it was in your face shmole

Attached: quads.jpg (1100x1380, 237K)

>the screws aren’t part of the design


>meme Pateks
how about you buy something you enjoy wearing instead of going for the nearest top dollar brand

>AP fan talking shit about Hublot for being nigger tier

fucking hilarious

Lol you fucking idiot

You’re both NPC normalfags. Buying the most hyped watches, no personal style.

>being this new

holy shit are you a fat fuck - kys


That is pretty nice user, you deserved it for having the guts to make the call. I've been shorting BTC every time it hits 7k for the last few months so I picked my self up something nice too. It's good to treat your self when you make good gains, otherwise what is the point?

Attached: pure_class.jpg (640x640, 50K)

These are fucking ugly.

Nice user, I have one of these myself. Had my eye on it for a while.

Attached: 1527185223804.jpg (671x903, 126K)

Why do all the hands in these pics look "grubby"?
Except the lambo + dora pic.

Wew nice user, just picked this up the other day

Attached: 6305D871-765A-45BD-8531-B2BEEE648A6F.jpg (1024x768, 55K)

You guys have a lot of class. Count me genuinely jealous.

This is literally what peak performance looks like

Attached: 1537931892317.jpg (640x640, 64K)

congrats retard u bought a watch, gee how will i ever know what time it is, better spend 10k for that option

oh sweet fuck the cringe is crushing my soul

Youre welcome, buy Skycoin next

feels nice to have made it.

Attached: bling.jpg (3264x2448, 1.7M)

now that's fucking class

What's with the female wedding ring?? You gay boy?

That's a 50 year old female's hand senpai.

gtfo of my board vitalik

Your arm looks bad and you have poor taste in watches

A timeless classic I treated myself with

Attached: vostok-amphibia-classic.jpg (1076x1076, 919K)

Newfags not realizing bait. Pathetic. Go back

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Nice. My faithful Certina bro has been serving me well

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Watches are gay

>highly engineered man jewelry to tell the time
>meanwhile every pleb has a phone with GPS and the collected knowledge of humanity at their fingertips as well as NIST time.

it's an expensive status symbol that 999/1000 people won't be able to discern from a fossil or citizen

Because they are bait you fucking idiot

i got this lil number yesterday

Attached: sippingintensifies.png (742x673, 692K)

is there a surer sign of faggotry than a watch?

no, no there isn't


t. humanities

Why are you so pale?

the whiter the witcher the richer on the scale of richter

I fucking dare you to say it on fast repeat

thanks guys

Attached: my watch.png (693x648, 248K)

>block cloud
buzzword overload

you're not interested in what those 999/1000 people think, though

bingo, and that is the ultimate point to all of this


Nice fake RM mayte

>It takes more than money to wear the Royal Oak
yeah, a dick in your ass, you 80sphile queer

back to /wt/ with you, Rakesh

Attached: 3e2.jpg (480x712, 18K)

>not saving your money and buying a seiko


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is /wt/ still alive on Jow Forums ? didn't saw a thread in months…

>ywn understand wasting thousands of dollars on a watch because you'd rather put it into investment properties or seeding startups

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the fuck is up with nowaday's obsession over divers and chronographs that no one uses as they were originally designed nowadays?
why barely no-one has a good taste and appreciation for clean simplicity of elegant dress watch? riddle me this Jow Forums

what do you mean? dress watches are amazing, but I would never wear one for daily. the leather would get damaged by water/humidity weather. divers are great for daily beatings

Attached: A-Lange-Sohne-1815-Annual-Calendar-aBlogtoWatch-02.jpg (860x658, 204K)

>he doesn't know how to take care of leather
My father wore the same strap with his omega for 25 years and I am continuing wearing it after he gave me the watch 2 years ago. Every leather, no matter if strap or on your shoes needs to be periodically cleaned and treated with dedicated leather shampoo and then leather wax milk. Old well treated leather has then beautiful patina. If you don't, leather wi
ll dry up and then will get thrashed up very quickly by elements and your sweat - enjoy then changing your strap every 15 months or so.
Hirsh has literally a premium dedicated line of straps made to look as vintage patina.

it's real but it's not mine obviously

Love that model, but prefer the months in German than in English. The A Lange is my "made it" watch.

good to know. well im poor so ill stick to my Ti diver for now