Hope you bought the last and final dip

Hope you bought the last and final dip

Attached: untitled.png (1200x820, 1.04M)

Been holding since january, bought at 12k
You cant believe hope much i hope this memegraph is true

Hope so user

Closer to the anger stage

nah, that was february 5 and april 6, the red bottom was in july

I prophesize that institutions, wall st and ohter big financial players will be marketing crypto in 2020 to the public. A big bubble is about to unfold. This space is flying towards trillion dollar evaluations.

only if kek wills it, by blessing chainlink

Attached: wqrc3ieq8l6y.png (500x795, 203K)

Same shit different tech.

I seen an ad for trading BTC the other day, $10 per trade of any size. Reads like a stock broker.

Nah, I truly feel depressed for the last 2-3 weeks. I need at least x50 to /make it/. My january cash out won't end up any longer. I have some other investments I can cash out to but I don't want to(maybe except if I allocate it to crypto)... And knowing crypto is at it's lowest point, I don't want to touch it either.

>Last rally: this rally will fail like all the others
>Rally fails

Been depressed since May so I hope so

We are at complacency anybody with a brain can see this.

oh, so the 70-80% drop of most coins was just dropping to complacency, and the april/may slight recovery was nothing, and we've been riding that long bart action in the 6-6.7k range in that long complacency line before it drops again.

aka get fucked faggot

i'm starting to feel restless about my coins, so something is about to happen in crypto it's gonna be big.

I've been fucking angry and depressed like 4months now. sigh

>A year ago BTC was barely a $1000 now its valued at six times that
>Yet the crash has happened

I want 2017 cryptofags to leave.

>majority of alts are literally still up 1000%
>a crash has already happened

Theres no complacency in crypto for over 10months/it does not last that long you fucking cocksucking narcissist. cringe.

>A year ago Bitcoin was $12 now it is worth 10x that
>Yet the crash has happened
I want the 2013 cryptofags to gtfo

why would I suck cocks if I am narcissist? Literally giving somebody else pleasure without receiving anything myself?

Did you even think before posting that?

true for me aswell

>Literally giving somebody else pleasure without receiving anything myself?
There are many kinds of narcissists, also was just pointing out the timeline. Your point does not make any fucking logic and sense when thinking a timeline. thats all.

Tell me more about these cocksucking narcissists.

>We are at complacency anybody with a brain can see this.
What the fuck are you talking about here? Are you fucking stupid? Answer this you fucking idiot

Actually now we at euphoria stage.

For me the last month felt just like how star wars fans feel I just dont care anymore I dont know how much I have and have lost I just check the prices every now and then but its like I dont own crypto to my brain even though I do .

same, 100k+ or nothing, that's the plan, even if it takes a couple of years

weak bait and 3 (you)s

Maybe you just get pleasure sucking cocks?

Friendly reminder that we are actually at thrill right now

a year ago btc was over 5k you cuck

Attitude-wise? Yes, we are.
Graph-wise? Anger.