EOS rasied 4 billion dollars...

EOS rasied 4 billion dollars. Do you think it's unfortunate for its founder that this money cannot be used to live a lavish lifestyle but instead needs to be used for honest development?
Based off this fact, do you think that since EOS has by far the most funding of all cryptocurrencies it also has the potential to become the best one, even if it isn't the best right now?

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telegram got 1.7billion on their ICO

means shit

their competition is consensys, with a community eos doesn't have, and how many billions?

why does telegram need coins?

what in the fuck is that title? right wing fetish...huh? neil armstrong the moon liar is altie rightie movie fetish now? why?

because he white boi

What?? He was fuckin white, who else should portray him in the biopic? Abo??

that song i linked was played in the movie

fun fact: there were never any black astronauts on the moon because NASA couldn't find any that they could be counted on not to panic

also chicken grease in zero-g causes serious issues on the life support system

i have not even heard of eos before.

>havent heard of the 5th biggest crypto and growing fast
>havent heard of the only scalable blockchain
>havent heard of the blockchain with the most transactions per day by far

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really dude? that's awesome

>right-wing fetish
>won't depict USA moon Flag in a Neil Armstrong movie

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white men dominating the heavens itself

not good enough. leftists don't even want to be reminded that it was a white male that was first to step foot onto non-earthly ground so making an apollo 11 movie in itself is inherently a right wing activity

>leftists don't even want to be reminded that it was a white male

Leftist want us all to believe that the white man culturally appropriated the SR-71 Blackbird from south African tribes basically.

EOS is the best use case crypto right now. You should be looking at Novusphere right now if you are not aware of it. Its an upgraded decentralized user message board where it allows for a privacy coin called atmos on a side chain.


I love Gosling

And they hate saying, "Yes, NASA" and "No, NASA".

i hope they are selling for USD as fast as they can

>4 billion dollars
>the fuckery of it all
there are startups that work on fusion power development, and raised 8-10 times less the amount, AND already have working reactors.

Underrated. Did you make that up?


I wish there was some transparency because for the life of it I cannot understand what someone would need 4b dollar for to develop. You could hire all of India for the next 15 years to exclusively create software for you for that price. I doubt people really grasp how ridiculous 4b dollar for development is. Are they gonna invent whole new languages and OS's? Shoot rockets to Mars? Seriously, 4b RAISED for development. c'mon.

Nice one. Kek.

i don't get it

What do nuggets call those who own then?

a valuable idea or fact.
"nuggets of information"

patent holders?

They sold long ago last was sold off at 500+ lel dan knows better than to hodl vitaliks shitcoin

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EOS is one of three coins worth holding right now and has a bright future ahead of it. That's unironically why it gets so much hate. Ethereum bag holders are scared shitless. Unfortunately for them though, even if EOS fails something else will replace Ethereum because it's still a piece of shit.

Why dont they just buy EOS with the 4B and pump the price

Unironically this, eos May have it’s ETH moment and pump like a mofo before something else takes over as well, but it’s one of the best on the market

Because they're actually trying to build something for the long term. I know that's a pretty foreign concept in crypto but it's true. Besides, Dan already has more money than he knows what to do with from his prior projects.

Use eos
>pay account creation fee.
>find someone with a trusted account who can vouch for you to get your account setup.
>wait 48 hours for the account to be cleared.
>buy eos coins through the guy, because you have none.
>want to get some dapps.
>look for block producer.
>he wants 2000 dollars for 1 meg of RAM.
>must pay pedophile king Brock Pierce a commission fee, or the deal is invalidated.
>pay almighty block producer his pound of flesh to get enough RAM to run a dapp that's just a farting anime girl.
>get into a shitposting fight with almighty block producer.
>block producer is part of the supreme court.
>he reverses your RAM purchase, killing your farting anime girl project.
>complain to Brock Pierce.
>he cites eos constitution.
>account closed, all funds given to block producer.
>bitch on ribbit and biz about the tyranny of evil centralized mega shit corporations that answer to no one, and has absolute power to fuck you over without any kind of due process, or even an explanation.
>mocked endlessly for giving money to a gay pedo cowboy.

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>21 cartel members: the network

The epic shitshow has only begun

>3 permanent, self-appointed Chinese cartel members: the network

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All EOS tokens purchased prior to release of the software served only to provide an income for the Block.one company. They have no obligation to continue development after release. Dan can absolutely use that 4bn to live a lavish lifestyle if he wants to.

here. i could only get through the first paragraph before i had to stop reading. just the regular cuck dribble newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/first-man-reviewed-damien-chazelles-neil-armstrong-bio-pic-is-an-accidental-right-wing-fetish-object

Read the fine print in the EOS ICO T&C

Block One raised $4$billion in donations while creating EOS. EOS development was paid for by seed money, the $4B is totally unrelated to EOS, block One can spend it however they like

'we wuz moonmen and sheeit'

More likely due to the fact that there are few black freemasons.

Who needs that shit though?

Eos is an exit scam waiting to happen, if it isn't happening already.

If he kept the icon running for 10 years he'd be richer than Bezos

The network that can be controlled this easily and get accounts frozen by it's 21 members has no long future.

eos is so fundamentally broken in design, you literally couldn't throw enough money at it to make it work. the only solution is to scrap everything and start over, instead of letting dan drag his ancient codebase from the pre-bitshares days around instead of writing it in with modern blockchains in mind.

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They very clearly display the USA flag throughout the movie and on the moon. They just don't have a scene of Neil planting it. But yeah, it's fucking retarded

EOS and XRP can't socially scale. Right now bitcoin is going through the bootstrapping phase and you all are buying shitcoins. All you should own is BTC, LINK, XMR and pour as much capital into those 3 in that order.

>buy my bags:the post

Richard Brody is a pretentious hack. He's a total contrarian. It should be no surprise that he sucks Jean-Luc Godard's cock.


No one knows. No one knows anyone who actually bought into the ICO either.

Come on, a simple json parser takes 30mil to develop

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I can guarantee, that it was not used to wash money from eastern european/russian crime and corruption money.
Not at all.
I am american.

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topkek, user.

replace the N in NASA with an M. if you still don't get it, congrats. you're a confirmed retard

the telegram fags srsly need to go to prison.
what a fucking obvious laundering scheme.

The review can be summarized as "Movie set in the 50s that doesn't reinforce Jewish civil rights narrative. Bad goys."