How much HOT do you own?

How much HOT do you own?
1.5M Holonoob here

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35m reporting in.

1mill beta here. i am so poor

500k here, should I increase my stack? If yes, what amount should I be aiming for?

That depends. How much of your stake would you like to be 5-10x by the end of November?

Seems like 1m is the popular opinion. 10m would be pretty safe. Depends on how much you wanna gamble.

just enough in case the network effect theories are correct.

fellow 500kish loser reporting in

I'm hoping ETH has a nice pump AND the the HOT/ETH pair goes down so I get a fatter stack as I have some ETH laying around.

1mil. I'd like to have 10 mil, but money's tight right now. I'm hoping for $1 within 3-5 years and I'll try adding to my stack when it starts taking off.


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3.5M Hololet reporting in

even .10/HOT will be a fortune for many.

.01 is a fat profit too.

1USD is probably fantasy territory though.

1m holotard reporting.

2k holo super noob, should I be accumulating more?

Yeah, I got 0 HOT. Should i buy some? What do you think of me needing to ask you if i should buy some or not?

250k here

Only had enough money to get 12.5 Holo, do you think I should increase the stack?

If you think 1 USD is farfetched consider yourself a brainlet wagecuck while I make my bag.

$1 is all well and good, but I'll be selling most off at 7 cents. Holding on to enough to make it worth it if it does ever hit $1 though.

1b no joke

How is it not far fetched?

Remember when BTC was $1? I do.. Back then $100 was far fetched.

how do you remember 1dollar BTC and have only 1.5M sir

21m BTC vs 177,619,433,541 HOT

I didn't say 1usd/HOT was impossible, just unlikely.

I didn't buy.. I felt salty for until recently and bought in at $5k.. Thats how I member

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Factz. Holo's platform will have an abundance of adoption in the near future from what I've seen.

How long do I have to wait for this to make me money? I don’t think there will be a big bull market like last yer

>.01 is a fat profit too.
This is all anyone can hope for. People saying .10 EOY are retards.

I hope so.
Agreed. I'd never stop spontaneously ejaculating if this hit 1 dollar, and I'd have a permanent hard on with ten cents, but a penny means I'm a happy man too.

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if it hits $0.02 I can unironically retire. $0.01 is still dream-tier

you can bet your ass whales are gonna dump before $0.10

The hard part will be not selling around 1-10 cents...

If Mozilla and binance rumors are true then it will go past .01 cent, no?

lol you really believe that shit?

I have 700k, goal is 1 million, adding about 100 dollars worth every check.



That’s less than 2 cents...

7 Million here
Most of you niggas are broke as fuck goddamn.

It’s extremely optimistic and may never happen, but $ 1 HOT would have a MC that’s only about 140% of ETH’s ATH with almost zero adoption. Holo does everything ETH was supposed to do, but better and cheaper. It also seems primed for some serious adoption over the next several years. So many groups are going to want to pump this due to ideaological, technological, and economic factors.

$0.01 would be a nice 10x from where it is now and put the MC around $1.5 billion, which is doable. $0.10 puts it in the neighborhood of where the top 5 coins were in May and would make my 1mil stack worth $100k, but still have a MC if only half what Uber or AirBNB has currently.

Holo may fail because nothing is a sure thing, but there’s so much to like here.

I like to dream but this feels awfully similar to BTC 100k/ETH 10k EOY.

The Binance rumor (if true) would be huge, yes. As for isn't 2008 anymore. Mozilla has less then 5% of global users now. Wouldn't matter much in the short term, unless it leads to greater adoption later on.

not broke, just late and much more cautious now.

The idea that a certain market cap would unrealistic doesn’t matter with holofuel I thought

This is the lonliest post imaginable. I'm not trying to be mean, either. I really just wanted to give (you) something other than your 226 HOT.

yeah, this I can't understand

I have gone full YOLO. sperged pretty hard on crypto so I think I know which projects have potential. This one is a longshot for sure but these boomers might actually make us insanely wealthy.

this, i'm not that old in the game, came back fev 2017 after missing eth run, but this just makes too much sense, i'm a dev and i'm counting the minutes till beta is out, I don't give a shit about blockchain anymore, I truly believe that holo can grow much larger than anything besides bitcoin

mETH only got so expensive due to scam ICOs aka unregistered securities. No one is valuing a coin worth billions due to few dapps/happs.

Even if facebook would be hosted on holo, holofuel only needs to be enough to cover the hosting fees, which are not billions.

I wouldn't recommend all in Holo. There are very interesting projects on par with them. Its about 1/3 of my stack if I count the fiat i have reserved for shit that is not out yet.

anyone watching the livestream?

I live in NY and wanted to go but no one wants to go with me and its cold and I am a shy crypto hermit

But Holo is going to host ICOs and sidechains on the network, too. It’s not just hosting dapps. That’s why Binance is so bullish on it and will be incorporating the Holofuel conversion.

its always been 10m to make it, user. 1m goal is for fags who will kill themselves because they didnt buy in bigger

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fuck HOT, i only invested in Cryptographic Ultra Money BITCH

LOL $1

>But Holo is going to host ICOs and sidechains on the network, too. It’s not just hosting dapps. That’s why Binance is so bullish on it and will be incorporating the Holofuel conversion.
Fuck icos. That's the trash that fucked us right now. Holo is going to host the future internet as we know it and Mozilla will be leading the wave. Once that partnership drops it's on.

>putting every last dime of your investable assets into a fucking meme coin.
youre a retard.

No HOT here. Waiting on the sidelines for good entry price to acquire 20M-30M HOT.


Seems the floor is 16sats/450gwei now.haven't seen it go lower in over a month maybe?