Daily fucking reminder

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show us your short faggot

You been drinking break fluid? We are long past that point.

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imagine being illiterate like OP

First sell of was when BTC mooned from 8 cents to 30 cents. That gives you an idea how far down we still have to go before the next golden bull run.

Attached: 4534545343.gif (1816x1064, 115K)

We reached 19k this run now we're back down to 6k. That puts us well off the peak mate.

Theoretically. How many suicides if BTC falls under a $1?


First sell of was in June '17. We are between Bulltrap and Return to Normal.

post your short faggot.

i think there'd be a lot of suicides if it fell under 3k don't even go to 1$

I don't know how to short, or even purchase cryptocurrency for that matter. I'm just great at predicting market movements.

We can be fucking anywhere on that fucking memechart but there you absolute moron.

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>NA math

I hope you don't think you have a remote chance of making it bro

I already explained up above why I placed the arrow where I did.

What does that mean? I just make accurate price calls, nothing more nothing less.

this is some bear cope. We're really in a bear trap after the first sell off.

>talking about BTC being at 8 cents and 30 cents
>I don't know how to short, or even purchase cryptocurrency for that matter
Salty nocoiner detected.

What makes it even worse is it seems you actually knew about bitcoin back when it was only worth cents, and you didn't buy. That just makes your salty tears even saltier.

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if btc goes under $1, it's like having a second chance.

we can count in this thread. I'll start:

Hes talking about the STOCK MARKETS. Crypto kids so easily triggered

Stock market?

>OP posts about the stock market with no context
>Jow Forums assumes it's their memecoin

This thread is an absolute mess