Trump says the Federal Reserve caused the stock market correction, but he won't fire Chair Powell

>Trump says the Federal Reserve caused the stock market correction, but he won't fire Chair Powell


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He can’t fire Powell

stop reading fake news you retard

Its not fake news. Trump has wanted to hold back rate hikes cuz he knows itll hit stocks badly and he will be blamed.

But the fed gotta do what the fed gotta do. If the economy falls during low interest env, we get japan. We need to avoid that, hence, raise rates and weather the storm

We never escaped 2008. War is the redpill.

> The big problem, as Trump sees it: The low interest rate environment fostered by the Federal Reserve that has coincided with a 227 percent market gain since the financial crisis lows

> "If rates go up, you're going to see something that's not pretty," the billionaire businessman told Fox News during a Tuesday morning phone interview. "It's all a big bubble."

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CNBC isn't alternative news, dipshit.

Hurr durrrrrrr anything mainstream is fake news

we already know Trump doesnt like fast rate hikes from all year but understands its necessary

>twisting words around to make a fake opinion piece
whats the point of your thread you dumb commie

It’s posturing. Trump is actually turning out to be an extremely astute politician, which is to say he’s amazing at lying and pandering. I can’t wait for season 2.

Why don't they just raise the rates gradually?

they are doing it slowly

The recent market correction were mystery sellers from some banks

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this rhetoric is evidence trump is not anti-establishment and more likely to be the antichrist than god emperor
gold ounce 10k usd 2022

>he won't fire Chair Powell
He won't? I'm not going to read that shit. Did he actually say that he won't, or are you just trying to tell the future?

Trump is an idiot and has no idea what he is doing or saying at any given point.
Our entire economy is being piloted by a fucking clown.
I thought this was obvious

>our entire economy is being piloted by the president
So this is what NPCs really believe about economics? Fascinating. It's completely wrong and fucking retarded, but still intriguing nonetheless.

Powell needs to bow down to emperor trump and quit raising the rates for his banker masters

Trump is the fucking man we will have the same gas prices as pic related before his second term

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The FED raises rates after they created a bubble... sounds like typical power consolidation by the international bankers. Make money on the way up by fueling a credit bubble, then make money or the way down by popping it with increased interest rates.

I totally supported trump, but its been a major clusterfuck. dancing with saudis, lunching with dlist nigger rappers, not doing one god damn thing he said, no wall no big shot jews or hillary in jail. Bring on a HARD RIGHT JEW KILLER

They can't. There is so much debt in the system that the slightest raised puts it on the brink of collapse

You really think your tiny peanut brain can can keep up with Donald's precision 4D chess moves

We're not going to collapse. Yeah, we'll see a dip but overall we're gonna go sideways. We aren't overleveraged like we were back in 07. 07 was fucking insanity. People only think we're gonna crash b/c ppl want it to crash to they can buy in cheap.

checked for truth

in 07 banks in CA were being "forced" to give mexicans $400000+ home loans with no proof of job income or assets, by the hundreds of thousands, and then these loans were being packaged into risky bundles sold to europeans (and others)

shit was fucking NUTS, literally any retard was making six figures signing people up for loan applications, people forget how much rage this caused at republicans. if democrats hadnt been retards and avoided identity politics (too much to ask) then they would probably still hold majority sway over society because the errors of that era that intense

You have to be one hell of an incel low IQ retard to vote for this limp dick faggot.

Yeah the president doesn’t come close to literally controlling the economy.

But they can definitely do shit like choose the fed chairman or reach into their executive power bag of tricks and unilaterally impose tariffs. (I doubt Trump even pisses or tweets by himself, but... yeah. President can still fuck shit up or effect confidence in the economy)

Proud of my non-vote.

Gas the kikes

comical amount of seeth in this thread by the way

Trump is shit at lying. I've read nothing but r/the_donald posts for two years straight and I still do not like him.

Trump and Powell are working together to bring down the (((FED))) from within.
Fiat is going too.

Look into NESARA.
It's mostly a meme but the general spirit of it is right.

How the fuck do we have this many Jews in this thread.

Get out. We made a mistake in ww2.

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I could easily run a better platform without even trying.

This is my plan for world domination.
>Create the new Wikileaks now that Wikileaks has played its hand and is considered irreverent and also anti-Trump among r/the_donald supporters
>Make this website 100% pro-Trump but not pro-Qanon without being too obvious that it is propaganda.
>Betray Trump when given the chance when r/the_donald's support is at its lowest.
>Call Trump a neocon boomer and put it upfront Trump's support base but only after transitioning from muh deep state to muh neocons.
>Shill for one of the members of this wikileaks inspired group who also happens to part of this supposed wikileaks clone.
>Bring all the Wikileaks clone members into cabinet positions
>Begin the purge and kill all Bush/Obama politicians.

You better believe I will vote trump again, no fucking questions asked.

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This, and it was likely Trump's strategy to get the correction/possible recession out of the way early by pumping the bubble full to bursting with his policies of late, so he can have two years to help the economy get into a full boom by the time the next election comes around

You're the kind of unsuccessful fashie that has been plodding along ever since the war thinking that your deathmetal music, edgy personality, and 2Rightwing4U policies will actually sway normal people over to believing in anything close to fascism

Your the jew. RNC shill


Trump has over 100 jews working for him.

Stop going to nu/pol/ that shit is pozzed.

>fsociety makes history by executing a hack that cancels all consumer debt by destroying the data of one of the world's largest corporations
>viewers witness how this hack—referred to as "5/9," the day on which the hack occurred—throws the world into chaos
>[viewers see that] a crypto-currency called Ecoin, may one day replace the US dollar.

>RFID chip
Nothing I can do about that, if its coming.
99% of people are sleep

Trump should not interfere with the economy what you just proposed was Communism right there.

I’m actually tempted to vote for him and I didn’t vote last election.

This post is truth.
There's two options:

1) They are muh based and are the best weapon against the other jews
2) we are fucked

nothing you can do but watch

I would still choose Trump over any establishment hack. Voting someone like Biden will just put people to sleep.

trump and qanon and drain the swamp are the marketing for that system

Do you really believe Trump is cognitively capable of planning something like this?

Also, wrecking the economy just before the midterms doesn’t seem like great 4D chess to me.

The technology is definitely very powerful and pervasive.

>we’re not over leveraged
This graph will show you otherwise, infact, the market has not been close to this overleveraged ever in history, even inflation adjusted.

10Y treasury bond yields are also about to invert with 2Y treasury notes, a major leading indicator a recession is coming.

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Allmost all peter schiff posts are meant ironcly
Check his old social media

The house will probably flip no matter what, and the senate is perfectly safe for GOP since they have fewer seats to defend. What happens prior to the midterms is irrelevant.

Why don't you actually quote me next time bitch, instead of putting words in my mouth. We aren't overleveraged like we were in 07. Prove me wrong.

He's fucking retarded, big surprise

Hitler interfered with the economy does that make him and all his retarded room temp iq supporters communist?

unironically this. #maga

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Read the chart you fucking retard. We are 5x more overleveraged than 2007.

that pic is fire user


Then you should be shorting with 100x leverage right now. But you aren't because you know we could go even higher.

You look silly now

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No, but Hitler did support the centralization of power which is a communist idea. Hitler also sided with communists to gain support for his failed political campaign.

And still he took all the responsibility for the stock bull run. Deserved to get fucked imo

If the House flips zero legislation happens. You thought Benghazi hearings were a shitshow, you haven't seen anything. Every elected official in every agency put in by the President is gonna get dragged down in hearing after hearing after hearing. The beltway is literally gonna grind to a screeching halt.

Congress will literally turn into a legislative parking lot. Good god this is gonna fucking suck.

No, the NSDAP was a direct response from Hitler because of a communist revolution in Germany in 1918 which was almost entirely lead by Jews which most likely planted the seeds of antisemitism in Hitlers mind. Nazism would not exist if it wasn't for communism. The communist revolution ended in 1919, Nazism was founded the year after.–19

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