Dream house thread
post your dream house once you make it, do something to keep the hope alive
Dream house thread
post your dream house once you make it, do something to keep the hope alive
Anyone that posts 'a dream house' is deluded and needs to restructure their current life.
why would u need a house that big? retarded
>i am too poor to afford a house that big
im just practical. im not a flashy person.
you must be real fun at parties
i want a garage in the city with a mezzanine level for living quarters and have my cars and bikes downstairs to work on
>not having a compound for your 5 fives and 30 children.
enjoy being robo grease in the new feudalism
:willingly perpetuating the aesthetic of the aristocracy and boomers who mimic that drivel.
i hope you die first
>lel edgy zoomer
did you lose all your money on your shitcoins?
my robots and robocopters will take care of your commies real quick.
Do u retards understand how mcuh that costs in maintenance and re tax? U dont make that much.
Do u know the pains of buying too much house? All that extra cleaning and mgmt for empty ass rooms and useless stuff.
Fucking retarded 18 yo on Jow Forums again.
>what are maids
At this point I would just like to own a house and not have a mortgage to a Jew.
what are robots. Poorfag
I want to own land. The house is almost incidental.
10: 43, 10/43 of 2018/10/13, only when? plasma? 10:47 Bipolar Transistor (Left Butt ?? Abdomen Central ??)? 47 years old Korean day? Mombid?
9: 56, Is it a mockery? 【refrigerator? Mold (mold / mold)? Is it magic of Abramelin? 】 Hello?
9: 31 Tomoko? Tsukumo? Invincible? Valentine's Day? Papua? Otoba 9: 50 camo? Despair? Mombid? lilac?
Do you feel like crossing neutral particles to press 5 thousand trillion yen of debt, making plasma and stealing?
Is this also a magic of Abramelin? Konchi Switch on? (9: 17 of 10/10/10/13)
9: 08, October 13, 2018, Momonomi? crystal? Mirrors? Konchi
8:34, Array Star Crowley? Despair? Vaseline 【Abramelin? Cabala (qabbalah)? 】?
2018/10/13 7: 58, Netanyahu? A pose that took out his ass? baby? The blue light turned red from the bottom? Mombid?
Are you sure? Italian? Cucumber (Ebenki)? bipolar? Invincible?
Are you happy? Sea monkey? copy? The magic of abramerin? Mold (mold)?
so.... thi this is the power of AI?
Ur all poorfags. Thats my point
Lmao what
I want something neoclassical. Plenty of bedrooms for my family and guests, maybe around twelve. A self-contained guest home. Servants quarters. A private movie theater. A large room to host parties in. A private library. A large kitchen so the chefs can cook for all the people living there. A /comfy/ living room with a TV. My master bed room would have a walk-in closet, a study, and a game room. It'll have a decent sized pool with two hot tubs. A tennis court and maybe basket ball court. A personal gun range. Maybe a private golf course. I'd also like a boat fairly close by the house, but being close to the water would make this a whole lot more expensive and makes privacy and seclusion harder.
Polygamy would make this whole scenario amazing. Imagine tacking on a new wife every few years and popping out hundreds of kids with 10/10 women. If divorce rape laws disappear and polygamy becomes legal then I'd totally do that.
This song on repeat:youtu.be
Buy a duplex (on a good deal) and rent out the other half.
a small apartment in a nice neighborhood is all i want i dont want such a lavish lifestyle i just want a simple one.
Or buy a house with an up-down duplex model (live out of the basement while renting the upstairs).
What exactly did he mean by this?
>he wants to have an entire staff of people living with him and working all day in his house just to maintain the place
Disgusting. It’s like you don’t value your own privacy at all. No matter how rich you may be, you should always have a lifestyle that you can maintain 100% independently.
wow that's a shit house. jesus h christ
a luxury underground bunker
ITT poorfags.
Built myself a 65ksqf house 5 years ago.
Shit ain't worth it.
Too fucking big. Too hard to clean, waste a lot on heating/cooling,
Maintainance too damm high.
All pooefag friends and senpai want to chill over your house during weekends, so it is basicaly pinning you down and transform you in their servant. Tired of climbing stairs all day.
Bought a 700sqf appartment and I decided to move in and sell the house.
The roi of the house is very good though, that is the only advantage.
Pic related, the new appartment.
Even if my shitcoins mooned and I had $100 million dollars I wouldn't buy some extravagant mansion. Just a modest cabin in the mountains with 10-20 acres of land for privacy. My biggest joy would come from living a simple life where I don't have to work and can enjoy the peace of being in nature. Wouldn't evenind if it was off grid and I had to chop wood, hunt etc. Would be nice.
I just want a little faggy cottage in England.
shut the fuck up
t. real zoomer
You faggots have no taste and will never make it... enjoy your McMansion dreams. I’ll be living in an architectural home.
fuuuck, this is nice user. That's some batman/tony stark shiet
>post your dream house
How can I get someone to build this for me? How much would this cost ya think?
Frank Lloyd Wright completed this house in 1939... not sure any contemporary architects have the skill to create a Chad House like this. It’s called Fallingwater and is located in southwest Pennsylvania.
You’ll probably need 500 trillion Link to buy it.
I have less LINK than that
I wouldn’t mind banging Gal Gadot on one of those decks.
Focused on the story and made a typo, sorry. Eurofag also.
ok that's more believable, just get the xaiomi vacuum robot you idiot
>shitty post modern cubes
>good taste
>nobody knows how to build them today
Get a load of these plebs
I mean there are about 5 2000+, a few 3000+ sqm houses on the no through roads to mine, but the land is nice. house isn't too great. pic wont upload but ill try agian soon
maybe a bit smaller tho. dont want staff around me 24/7
You can do this with like 50k-100k.
Dude, I have a robot cutting my fuking grass, 2 maides cleaning inside, one dude for the outside. Believe me, it is shit.
Too much shit to be done, too many visitors. Once I held a fucking engagement party in my yard. Shit is not fucking worth it.
Feel like living in a Railroad Station.
I have to flee on 'vacations' to catch my breath and feel somehow comfy.
That is what I'm saying.
thats 600sqm, like twice the average house in sydney? the fuck would you be wasting money on a gardener and locked up capital for, goy
Seconding. A nice castell in Italy would be cash.
>using a telescope to look at stars in downtown Manhattan light pollution
what a psycho
>shitty post modern cube
> built in 1939
> kill yourself... now... literally just nd your life now you fucking piece of shit
You don’t deserve chainlink to moon. (Except this one guy with the beautiful waterfall house) you will turn this planet as ugly as your face!
So easy for anyone to scope out your house and walk in to murder you and your entire family.
I want an eco house build from wood. The house and everything inside (furniture made from unprocessed wood, mattress made from natural cotton, no rubble or polymer or plastic) are eco friendly and can biodegrade naturally.
Go back to Spahn Ranch user, there are things called “security cameras” now that are REALLY efficient...
Efficient for the police in identifying a masked psycho after your dead.
people get murdered in home invasions all the time, and most of those cases are normal houses with solid walls. this whole "you live in a glass house so everyone can see inside" view is stupid since many of these houses are surrounded by walls and security features. only a dumbfuck would live in a fancy glass house with no protection/security plan.
having said that, if i were rich i would never telegraph my status to the external via buying a fancy-looking house. either you build a secure compound with walls and shit or you just wait and see if your costly security features pay off. eventually something will fuck up, or the "armed response" will be too slow, or you'll be like john wick and get cucked even if you have guns.
not really tho. maybe if i could hire robots instead of human staff
>5 fives
It's called 25, faggot
i intend on doing exactly this whenever my investments are big enough to net me around $80k a year
just buy a big plot of land in a remote snowy area, preferably in or near mountains, and build a comfy cabin
>Wouldn't evenind if it was off grid and I had to chop wood, hunt etc. Would be nice.
fucking nightmare. you need electricity, water, plumbing and fiber for comfort
Where is this?
those arent difficult to acquire, just costly depending on the location
>what is a well, a septic tank, a generator, and meme-g/satellite connectivity
google this:
40.919472, -72.265861
>what is a well, a septic tank, a generator, and meme-g/satellite connectivity
worse solutions
amen brother i was hoping to find a post like this here. except i would want a place thats cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Im down south but i would get a farm somewhere in northern queensland and grow my own pinapples and mangos and bananas. make myself a cup of tea early in the morning and sit drinking it outside as i watch the sun rise smoking a morning cigar.
>how many 20 foot long bronze statues of people lying down do you need out front
>you: at least 2
muh dream
looks like the hamptons (long island)
this is based and redpilled.
a big house is too chaotic for my mind to be at peace. ill try to buy a large land with a nice little house on it.
I'd just have a secluded, rustic, super comfy log cabin with, preferably in a region with decent rainfall, decent winters and decent summers. Maybe a river or lake nearby, definitely heavy forestation.
Sip hot cocoa while watching snow fall in complete silence.
Why not cutting als these "friends" out of your life? Delete all your social media. Find some eccentric use for your spare rooms. Only invite your "bros" over. Make some babies with a "mommy gf". Become that weird rich eccentric dude, so normie scum won't annoy you, but actual people with personalities would be happy to hang out with you.
Orthanc. Always wanted a place with a view that could withstand Ent attacks.
I've been eyeing this house for several months
looks super comfy
a sauna and green house to grow weed
views of the mountains on a nice plot of land
that is a very nice house and good price. mt shasta is a special place
6 floors below the water and 7 above.
Main entrance is an underwater tunnel.
how about an island
Actually my house
hmm. never thought of an underwater dream home. imagine trading crypto with view off fish and coral. based
What are you? 12?
Yeah the level at the water you can have it open up to store boats. The very top floor can be a greenhouse.
The game Crystal Key is where the pic is from and it inspired me. I wouldn't have the bridge though at the top.
so both you and your investments will be underwater
Something comfy innawoods
Many coral reefs are dead due to high water temperature. Global warming is here.
What most of you need is not a castle, but a warm heart at your side.
Several small properties, spread across the globe.
art deco as fuck. looks solid
You would destroy the ecosystem in your beloveed wood with such a building. Why are you so naive?