What goes wrong in one's life where they are a fully grown adult yet find themselves working a shitty job like cashier...

what goes wrong in one's life where they are a fully grown adult yet find themselves working a shitty job like cashier or stock boy at wal-mart, or working in some warehouse doing manual labour?

anybody in a situation like this? can you explain what landed you in this situation and how you plan to get out of it?

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it pays money, unlike being a neet and sucking on moms tits

but why didn't you get a better job? i'm interested in why you're working those shit jobs rather than something better paying?

>dropped out of highschool when parents got divorced and lost the house
>had to find my own way
>worked at walmart, got $9 an hour when everyone else was paying $7
>got promoted to manager, now I get $12 an hour and just boss everyone else around

Spent my youth trying to pursue a career in music. Almost made it got a great record deal but then our singer was accused of sexual misconduct and we got dropped from our label. Now I am 27 working in fast food.

what's your living situation like? how can you afford rent on $12 an hour?

im still a NEET, but the only job I would be potentially qualified for is something like a cashier or stock boy...

yep, that was a frozen dessert

fear of uncertainty, settling for that which is certain. no drive or self worth.

not saying there is anything right or wrong with it, just listing the personality traits. ne all suffer on some level

You are just 27. Do something.

No degree

i live with someone else? its really not even expensive. I have a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house i rent with a friend. 1k a month with utilities, we each pay $550 with internet. Its about a weeks paycheck. Still have plenty for car loan and partying all the time. Place is about 2 miles out of town, because rent in town was like double that so we had to be sensible. We got it right on the highway so its an easy drive.

ragie wagie
always so mad

Boomer advise, something my dad taught me... you should always be looking for a better job. Always, even when you're comfy. Just stop and think about it for a bit. Why the fuck would you not?

I think it's in the mind. Our brains are hardwired a certain way. We can try to amp ourselves up with happiness literature and motivational youtube videos, but there is just something that drives us that is different. It's the reason why most are mediocre and average and very few are great.

It's hard to say the circumstances of those people. Maybe they just got out of rehab and just needed a job. I don't know. But their brains are hardwired to just be average and not want to push themselves to greatness. It's just what it is.

There is no right or wrong, only our lives, what we feel inside and what the world tells us. If those Walmart stock boys simply want that in their internal minds and their reality meets that, then there is no dissonance and they are probably content with life.

For a lot of us on this basketweaving hentai forum, we want SO much more, but our reality is telling us otherwise - hence the dissonance and unhappiness.

>Partying all the time
There’s your answer

Live young

Die poor.

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t. autist with no friends

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if you dont meet a good girl by 21, you are fucked. by 25 they are all whores, by 30 they are desperate. partying is a key part of not marryin a roastie.

>implying I won't be still be banging girls 10+ years younger than me in my 30s

Hate to break it to you, but if she's at the party she's a roastie.

This would be me but I am very manipulative and got my parents to let me try day trading instead, I made 1500 this week so hopefully I'll make it. I am one of those retards who cannot do a good interview to save their life, I almost got a job but they found out I lied on the interview, I said I worked at a place when I merely volunteered there for no pay and they felt that was a deal breaker.

It always amazes me on how people can throw their lives away for $10/h. If money is truly what you want, you should spend EVERY waking moment working towards chasing it. Maybe deep down it's not what you truly want, because if it was then you wouldn't be working for $10/h. You have to ask yourself questions, and then ask more questions to that answer until you get down to the bottom of why you are where you are. Only you can do it.

How can you fix this situation? Start out with something simple. Get 8 hours of rest everyday. Start working out and eating right. It'll boost your confidence and instill the mindset of becoming a better version of yourself everyday. Once you have this confidence, work on new skills that will land you a better paying job. Never stop improving.

if shes not at the party shes a neckbeard

High school dropout. Have pretty severe BPD. I don't care for success or anything. I just like being left alone for the most part. I have a comfy apartment, a long term gf that's put up with everything, a piss easy job, and enough money left over to play in markets. I assume I'll probably kill myself at some point, so why even bother with the rat race?

>wasting your life atte.pting to achieve some arbitrary greatness
>not fucking 30 women a year sowing your seed like nature intended due to your warped view of greatness.
Greatness is relative. You've been jewed.

>but why didn't you get a better job? i'm interested in why you're working those shit jobs rather than something better paying?
Well they were probably qualified for and begged to work higher paying jobs but they didn't feel like it :^)

just a guess you idiot